Trumpy Bear

That bear has been for sale for awhile... You are late as usual...

DERP DERP DERP ^^^^^^^^^

HELLOOOOOOOOOOO - its xmas Trump is trying to sell to suckers ..... saw it yesterday !

get the bear and go rub one off when mommy isnt looking.
And that's ^ what Deep State is so afraid of: only those two bears together are able to defeat the Deep State and to give millions of people in the world their stolen brains back.

The US and Russia sure kicked the hell out of ISIS, didn't we?

Thanks for the help in getting done what Obama and Hillary caused.

Cause Bushes strategic blunder had nothing to do with destabilizing the ME and setting up the current regional conflict. In reality it was Obama's coalition with the Kurds that took the land ISIS controlled away. Then, Trumpybear stabbed the Kurds in the back and gave up the positions to the authoritarians in Russia and Turkey.

That was Russia and Turkey Kicking Donnies Candy Ass.


"The campaign liberated twice as many people and 18 percent more territory as in the previous 28 months under President Barack Obama, according to Defense Department figures. On Jan. 20 — the day Trump was inaugurated — an estimated 35,000 ISIS fighters held approximately 17,500 square miles of territory in both Iraq and Syria..."

Here's how much ground ISIS has lost since Trump took over

The same coalition was still fighting on that day too.

Did the "Shakedown King" breakup the Obama coalition with the Kurds? Didn't they continue doing most of the fighting on the ground. Well until Donnie's Double Cross.

"Ohhh teh Kurds...ohhh teh Kurds....."

Why did we never hear a peep out of the left about "teh Kurds.." until after Trump was elected?

Well President Bush sure mentioned them in his run up propaganda to justify the Iraq invasion and occupation. Sorry I know you Trumpublicans have the memory of a Goldfish. Let me remind you. WMD alert! Saddam Gassed Kurds.

Liberals also know it was the Kurdish Oil Capital Erbil where the real line in the sand was drawn......which also happens to be the last city ISIS ever tried to take too. But that too is probably to far removed in time for the Trumpublicans to recall, isn't it?
yesterday on the board -

in 2016 estimated that between about 3,900 and 4,300 EU member state nationals had become Isis fighters, most of them from the UK, France, Germany and Belgium, according to a European Parliament report published last year.

on trumps watch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

See how noble it is allowing all of those "refugees" to transplant into western societies? Upstanding pillars of the community. Come one, come all.

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