"TRUTH" Trump just released an epic statement raging against Mexican immigrants and 'disease'


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Business Insider ^ | 7/6/15

Donald Trump is doubling down on his controversial comments about Mexican immigration. The entrepreneur and Republican presidential candidate sent out an epic three page, 881 word statement on Monday afternoon detailing his belief that "the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government." "The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this," Trump wrote. "Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become...
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Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.
Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.

Yup and he doesn't owe anyone in DC a fucking thing. He's a billionaire and could care less what those clowns in DC have to say about anything.
Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.

Trump is an idiot. Considering where he is in the standings, that's exactly what very many right wingers want.
He's worth almost $4 billion. I doubt if he's an idiot (especially compared to you, who doesn't have a pot to piss in).

At least I'm self confident enough that I don't have to wear road kill on my head to hide being bald.
Trump us just another ridiculous rightwing liar.
I don't think everything he says is a lie. I think it's controversial.

I mean they did or are passing a law in California requiring vaccines. It's because California is filled with illegal immigrants bringing in diseases. That's not a lie.
Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.

Trump is an idiot. Considering where he is in the standings, that's exactly what very many right wingers want.
Its so funny when someone that voted for the boy for president twice, has the nerve to call anyone an idiot.
Do you still support the hood rat and his brood ?

That's funny, coming from somebody who most likely is a birther who believes our government blew up the WTC and is attacking Texas right now, and the world is filled with demons who live in cast off second hand clothes. A large amount of Trump supporters do believe all of that, you know.
They are facing the serious possibility of eight years of the Obama Administration being undone should actual Republicans gain the WH and add a few more to Congress.

They are petrified.
Trump is doing the GOP a favor. The Left-wingers in their delusional world of fantasy, don't see how he's forcing the GOP to become more conservative. He's holding their feet to the fire and making them accountable. Personally, I can't wait until Scott Walker announces. The libtards are going to have a shit fit.

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