Try to understand what would happen if Trump did something like this.

Pay for your own "compassion", thief.
Have you paid for your 2 neverending wars in the Mideast started by your guy Bush that no one wanted? I think student loans kill a lot less people that Republicans do each day by just leaving their house.
Um. Well. First the man with the gray hair, his name is Joe, took a pen and signed the order. How ya doing tiger? Had your warm milk yet this morning, champ? Come back and I'll tell you where babies come from tiger!

Not even close. Who's the largest contributors to helping the poor.... hint you flaming jackass it's not leftists

Try to understand what would happen if Trump did something like this.​

Try to understand that it is exactly the Conservatives Rights total unwillingness to do a damn thing about it that openly invites these types of miscarriages
The Conservative Right absolutely Excels at whining about everything....yet doing nothing.

What do they say about the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing (Whining without action but expecting a different result) as being the definition of insanity?

The Conservative Right is just as messed up as the Rabid Left
Not even close. Who's the largest contributors to helping the poor.... hint you flaming jackass it's not leftists

Nobody in their right mind wants to be a waiter / waitress at a predominantly black restaurant.
You'd starve.
Generally speaking - black folks DO NOT TIP. Of course, there are exceptions.

To say otherwise is just plain denial.
And here we have our first white supremacist of the day. Welcome Cletus. I'm having trouble undestanding you though through your missing teeth.

Yet, I'm 100% correct and everyone knows I'm right.

What if I told you I'm not white?
What if I told you I am?

Your playing the race card makes no difference.
Blacks generally do not tip compared to whites.
Just a well known fact.
Can you imagine the outrage that would ensue if Trump offered to force taxpayers to pay off the home mortgages and auto loans of his voters?

Trump did it already. As he told them at a dinner in Mara Lago, he made all if his rich friends richer, with his tax cuts, that he promised before the election, that the rich would not get any tax cut.. just the middle class....And he gave a humongous tax cut to all the Wall Street Corporations..... He was buying votes....
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Trump did it already. He made all if his rich friends richer, with his tax cuts, that he promised before the election, that the rich would not get any tax cut.. just the middle class....And he gave a humongous tax cut to all the Wall Street Corporations..... He was buying votes....

The middle class flourished under Trump. How's those fuel prices working out for you?
The middle class flourished under Trump. How's those fuel prices working out for you?

Yeah, I paid $5.50 a gallon yesterday. Under Trump it was under $3.00
At this level, it should REALLY be starting to hurt lower income people especially.
People are going to start losing their place to live, medical care, and even food.
Meanwhile the Lefts message? Go buy an electric car (For $40,000 and up)
Hard to believe there is ANYONE remaining who would vote Democrat for more of this...but there they are.

They call Trump the "evil one", yet look the other way at Genuine evil.

They are finally feeling the pain for their ignorant voting choices.
Trump did it already. He made all if his rich friends richer, with his tax cuts, that he promised before the election, that the rich would not get any tax cut.. just the middle class....And he gave a humongous tax cut to all the Wall Street Corporations..... He was buying votes....
Everyone got a tax cut.

Meanwhile, President Potatohead's inflation most harms those least able to afford it.

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