Trump's tweet about Mika

:banghead: :eusa_clap: :lalala: Now we have all of these loony leftists having a cow over what Trump had to say about Mika and Boring Joe, but look back on the outrageous/racy remarks were heard not only from Biden, what about Bill Maher? Hillary? Bill? {and the rest}.
The left is still having a cow over this, peeing their panties, one of them wants Trump to resign already.
Now can you imagine if Trump said to a crowd of black people,,,,,if you elect Hillary, she will put all of you back in chains !!!! :oops-28:

Oh give me a break, you desperate asshole. Just post your proof or STFU. You righties are fucking desperate.
I love the latest spin from the Trump team
Trump is a fighter, he is fighting fire with fire...even Melania says he will hit you back ten times harder

Joe and Mika are mocking the ineptness of his Presidency, how he can't get anything accomplished

Trump "fighting back" is to call her low IQ and tell the country she had a face lift?

That is what he calls winning?

Funny we have been saying that's what Trump has been doing forever now you call it a new spin?


You don't get it

That is not fighting back. You fight back with responses that prove your case. Making up silly names and bragging "I would not let you come to my party" is not exactly retaliating

Guess you never pay attention to the childish games Mika has been playing on Trump the pass 7 months, nothing wrong with shocking people by stopping to their level.

Mika is laughing at him as Trump demonstrates what level he is at

if he keeps this up, they'll drag him out of the White House in a straight jacket
He seems more like Capt Queeg every day
Does Drumpf understand that 150 years ago humans had cameras and for at least 100 years we've had video cameras, and for the last 20 years we've had handheld high definition video cameras?

He's one of the dumbest people we've ever seen, forget what office he holds.
k pence from 2019 to 2020, seems odd ok; 2021 to 2014, wut. he goes forward then backwards in time? What is this madness, also they both have butterface
"Democrats responded more passionately to a trump tweet than an ISIS attack" - Sane Jesse Watters

"Women are outraged and fed up with this President. Impeachment isn't enough. Should we explore exile?" - Crazy Maxine Waters ( not related to Jesse)
Whats Worse,What Trump Said About Mika Zenzbrinski, Or The Outlandish Things Joe Biden Has Said?

Worrying about "what's worse" is among the central failings among the American people. When two actions are both reprehensible, it doesn't matter whether one's worse than the other. Two wrongs do not make "a right" and just because someone else "jumps off a cliff" doesn't mean one should too. (tu quoque) Far too much focus is placed on who's worse when the focus rightly belongs on "what I/we/they are doing to be better than s/he/they who acted odiously."
I agree to a point.

The din of the media and its insults to Republicans, conservatives (There is a difference), and any President that is not progressive has reached cartoonish proportions. The American psyche has always been to fight back when pushed. The media is now trying to hide behind the "Well, he is the President and must act better than we do" meme. In essesnce, they are saying, "Yeah, we're bullying you and we're going to beat you up and take your lunch money, and because you're supposed to be better than I am, you cannot fight back!"

Trump should fight back. However, he does need to show a bit more class about it.

The sad part in all of this is that if it had been a Progressive President and he had made such remarks about a Republican woman, the media would have been so silent the sound of it would have reached the Himalaya's.

This is the problem when a double standard is exercised over long periods of time. Those who have been on the brunt of it, no longer care if the retaliation is crude and boorish.
she was talking trash on trump

who the fuck cares if she got a volley shot across her bow

she has it coming
"Democrats responded more passionately to a trump tweet than an ISIS attack" - Sane Jesse Watters

"Women are outraged and fed up with this President. Impeachment isn't enough. Should we explore exile?" - Crazy Maxine Waters ( not related to Jesse)
Seems a lot of Republicans are outraged by Trumps tweets

He is like that "Funny Uncle" that nobody wants to be around
Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, & CNN's Jim Acosta were all grinning when they discussed Trump's tweet (and i barely pay attention to liberals, so there must be more) they're actually HAPPY this happened so they can feign outrage. how pathetic.
Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, & CNN's Jim Acosta were all grinning when they discussed Trump's tweet (and i barely pay attention to liberals, so there must be more) they're actually HAPPY this happened so they can feign outrage. how pathetic.
Actually...I enjoy it

Shows the true character of our President
Sadly Crazy Maxine didn't opt for a facelift.

Trump is coming after you next, Crazy M.

Tag You're It.....
Psycho Joe and Low IQ Mika on Morning Joe used to support President Trump until their network (MSNBC) told them not too. Puppets!
Low Energy Charles Krauthammer just said that Trump's tweet about Low IQ Mika is "akin to Hugo Chavez." Insane.
When was the tone of political discourse good? Not during our founding nor into the 1800s, 1900s or 2000s. When was the body politic polite?

Trump IS America

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