

Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Not that any human being born and raised in Queens,N.Y.
would have ever done thought about going out West to
study stuff like some Theory of Relativity.But it's Poss-ee-bow.
Not so mush if told he'd have to study said Theory at UK Berkeley
or Cal tech.But there's no doubting that Donald John Trump would
jump at the chance to teach a course on The Theory of Americana.
His speciality.
But His fan base already knows and appreciates that hardened factoid.
Not to be conflated or scoffed off as if some belligerent Factotum.
But Donald John Trump does possess a unique and dispositive
way of being a True American.Like Mom,Apple Pie,Baseball
and peanut butter.Again no use for attempting to disqualify that
most American of traits.
But try as they will or MUST there are those out there just
itchin' and tickled pink to offer a counter narrative of Trump
as Mister All American.Probably using wording like All American
Miser.For those of limited word application a Miser who is
mean with their money.
No! That would be The Biden's.
Just go back and check how much they give to charity.
Like around less than 2 % of their yearly income.

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