Trumpsters, please provide your defense of this

HA HA HA. What kind of an idiot are you ? First of all, your stupid graph only shows % CHANGE from one quarter to another, not how well the economy was.
HA HA HA. What kind of an idiot are you ? First of all, your stupid graph only shows % CHANGE from one quarter to another, not how well the economy was.

My BEA chart shows how well the economy was, and it shows Trump's 2020 Q3 as the best GDP score in US history (35.2%), and Q4 a very respectable 4.2%.

As already noted, Biden coasted along for a year with Trump's good economy and then ran out of time. By 2022, it caught up with him, and he no longer had the benefit of Trumps good economy.
As expected, he ran the country into the toilet, with 2 consecutive quarters of below zero GDP (2022 Q1 & Q2), and then 2 consecutive recessions > 2022 Q3 & Q4 and 2023 Q1 & Q2 (2.7......2.6.....2.2.....2.1)

It doesnt give me a lot of satisfaction to win a debate against somebody who clearly has no idea what he's talking about. I would suggest you look at these numbers (they are easy to read), and get up to speed before you do any more posting. Not good for you to be making a fool out if yourself.

View attachment 866032

View attachment 866031

My BEA chart shows how well the economy was, and it shows Trump's 2020 Q3 as the best GDP score in US history (35.2%), and Q4 a very respectable 4.2%.

As already noted, Biden coasted along for a year with Trump's good economy and then ran out of time. By 2022, it caught up with him, and he no longer had the benefit of Trumps good economy.
As expected, he ran the country into the toilet, with 2 consecutive quarters of below zero GDP (2022 Q1 & Q2), and then 2 consecutive recessions > 2022 Q3 & Q4 and 2023 Q1 & Q2 (2.7......2.6.....2.2.....2.1)

It doesnt give me a lot of satisfaction to win a debate against somebody who clearly has no idea what he's talking about. I would suggest you look at these numbers (they are easy to read), and get up to speed before you do any more posting. Not good for you to be making a fool out if yourself.

View attachment 866032

HA HA HA. What kind of an idiot are you
HA HA HA what kind of idiot are you ... Here is your graph crashing before Biden takes control of the white house from Nov. 2020 to Jan. In 2021 he crashed the country for the whole year and made a real mess of things... all caused by him cutting taxes Trump ignoring the pandemic ... forcing the country into killing millions or should I say Trump murdering a million Americans by Trump ignoring covid... by saying its nothing more than the flue ... told the people don't get the shot ... meanwhile he got all of his shots and you republicans were too stupid to believe that lying son of a bitch ...... you and your silly graphs were all the doings of Obama administration carried over from his administration... there are no major bill Trump signed into law that turned anything around ... it was all Obama's doing ... the graph I showed you was Biden turning it around going up as we speak the government has said the Biden administration has done such a great job the last time it was this good was 25 years ago ... that's what we democrats do we take over the country turn around bushes mess with Obama administration... then we democrats turn it around again after Trump's mess with Biden you morons are too stupid to see what your republican's leaders are doing ... they fuck up everything they touch then we democrats try to clean it up ... look at 2008 Bush ran the country into a near great depression then Obama with his bills we passed for banking with loans turned it around then with The ACA that made health way more affordable then it's been in years the country was rising the stock market was going up ... then Trump took over with his do-nothing government ... and you are calling people stupid becaue you are too stupid to see whose fucking whum ...i
'll take democrat leadership over any lying Republican leadership have been lied to so much you don't know what the truth is ... you and your silly graphs show us how much you have that ring in your nose being led around by the ring in your nose ... one moe thin my graph shoes and entire year 2022 to 2023 seems you missed that one too skippy

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View attachment 864060

printed by Biden's Dept of Labor (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
this shows you how stupid you are...January 6 2021 remember the Senate trying to count electoral votes by Jan 20 2021 Biden was sworn into office ... you idiot remember hang Mike Pence??? now you're trying to show these numbers caused by Biden who was only in office for 11 days in January 2021... you are stupid if you buy these bull shit graphs of yours ... you guys again, just like Bush ran the country into the toilet and then try to pass it off on the democrats ... it doesn't work that way ...
HA HA HA what kind of idiot are you ... Here is your graph crashing before Biden takes control of the white house from Nov. 2020 to Jan. In 2021 he crashed the country for the whole year and made a real mess of things... all caused by him cutting taxes Trump ignoring the pandemic ... forcing the country into killing millions or should I say Trump murdering a million Americans by Trump ignoring covid... by saying its nothing more than the flue ... told the people don't get the shot ... meanwhile he got all of his shots and you republicans were too stupid to believe that lying son of a bitch ...... you and your silly graphs were all the doings of Obama administration carried over from his administration... there are no major bill Trump signed into law that turned anything around ... it was all Obama's doing ... the graph I showed you was Biden turning it around going up as we speak the government has said the Biden administration has done such a great job the last time it was this good was 25 years ago ... that's what we democrats do we take over the country turn around bushes mess with Obama administration... then we democrats turn it around again after Trump's mess with Biden you morons are too stupid to see what your republican's leaders are doing ... they fuck up everything they touch then we democrats try to clean it up ... look at 2008 Bush ran the country into a near great depression then Obama with his bills we passed for banking with loans turned it around then with The ACA that made health way more affordable then it's been in years the country was rising the stock market was going up ... then Trump took over with his do-nothing government ... and you are calling people stupid becaue you are too stupid to see whose fucking whum ...i
'll take democrat leadership over any lying Republican leadership have been lied to so much you don't know what the truth is ... you and your silly graphs show us how much you have that ring in your nose being led around by the ring in your nose ... one moe thin my graph shoes and entire year 2022 to 2023 seems you missed that one too skippy
keep laughing skippy ... you messed up the whole thing... you made yourself look the biggest fool here ...even more stupid by trying to save face here ...
HA HA HA what kind of idiot are you ... Here is your graph crashing before Biden takes control of the white house from Nov. 2020 to Jan. In 2021 he crashed the country for the whole year and made a real mess of things... all caused by him cutting taxes Trump ignoring the pandemic ... forcing the country into killing millions or should I say Trump murdering a million Americans by Trump ignoring covid... by saying its nothing more than the flue ... told the people don't get the shot ... meanwhile he got all of his shots and you republicans were too stupid to believe that lying son of a bitch ...... you and your silly graphs were all the doings of Obama administration carried over from his administration... there are no major bill Trump signed into law that turned anything around ... it was all Obama's doing ... the graph I showed you was Biden turning it around going up as we speak the government has said the Biden administration has done such a great job the last time it was this good was 25 years ago ... that's what we democrats do we take over the country turn around bushes mess with Obama administration... then we democrats turn it around again after Trump's mess with Biden you morons are too stupid to see what your republican's leaders are doing ... they fuck up everything they touch then we democrats try to clean it up ... look at 2008 Bush ran the country into a near great depression then Obama with his bills we passed for banking with loans turned it around then with The ACA that made health way more affordable then it's been in years the country was rising the stock market was going up ... then Trump took over with his do-nothing government ... and you are calling people stupid becaue you are too stupid to see whose fucking whum ...i
'll take democrat leadership over any lying Republican leadership have been lied to so much you don't know what the truth is ... you and your silly graphs show us how much you have that ring in your nose being led around by the ring in your nose ... one moe thin my graph shoes and entire year 2022 to 2023 seems you missed that one too skippy
1. None of this jibberish is correct.
2. I don't talk to deranged people, or 8 year old kids.
3. I've already set the record straight in Post # 680, and with copies of government documents. Nothing more need be said.
4. I have you on Ignore. You're irrelevant. I wont see anything you say, hereafter.
Trump supporters don't give a shit because that's what THEY also want.

If Trump is reelected they'll also be subject to whatever he's plotting.Too bad they don't know it. Or care.
Sounds like you know what Trump is "plotting" . Tell us. :laugh:
Watch his most recent rant praising Putin, Kim Jong Un & Orban. Maybe you'll learn something.
It won't bother them at all. Hell, they'll AGREE.

This is what they want. Pretty soon they'll just come out and say it.
It won't bother them at all. Hell, they'll AGREE.

This is what they want. Pretty soon they'll just come out and say it.
Well, they've already defended Trump's dinner date at MAL with Nazi Nick Fuentes.
The craziest thing of ALL is thinking that one political party made all the errors
and the other party does everything right.
When they have both have their share of the mess.
WE DROPPED THE BALL, With choice of party over country.
What is a "Trumpster"? It appears to be used as a noun of some sort, here, but I don't see that one in the Dictionary.

Isn't this supposed to be an English only forum"
When you look around and can't figure out who everyone is talking about and laughing at...

Spoiler:'s you.
Watch his most recent rant praising Putin, Kim Jong Un & Orban. Maybe you'll learn something.
I already learned something. That when I ask you a question, instead of answering it, you DODGE it.

So you have no idea, obviously.
yes, we do know ... he wants to trash the Constitution... he said this at rallies and in the press... he wants to have people jailed or killed if they disagree with him ... he has said this at rallies and the press ... he wants to become the country's dictator ... he has said this in the press and at his rallies ... so does that give you an idea what trump is about ???
yes, we do know ... he wants to trash the Constitution... he said this at rallies and in the press... he wants to have people jailed or killed if they disagree with him ... he has said this at rallies and the press ... he wants to become the country's dictator ... he has said this in the press and at his rallies ... so does that give you an idea what trump is about ???
you just described what the left is doing,,

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