Try this trick when meeting women.

Itā€™s an embarrassment that politicians are not discussing our social problems. Low child birth rates. Huge numbers of young men and growing numbers of young women single and without children. Civilized countries like for example, in the Philippines, they have such nice people they have big families there majority Catholic majority English speakers. so they might struggle economically, but they are defeating us when it comes to the social fabric and happiness factors ā€¦the same can be said for much of the world, including Russia, including parts of Africa, and South America. Yes they have economic struggles, maybe even some government issues but they donā€™t have family issues like we do in America.
What youā€™re really saying is that the only way you can get a hot woman is by going to 3rd world countries where the woman are poor and desperate and willing to do anything just for a ticket out of there.

Some of us have no problem bagging hot American women
No, you're saying that because you're threatened.
Youā€™re preaching to the choir here. Good for you on your marriage. I hope itā€™s a very long lasting and fulfilling one.

Now the passport Bros is one way to counter the radical feminist/BLM/far left propaganda. Yes, I do believe some Republicans are contributing to the problem. The serious issue that huge numbers of young men are single in America. That helps lead to school shootings. Many people have said thereā€™s nothing more dangerous than a lonely man with a cell phone.

Iā€™ve seen Madison Cawthorne speak up about this issue. Havenā€™t seen many other Republicans say much about it.

I donā€™t know why this is perhaps a taboo issue if you will in the mainstream media and in Hollywood. Obviously much of the mainstream media and Hollywood pumps out far left-wing pro BLM type movies, and news. It is totally slanted. And it is very destructive. When is the last time ever in the past couple of years That we saw a movie about the struggles that young men go through. ???

my point all along along with most people in this thread, I believe including you, is to try and cheer people up. Remind them that there is hope.

60% of young men in America are single, but only 30% of young women in America are single. Whatā€™s going on here obviously some of these women are either knowingly or unknowingly sharing men I think thatā€™s quite interesting, but also not good for the country. ā€¦ the trolls will laugh at this and make all sorts of insulting comments but itā€™s very destructive towards society and it must be confronted by the politicians they Need to talk about this problem.

Thereā€™s good women in America and bad women overseas. That is certainly true, but the fact is that there is a problem in America with radical left-wing feminist type women who are not good for society. And unfortunately they have men who support them or men who are so weak And deplorable If you will that they just wonā€™t speak up they wonā€™t be men, they donā€™t want to work. Like the Starbucks guy in the pajamas that we saw pictured during the Obama administrationā€¦. that type of male is much too prevalent in American society today.
I've been with My wife for 25 years next July.

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