"TRUTH" Trump knocks it out of the park in Iowa speech yesterday!

Sideshow Don will have to tell sane voters how he is going to cook all that red meat he's throwing out - DETAILS. The Republican base alone can't put Trump in the White House - so how's he doing among Democrats, Independents and sane Republicans? It's fun to watch a monkey throw shit - but no one wants to take one home.
Sideshow Don will have to tell sane voters how he is going to cook all that red meat he's throwing out - DETAILS. The Republican base alone can't put Trump in the White House - so how's he doing among Democrats, Independents and sane Republicans? It's fun to watch a money throw shit - but no one wants to take one home.

Want to try that last sentence in English, not some fucking Indian language, Squaw?
I'm listening to his speech now. That example of the Ford plant moved to Mexico he gives that speech, where he gives in speech after speech? It wouldn't work, it's against the rules of NAFTA.

You may be correct, I can neither confirm, nor deny your accuracy. But you see, Obama opened the door for POTUS to do whatever they want. I never agreed with it, even if a conservative was in charge. But, you reap what you sow, so guess what, if the next President is a conservative republican and proclaims, "catch me if you can" like Obama did, I will support your effort to reign him in because it is what the constitution says, but in the interim, I will be smiling knowing some got what they deserved.

We TOLD all of you to keep Pandoras box closed, but would you listen? Oh no, oh hell no! Damn the torpedoes, full socialism ahead.

See, that's the problem with Americans today.

I have a friend on the left. I tell her about all the shit Hillary is up to. She doesn't care. She doesn't care where Hillary gets her money, or the scandals that Hillary is involved in. She says that's how the Republicans garner their power. And you know what, she is right. I think the founders of this nation would roll over in their graves with both your attitude and hers. Instead he should be talking about getting rid of NAFTA and returning the rule of law to government.

The best way to choose a Democrat candidate is to pick the one NaziCons hate the most. Therefore, I support Hillary!
I'm listening to his speech now. That example of the Ford plant moved to Mexico he gives that speech, where he gives in speech after speech? It wouldn't work, it's against the rules of NAFTA.

You may be correct, I can neither confirm, nor deny your accuracy. But you see, Obama opened the door for POTUS to do whatever they want. I never agreed with it, even if a conservative was in charge. But, you reap what you sow, so guess what, if the next President is a conservative republican and proclaims, "catch me if you can" like Obama did, I will support your effort to reign him in because it is what the constitution says, but in the interim, I will be smiling knowing some got what they deserved.

We TOLD all of you to keep Pandoras box closed, but would you listen? Oh no, oh hell no! Damn the torpedoes, full socialism ahead.

See, that's the problem with Americans today.

I have a friend on the left. I tell her about all the shit Hillary is up to. She doesn't care. She doesn't care where Hillary gets her money, or the scandals that Hillary is involved in. She says that's how the Republicans garner their power. And you know what, she is right. I think the founders of this nation would roll over in their graves with both your attitude and hers. Instead he should be talking about getting rid of NAFTA and returning the rule of law to government.


Your scandals are lies
Donald Trump is perhaps the only candidate who truly understands the threat China poses to the U.S. interest. If he can watch his mouth a bit, he will be a serious contender. He seems to have a good hold on the pulse of American people.
you guys lies about birth certificates

ten you lied about religion

then you lied about fast and furious

then you lied about the IRS

then you lied about Benghazi

how many times do you asses to get caught lying before you realize no one trusts you anymore?
Trump has to keep "trumping" himself to stay in the news. This could get really fun.
Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of ‘criminal’ activity in email scandal!

Washington Times ^ | 7/26/15
Donald Trump on Sunday accused presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton of engaging in “criminal” activity when she used a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state and the media of quickly backing off the Democratic front-runner as the narrative about a referral to the Department of Justice shifted in recent days. In fact, the flamboyant GOP presidential candidate said Mrs. Clinton is effectively disqualified from the race. “The fact is, what she’s done is criminal. I don’t see how she can run,” Mr. Trump told CNN. Some of Mrs. Clinton’s emails had classified information in them, though...
you guys lies about birth certificates

ten you lied about religion

then you lied about fast and furious

then you lied about the IRS

then you lied about Benghazi

how many times do you asses to get caught lying before you realize no one trusts you anymore?
You just told five lies in one post...
I watched the entire speech. He brought up some very interesting points. Like, why do we use donors as negotiators instead of professional negotiators.

Just why is Caroline Kennedy in Japan?
I watched the entire speech. He brought up some very interesting points. Like, why do we use donors as negotiators instead of professional negotiators.

Just why is Caroline Kennedy in Japan?

If you are going to have a problem with a very prominent DemocRAT, what do you do with her, BUT give her an Ambassadorship! You made another problem with the Sec. of State go away!!!!!

Even SNOPES covered this up by calling it "UNDETERMINED!!!"

snopes.com Caroline Kennedy on Barack Obama
I'm listening to his speech now. That example of the Ford plant moved to Mexico he gives that speech, where he gives in speech after speech? It wouldn't work, it's against the rules of NAFTA.

You may be correct, I can neither confirm, nor deny your accuracy. But you see, Obama opened the door for POTUS to do whatever they want. I never agreed with it, even if a conservative was in charge. But, you reap what you sow, so guess what, if the next President is a conservative republican and proclaims, "catch me if you can" like Obama did, I will support your effort to reign him in because it is what the constitution says, but in the interim, I will be smiling knowing some got what they deserved.

We TOLD all of you to keep Pandoras box closed, but would you listen? Oh no, oh hell no! Damn the torpedoes, full socialism ahead.

See, that's the problem with Americans today.

I have a friend on the left. I tell her about all the shit Hillary is up to. She doesn't care. She doesn't care where Hillary gets her money, or the scandals that Hillary is involved in. She says that's how the Republicans garner their power. And you know what, she is right. I think the founders of this nation would roll over in their graves with both your attitude and hers. Instead he should be talking about getting rid of NAFTA and returning the rule of law to government.


Your scandals are lies
Very telling that right wingers see his ridiculous statements as "knocking it out of the park". That just demonstrates how far into LALA land the GOP has gone.
Propaganda from a NeoCommie...as one would expect from the 2 digit IQ brigade!

I think you give it too much credit, more like one step above brain dead. Make that half a step.
you guys lies about birth certificates

ten you lied about religion

then you lied about fast and furious

then you lied about the IRS

then you lied about Benghazi

how many times do you asses to get caught lying before you realize no one trusts you anymore?

Care to elaborate?

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