Truth the Vote versus the United States of America


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Yes you read it correctly..............They were prepared to accept the deal by the IRS under the current administration. But after settling the IRS refused to pay the legal fees of those abused after agreeing to do so. In response Truth the Vote is directly suing the Gov't to attempt to END the abuse of power with the IRS. They and many other groups were targeted by the IRS and other groups like the FBI, ATF, NSA, etc.........

For SIMPLY THEIR VIEWS................A HISTORIC ABUSE OF the Obama Administration.............and now the IRS refuses to pay the settlement under Trump. Truth the Vote refuses to back down and wants satisfaction for the abuse of their lives by Federal Agencies.

True The Vote

Court Rules That IRS Violated Constitution | True The Vote

HOUSTON, TX - January 24, 2018 - True the Vote’s lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service has, resulted in a consent decree
outlining egregious conduct by the agency. In the decree, United States District Judge Reggie Walton declared “discrimination on the basis of political viewpoint in administering the United States tax code violates fundamental First Amendment Rights.”

“Our consent decree is a stringent admonishment of the IRS’s admitted discrimination,” said True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, “but much more is needed to ensure that IRS employees engaging in unconstitutional conduct will face real, actionable penalties. We are working together with Senator John Cornyn, who will introduce legislation to ensure the rights of Americans are protected from rogue government employees whose discrimination and abuse has now been well documented in our court case.

I applaud the tireless efforts of our lawyers, in particular James Bopp, who led the charge in this groundbreaking effort.”

Lois Lerner got off easy in the IRS scandal. It's time to reexamine the targeting of conservatives

We completely agree. Lois Lerner got off easy. She never faced charges for her role in this scandal. She was never prosecuted. She was permitted to retire – with a tax-payer funded pension.

The Obama administration looked the other way. The Obama Justice Department ignored key evidence that lawmakers point out in their letter to the Attorney General:

“In particular, the Committee found that Ms. Lerner used her position to improperly influence IRS action against conservative organizations, denying these groups due process and protection rights under the law. The Committee also found she impeded official investigations by providing misleading statements in response to questions from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Finally, Lerner risked exposing, and may have actually disclosed, confidential taxpayer information, in apparent violation of Internal Revenue Code section 6103 by using her personal email to conduct official business.”

For years, we’ve been demanding that Lois Lerner and others be held accountable for their roles in this scandal.
The Battle against an OPPRESSIVE GOV'T continues.................No charges..................No one in Jail...............Lose in Court...........and refuse to pay.....

Truth the Vote will have none of it. They are going to court yet again after the IRS refused to pay 2 Million in legal fees that they agreed to pay in the settlement.

Truth the Vote SHOULD HAVE NEVER SETTLED. And now the legal battle to put a leash on the IRS continues.


Lois Lerner got off easy in the IRS scandal. It's time to reexamine the targeting of conservatives

We completely agree. Lois Lerner got off easy. She never faced charges for her role in this scandal. She was never prosecuted. She was permitted to retire – with a tax-payer funded pension.

The Obama administration looked the other way. The Obama Justice Department ignored key evidence that lawmakers point out in their letter to the Attorney General:

“In particular, the Committee found that Ms. Lerner used her position to improperly influence IRS action against conservative organizations, denying these groups due process and protection rights under the law. The Committee also found she impeded official investigations by providing misleading statements in response to questions from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Finally, Lerner risked exposing, and may have actually disclosed, confidential taxpayer information, in apparent violation of Internal Revenue Code section 6103 by using her personal email to conduct official business.”

For years, we’ve been demanding that Lois Lerner and others be held accountable for their roles in this scandal.

This is a bullshit scandal. What the right claims happened, did not.

Lois Lerner got off easy in the IRS scandal. It's time to reexamine the targeting of conservatives

We completely agree. Lois Lerner got off easy. She never faced charges for her role in this scandal. She was never prosecuted. She was permitted to retire – with a tax-payer funded pension.

The Obama administration looked the other way. The Obama Justice Department ignored key evidence that lawmakers point out in their letter to the Attorney General:

“In particular, the Committee found that Ms. Lerner used her position to improperly influence IRS action against conservative organizations, denying these groups due process and protection rights under the law. The Committee also found she impeded official investigations by providing misleading statements in response to questions from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Finally, Lerner risked exposing, and may have actually disclosed, confidential taxpayer information, in apparent violation of Internal Revenue Code section 6103 by using her personal email to conduct official business.”

For years, we’ve been demanding that Lois Lerner and others be held accountable for their roles in this scandal.

This is a bullshit scandal. What the right claims happened, did not.
Proven in Court..............I enclosed the documents.............they are embedded in the links.........

427 conservative groups also sued the IRS............FOR ABUSE........................IT IS PROVEN..........

And the BITCH RESPONSIBLE GOT OFF FREE......And gets A PENSION...........

You can't DEFLECT THE TRUTH FOREVER.................And this CONTINUES.........
Here's the REAL CRIMES................AND COLLUSION.


Could you scream your outrage any louder?

Now where’s your outrage for the 15 million dollars your President has stolen from the taxpayers by way using his golf properties for weekend vacations, summits, and other government patronage of his properties?

Where is your outrage at the private server Trump has in the White House now?

Where is your outrage that Trump won’t give testimony to Congress or the FBI. Hillary answered all their questions. Didn’t plead the 5th at all. Testified for 11 hours before Congress. Couldn’t recall 25 times. That’s about 2 per hour of testimony. Unlike the testimony before the Senate where Trump appointees lied over 100 times about meetings with Russians. Where’s the outrage for the lies, or Jeff Sessions’ inability to remember?

Trump’s staff didn’t plead the 5th. They plead “Guilty”. Where’s your outage at the guilty pleas?

Trump spent years claiming that the legally elected President of United States was somehow not really the President because he wasn’t born in the USA. It was a massive lie but it taught Trump and the Russians how easy it was to lie to Republicans because so many of them believe it to this day.

Karma is the fact that Trump’s election will never be seen as “legitimate” because he lost the popular vote and he was aided by the Russian propaganda campaign and Comey’s resurrection of the email investigation. Mueller’s Investigation is uncovering lots more. Funnelling money through shell corporations. Laundering money for the oligarchs.

Lots of good stuff.
Here's the REAL CRIMES................AND COLLUSION.


Could you scream your outrage any louder?

Now where’s your outrage for the 15 million dollars your President has stolen from the taxpayers by way using his golf properties for weekend vacations, summits, and other government patronage of his properties?

Where is your outrage at the private server Trump has in the White House now?

Where is your outrage that Trump won’t give testimony to Congress or the FBI. Hillary answered all their questions. Didn’t plead the 5th at all. Testified for 11 hours before Congress. Couldn’t recall 25 times. That’s about 2 per hour of testimony. Unlike the testimony before the Senate where Trump appointees lied over 100 times about meetings with Russians. Where’s the outrage for the lies, or Jeff Sessions’ inability to remember?

Trump’s staff didn’t plead the 5th. They plead “Guilty”. Where’s your outage at the guilty pleas?

Trump spent years claiming that the legally elected President of United States was somehow not really the President because he wasn’t born in the USA. It was a massive lie but it taught Trump and the Russians how easy it was to lie to Republicans because so many of them believe it to this day.

Karma is the fact that Trump’s election will never be seen as “legitimate” because he lost the popular vote and he was aided by the Russian propaganda campaign and Comey’s resurrection of the email investigation. Mueller’s Investigation is uncovering lots more. Funnelling money through shell corporations. Laundering money for the oligarchs.

Lots of good stuff.
Still crying that your dirty candidate lost. Poor you.

DNC paid for dirt and used Russians to get dirt on Trump during a campaign. Used non proven dirt to spy on his associates during an election.

Thiers your Collusion.
Hey everyone! Conservatives suddenly care about discrimination!!

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