TrumpUSA: Time-Travel Teachers


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA-parody about time-travel and newly-found excitement about consumerism (video-games).

It references the Mortal Kombat combat-avatar Erron Black (a rogue cowboy/gunslinger).




Charlie was an idealistic cowboy in the Old West who stumbled upon a time machine which seemed to have just been placed there. Charlie got inside the time machine and pushed the power-button and landed in modern-day Los Angeles, in the time of 'TrumpUSA.' Charlie discovered that U.S. President Donald Trump was once a casino-mogul, and Charlie whimsically thought about the Gold Rush of his own era (the Old West!).


Charlie started playing video-games and really like the game Mortal Kombat. He especially liked the cowboy-warrior 'avatar' in the game named Erron Black. Charlie became completely obsessed with Erron Black and made a pact with the Devil to stay here in TrumpUSA so he could keep playing Mortal Kombat. Charlie never looked back and died in modern-day America, playing Mortal Kombat until his last days on Earth.


GOD: Charlie was a special person...
SATAN: He loved Mortal Kombat.
GOD: He stayed in modern America just to play!
SATAN: Yes, I helped him resolve his spiritual doubts.
GOD: I suppose he appreciated the inner-peace he derived.
SATAN: Yes, he wasn't happy being a Gold Rush cowboy of the Old West.
GOD: What did Charlie discover about modern capitalism?
SATAN: I think time-travel made Charlie see that imagination is precious.
GOD: Does modern capitalism cater to the imagination?
SATAN: Not really, however, Facebook seems to be entertaining (to many!).
GOD: I always reckoned that technology and Internet would create peace.
SATAN: As long as capitalism-competition does not draw out Internet-hackers!
GOD: The Internet-hacker is the new terrorist(!), but does Trump like Facebook?
SATAN: Donald Trump may have to embrace many 'features' of consumerism.



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