Trumps Very Bad Week

1.SCOTUS smacks him down on denying LGBT workplace protections under the Civil rights act

2. SCOTUS rebuffs his efforts to deport the Dreams and his rescinding DACA The Dream Can Go On, the Supreme Court Rules

3. Facebook pulled a campaign add that violated their hate speech policy ( A Nazi symbol that was used to classify concentration camp prisoners to determine who would live and who would be made to work) My only question about this one is: Is he really that stupid or does he know exactly what he is doing ?

And this on the heals of twitter reining him in last week

3. A group of prominent Republican operatives from past administrations and campaigns for a Super PAC to support JOE BIDEN saying that Trump represents an existential threat to the party and the nation. They are not the only group of Republicans to oppose him

4. Polls show that Joe Biden is going to wipe the floor with him in November

5. John Bolton's damaging expose . To be sure, I do not like or trust Bolton and have no idea what his agenda is... but this is some pretty hot stuff,

What will Friday bring!!

Have a good evening Mr. Trump
It sucks to be king when a president is needed.
Or to be a Mega Magatard with their head up Trump's fat ass every waking moment.
Or to be a Mega Magatard with their head up Trump's fat ass every waking moment.

Could their heads be any further up Trumps ass than yours is?

You can't seem to post without bringing him up.
Yeah, and it bugs you BIGLY!

Not me, bud.

I just find it funny you talk about 'Trumptards' bringing him up, yet you bring him up more than they do.
Face it. It bugs the shit out of you.
1.SCOTUS smacks him down on denying LGBT workplace protections under the Civil rights act

2. SCOTUS rebuffs his efforts to deport the Dreams and his rescinding DACA The Dream Can Go On, the Supreme Court Rules

3. Facebook pulled a campaign add that violated their hate speech policy ( A Nazi symbol that was used to classify concentration camp prisoners to determine who would live and who would be made to work) My only question about this one is: Is he really that stupid or does he know exactly what he is doing ?

And this on the heals of twitter reining him in last week

3. A group of prominent Republican operatives from past administrations and campaigns for a Super PAC to support JOE BIDEN saying that Trump represents an existential threat to the party and the nation. They are not the only group of Republicans to oppose him

4. Polls show that Joe Biden is going to wipe the floor with him in November

5. John Bolton's damaging expose . To be sure, I do not like or trust Bolton and have no idea what his agenda is... but this is some pretty hot stuff,

What will Friday bring!!

Have a good evening Mr. Trump
It sucks to be king when a president is needed.
Or to be a Mega Magatard with their head up Trump's fat ass every waking moment.
You got to admit, he is having a really really shitty week.
1.SCOTUS smacks him down on denying LGBT workplace protections under the Civil rights act

2. SCOTUS rebuffs his efforts to deport the Dreams and his rescinding DACA The Dream Can Go On, the Supreme Court Rules

3. Facebook pulled a campaign add that violated their hate speech policy ( A Nazi symbol that was used to classify concentration camp prisoners to determine who would live and who would be made to work) My only question about this one is: Is he really that stupid or does he know exactly what he is doing ?

And this on the heals of twitter reining him in last week

3. A group of prominent Republican operatives from past administrations and campaigns for a Super PAC to support JOE BIDEN saying that Trump represents an existential threat to the party and the nation. They are not the only group of Republicans to oppose him

4. Polls show that Joe Biden is going to wipe the floor with him in November

5. John Bolton's damaging expose . To be sure, I do not like or trust Bolton and have no idea what his agenda is... but this is some pretty hot stuff,

What will Friday bring!!

Have a good evening Mr. Trump
It sucks to be king when a president is needed.
Or to be a Mega Magatard with their head up Trump's fat ass every waking moment.
You got to admit, he is having a really really shitty week.
He looks wonderful and healthy to ME. I KNOW he's healthier than I am, and he's almost 15 years older.
1.SCOTUS smacks him down on denying LGBT workplace protections under the Civil rights act

2. SCOTUS rebuffs his efforts to deport the Dreams and his rescinding DACA The Dream Can Go On, the Supreme Court Rules

3. Facebook pulled a campaign add that violated their hate speech policy ( A Nazi symbol that was used to classify concentration camp prisoners to determine who would live and who would be made to work) My only question about this one is: Is he really that stupid or does he know exactly what he is doing ?

And this on the heals of twitter reining him in last week

3. A group of prominent Republican operatives from past administrations and campaigns for a Super PAC to support JOE BIDEN saying that Trump represents an existential threat to the party and the nation. They are not the only group of Republicans to oppose him

4. Polls show that Joe Biden is going to wipe the floor with him in November

5. John Bolton's damaging expose . To be sure, I do not like or trust Bolton and have no idea what his agenda is... but this is some pretty hot stuff,

What will Friday bring!!

Have a good evening Mr. Trump
It sucks to be king when a president is needed.
Or to be a Mega Magatard with their head up Trump's fat ass every waking moment.
You got to admit, he is having a really really shitty week.
He looks wonderful and healthy to ME. I KNOW he's healthier than I am, and he's almost 15 years older.
Got 9 on me, but wasn't referring to his birthday.
Seems Trump is resigned to being a one term President.
You mean you have decided that.
Not Trump or do you have a statement of his that shows differently? As a big liar you might.

At this point in his Presidency he should be making plans for 2021 and beyond. Instead, he doesn’t plan beyond next week.
You have no idea about his plans. Can you post one single thing that isn't a lie?
You are a fucking shitbag!
Next time Republicans have control of the Senate and need to nominate a new member to the Supreme Court, they ought to just consult with Dimocrats, and nominate whoever they want, since they can't seem to vet the nominee properly anyway.

Naw, the real problem you guys have is that most of these judges realize that American Law has a liberal bent, and you can only bend it back so far.

This is why Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter and now Roberts (and maybe Gorsuch) are only willing to go so far in trying to turn back the clock on issues.

The point is, turning back DACA is impractical, and they know it. As it stands now, they can only process 400,000 immigrants for return a year. We don't have the court capacity or jail capacity to do more, and Trump divisive rhetoric has made blue states even less likely to cooperate with such efforts.

So the last people you want to waste limited resources on are the most sympathetic people.

Roberts is saving the GOP from Trump, or trying to. They know that the GOP is going to need a post-Trump future after he is hopefully gone in November.

"Turn back the clock" ? You think striking down an illegal executive action, is "turning back the clock" ?

It truly is sad that you guys are all ok with giving one person this kind of power to write their own rogue law when it comes to OUR immigration laws. Absolute bullshit, and you guys fucking know it !
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Justice Thomas gets it right:

“Today’s decision must be recognized for what it is: an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision,” Thomas wrote in his dissent. “The Court could have made clear that the solution respondents seek must come from the Legislative Branch. Instead, the majority has decided to prolong DHS’ initial overreach by providing a stopgap measure of its own.”

“In doing so, it has given the green light for future political battles to be fought in this Court rather than where they rightfully belong—the political branches. Such timidity forsakes the Court’s duty to apply the law according to neutral principles, and the ripple effects of the majority’s error will be felt throughout our system of self-government,” the justice warned.
..I'm sure he's very upset--hahahhahahah
.yes--the country is getting fked by these decisions and you are too stupid to realize it ....
......should've put tariffs on these countries loooong ago and cut immigration/illegals loooooong ago ruined and is ruining our manufacturing---which is the base for an economy--NOT McDonald's workers, NOT lawn care workers
...also it overcrowds our schools and social services--plus causing problems for the police
etc etc
here --illegals and immigration cause poverty, lower wages, and high prices --this is BASIC Economics 101--

here --illegals and immigration cause poverty, lower wages, and high prices --this is BASIC Economics 101--

Except your map doesn't really show that. The poorest states are in the White Trash South.
here --illegals and immigration cause poverty, lower wages, and high prices --this is BASIC Economics 101--

Except your map doesn't really show that. The poorest states are in the White Trash South.
..California= poverty AND highest prices AND overcrowded schools
...put on some glasses!!! the south does not have the HIGH PRICES/most expensive states to live in......they are no where near Cali with taxes and high prices.....housing/rent are HIGH in Cali--because of over population
1. New York

Welfare spending per capita: $3,305

Total public welfare expenditures: $19.85 billion

Fact: New York has the fifth-highest cost of living in the country.
Come on Republicans.......Man Up!

Admit that this has not been a very good week for Trump
He has not helped his chances for reelection.
Come on Republicans.......Man Up!

Admit that this has not been a very good week for Trump
He has not helped his chances for reelection.
....again--it's been stated-Mr Trump is's the US that is getting screwed over
1. New York

Welfare spending per capita: $3,305

Total public welfare expenditures: $19.85 billion

Fact: New York has the fifth-highest cost of living in the country.
Good for New York

Imagine a state taking care of its people.
Come on Republicans.......Man Up!

Admit that this has not been a very good week for Trump
He has not helped his chances for reelection.
....again--it's been stated-Mr Trump is's the US that is getting screwed over

Do you think Trump helped himself this week?
woooohooooo people make the typical mistake of thinking he's doing this for HIMSELF = hahahahahhahaahahahahaha
..the policies are for the COUNTRY--not himself
Seems Trump is resigned to being a one term President.
You mean you have decided that.
Not Trump or do you have a statement of his that shows differently? As a big liar you might.

At this point in his Presidency he should be making plans for 2021 and beyond. Instead, he doesn’t plan beyond next week.
You have no idea about his plans. Can you post one single thing that isn't a lie?
You are a fucking shitbag!
I don’t see anything out of Trump projecting what he will do in a second term.
Doesn't sound like someone who is confident there will be a second term
Come on Republicans.......Man Up!

Admit that this has not been a very good week for Trump
He has not helped his chances for reelection.
....again--it's been stated-Mr Trump is's the US that is getting screwed over

Do you think Trump helped himself this week?
woooohooooo people make the typical mistake of thinking he's doing this for HIMSELF = hahahahahhahaahahahahaha
..the policies are for the COUNTRY--not himself

Any way you look at it, Recent events have not been good for the President.

His response to COVID has been horrible and his response to the Floyd killing and riots have alienated a lot of people.

Both were instances where a real leader could have excelled. Trump has stumbled
Come on Republicans.......Man Up!

Admit that this has not been a very good week for Trump
He has not helped his chances for reelection.
....again--it's been stated-Mr Trump is's the US that is getting screwed over

Do you think Trump helped himself this week?
woooohooooo people make the typical mistake of thinking he's doing this for HIMSELF = hahahahahhahaahahahahaha
..the policies are for the COUNTRY--not himself

Any way you look at it, Recent events have not been good for the President.

His response to COVID has been horrible and his response to the Floyd killing and riots have alienated a lot of people.

Both were instances where a real leader could have excelled. Trump has stumbled
..we've heard that same babblecrap a million times.....if he has alienated anyone it's racist jackasses who LOVE criminals and criminality= bad people

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