Trump's tweet about Mika

you wont see this on the fake news!

I'll take Trump's "speak his mind" communications style over a typical politician's focus-grouped, polite yet dishonest talking points.
Whats Worse,What Trump Said About Mika Zenzbrinski, Or The Outlandish Things Joe Biden Has Said?

Worrying about "what's worse" is among the central failings among the American people. When two actions are both reprehensible, it doesn't matter whether one's worse than the other. Two wrongs do not make "a right" and just because someone else "jumps off a cliff" doesn't mean one should too. (tu quoque) Far too much focus is placed on who's worse when the focus rightly belongs on "what I/we/they are doing to be better than s/he/they who acted odiously."
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Joe Biden is a Senile old pervert that should be forgotten... his brain was scrambled years ago
The left and their daily outrage. It's Mika fucking Dumbzinski and the morning joke people. Get over it.
If she and her ilk didn't publicly disparage Trump first he probably wouldn't have reacted so crassly. Journalists who insult others need to grow a thicker skin.
. You mean to tell me that he done went and out done his Rosie Odonnel attack ????? Hey if they play around with a bull or poke at the bull, then they don't need to cry and whine when get the horns. Trump needs to stop letting these lefty's entrap him in these brawls or set him up to where he can't help but respond. After the attacks on his family, it's so wonder he hasn't become Hitler already, but the fact that he hasn't speaks multitudes of his patience with his enemies. Now when I say enemy, well it's not that he see's them as his enemy, but instead they see him as their enemy.
It's his nature. He's a loudmouth, New York boor.
That won't change.
Journalists need to stop with the left wing bias and rudeness and act professionally or they'll continue to get what they dish out. They can't discuss courtesy and protocol if they dont demonstrate that themselves.
Can he just be the President of Zingers and step aside for some one who wants to be Commander in Chief?
Obama called Sarah Palin a pig wearing lipstick and said half of America liked sucking balls...*Tea Baggers* STFU.

What a fucking liar :lol:

"Lipstick on a pig" is an old metaphor. Nobody but an intentional moron would take it literally.
And "tea bagging" was coined by --- a Tea Partier.

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.<< --- National Review


Revisionism ain't gonna fly, Sparky.

Sorry.....the meaning was crystal clear.
Obama is gay....and he knew what he was saying when he called us *Tea Baggers*.

And as far as the metaphor.....he was calling Sarah Palin a pig. If he wanted to avoid the possibility of any misinterpretation he should have used a different metaphor.

My point here is you motherfuckers feel with you can call Trump every name in the book yet he can't say a word out of place without you pissing yourselves.

You just established yourself as a liar, and I proved it. You have nowhere to stand. Now fuck off.
Fuck yourself off. You're the liar here. Democrats, including that blonde **** on CNN have been talking about Trump, non-stop, for the last 6 months like he's a piece of shit and Trump can't say anything in response? Fuck you!!!!

Concerning Obama.....

When you say "You can put lipstick on a pig...but it's still a pig"'re saying the subject is a fucking pig.

And Obama knows what a Tea-Bagger is. I don't give a flying fuck what you assholes say....He knows what it means.
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Look, when these guys defend Trump grabbing pussies I think the ship has sailed on them taking exception to anything he says or does.

Everything Trump does is excusable! Every single thing.
the only people who truly benefit from the Trump vs. media WWE fake wrestling are Trump and the media. (& folks like me who like to be entertained by Trump)
We didn't need another PC politician, he says what needs to be said, go Trump

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No he doesn't.

Hell, he doesn't know what's going to fall out of his mouth until it's laying there in front of him. But, he would be given some leeway if he would just do his job.

So far, he's okay'd poisoning water and food and air, lied about everything else, screwed over military and vets, signed a bunch of meaningless exec orders, played a lot of golf, lied, cheated and stolen millions $$ every single day, told more than 100 lies every month and

... Have I missed anything?


PS - I gotta say, even I was surprised that he's told more than 100 lies every single month.


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