Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Change Once Black People Get Guns In This Country' - Joy Behar


I would say that the total apathy and lack of will and courage of the American people to stand up to this true tyranny we are already experiencing is a better indicator of just how far America has fallen.
I’m not sure if it’s lack of will - or ignorance and/or denial as to what is happening. Just listen to some of these posters mocking those of us who are pointing out the downfall.
With strict tactical firearm strategies...

You and every conservative will hand em over quicker than a beaver can build a dam when the time comes.
But you just go ahead and keep convincing yourself otherwise lil bubba.

They don't.
They also don't care how many Negroes die. In fact, they kinda like it.

As long as the AGENDA of disarming America is advanced. At any and all costs including wiping out school children....intentionally.
We cannot allow them to disarm us. Madison warned that the only two things a tyrant (the government) needs to oppress is an enslaved media (which they are working on) and a disarmed populace.
I’m not sure if it’s lack of will - or ignorance and/or denial as to what is happening. Just listen to some of these posters mocking those of us who are pointing out the downfall.

The Founding Fathers never said that in the face of tyranny, make McCauley Caulkin faces and whine about it until you win your freedom back.

But that is the exact "strategy" the entire conservative right has adopted. No plans. No efforts to organize...nothing but endless crying and moaning.
It is most certainly a losing strategy.
We cannot allow them to disarm us. Madison warned that the only two things a tyrant (the government) needs to oppress is an enslaved media (which they are working on) and a disarmed populace.

100% agreed.
But internet tuff talk is all the right seems to have.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
The Founding Fathers never said that in the face of tyranny, make McCauley Caulkin faces and whine about it until you win your freedom back.
The fact that they granted the people a right to bear arms is proof that they intended us to fight with all we have, if it comes to that.
But when you push too far, people push back. Look at how Virginians turned the state over to a Republican governor after they treated parents like domestic terrorists.

The important thing is that we do not allow a mail-in cheating scheme again.


Conservatives have seen this coming for about 50 years now.
The creeping hand of Marxism and the growing influence of the Left media and their insane policies.

50 years ago it would have been a million times easier to nip this in the bud, but conservatives punted, and punted and punted until today, with the governments massive surveillance and electronic monitoring it has been become a million times more difficult.
The oppressors have been allowed to systematically put in place every means at their disposal to implement their tyranny.

The Right did nothing.

So here we are....and it will only get worse.
They are going to take the guns away one way or the other.
And when "the" time actually comes (as if it hasn't been for a long time now) the vast majority of Americans will be too terrified to do anything but comply. They KNOW this already.

They (the government oppressors) did a trial run already after hurricane Katrina.
They sent in the Nat Guard, Local, State and Federal Marshalls (ANYONE who was willing to back the tyrants) into the Louisiana area and did a total gun confiscation and it worked without a single shot fired. NOT ONE person resisted in the face of absolute tyranny.

So they already ran the experiment and they know for a fact how easy it will be.
There are millions in the military now, and in local and state government who will be more than happy to be boot licking storm troopers.
I'm surprised they haven't just started doing it already.

They'll wait for another hurricane or big natural disaster and send in the troops armed to the teeth in armored vehicles and start with an easy target...maybe Alabama, Louisiana again or one of the Dakotas.
They'll create some fake red flag event such as saying that certain citizens have used the disaster to take over the government or something like that (lies)
I'm sure they've planned it all out already.
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Conservatives have seen this coming for about 50 years now.
The creeping hand of Marxism and the growing influence of the Left media and their insane policies.

50 years ago it would have been a million times easier to nip this in the bud, but conservatives punted, and punted and punted until today, with the governments massive surveillance and electronic monitoring it has been become a million times more difficult.
The oppressors have been allowed to systematically put in place every means at their disposal to implement their tyranny.

The Right did nothing.

So here we are....and it will only get worse.
Don’t lose hope.

Proving 'You can't fix stupid', JOY Behar declared, "Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Change Once Black People Get Guns In This Country."

Does she really believe that only whites / white extremists have guns in this country, that whites are killing blacks in record numbers every week / every weekend in cities like Chicago, that black gangs are roaming around with butter knives and potato canons?

How can someone e so stupid be allowed to be on TV?

Co-host Goldberg added, "We all just need to get off our a$$es and vote."

Someone as stupid as Behar should not be allowed to vote ... or breed.


In fact, you can make black gun ownership MANDATORY. Go ahead.

It will solve all our problems.

Oh please don't throw me in the briar patch.

You and every conservative will hand em over quicker than a beaver can build a dam when the time comes.
LMAO !!!

This is why these dumb fuckers keep trying, because they really believe this stupid shit.

Hey leftfool, you're a tiny distance away from a REAL insurrection. You're a dumb deluded fool if you believe otherwise.

You can be very damn grateful that Boudin got ousted last night, because the alternative was not as pretty.
"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." joe biden

The white left truly think blacks are too stupid to exist without their help and see them as helpless animals with limited ability to think compared to them.

They literally think that and the blacks that defend them and follow them are chumps and traitors to their own race.

Dearest Racist Joy Behar,

How little you must think of the Black community that you would make such a racist comment.

When law abiding Black citizens own firearms to protect themselves...they will have much more in common with me than they will with you.

Your friends,
Freedom and Liberty


Proving 'You can't fix stupid', JOY Behar declared, "Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Change Once Black People Get Guns In This Country."

Does she really believe that only whites / white extremists have guns in this country, that whites are killing blacks in record numbers every week / every weekend in cities like Chicago, that black gangs are roaming around with butter knives and potato canons?

How can someone e so stupid be allowed to be on TV?

Co-host Goldberg added, "We all just need to get off our a$$es and vote."

Someone as stupid as Behar should not be allowed to vote ... or breed.

More law abiding minority citizens need to get guns for defense, not less.

And learn how to use them better than some "spray and pray" gang-banger pendejo.
More law abiding minority citizens need to get guns for defense, not less.

And learn how to use them better than some "spray and pray" gang-banger pendejo.
Do you know how many law-abiding minorities own weapons and / or how many know how to use them?

Then how do you know more need to buy / own them?
Do you know how many law-abiding minorities own weapons and / or how many know how to use them?

Then how do you know more need to buy / own them?

Too many live in blue state gun law hell hole cities, like I do.

How many poor people have $500 in just fees and 3-6 months of time to wait to get a permit like in NYC?

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