Merrick Garland held in contempt of Congress

How does government find these people? They keep marching up into the limelight and crap on everything.
Apparently Garland had been an okay judge--nominated by Bill Clinton to the U.S. Court of Appeals. So he was nominated for the Supreme Court by Barack Obama but the fact that Obama nominated him strongly suggests Garland holds some Marxist opinions and ideas about things. Then Biden tapped him for Attorney General pretty much underscoring my opinion about that.

If Mitch had not prevented a hearing and vote on Garland's nomination to the high court, he would surely be on the Supreme Court now. We can debate the merits of the situation, but Mitch in my opinion rightfully argued that a lame duck President in the waning months of his administration should not nominate a justice of the Supreme Court but should leave that to the incoming President. (Which of course most at that time, all the polls, even Las Vegas assumed would be Hillary.)
No one being above the law works both ways lib lonns
He is a serial lawbreaker and will now serve time for crime.
I thought something smelled beside the stench of the New Republicans. It was a procedural vote to set up a vote later today. They will need all hands on deck.
By the legislative branch?

That's a neat trick.

Isn't contempt of Congress a misdemeanor?
The criminal offense of contempt of Congress is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than 100,000 nor less than $100 and imprisonment in a common jail for not less than one month nor more than twelve months.....

You know you have to be a total asshole for the other assholes to hold you in contempt.
Poor,kids are just as smart as white kids.

One of my all time favorites from the guy who showered with his daughter.
Where do you think your salary comes from a government bake sale? Get this privileged taxpayer employee with attitude ^^^. You work for me fool, the taxpayer, I pay for it all. Get down on your knees and thank me!!
My salary doesn't come from taxes.

Keep trying.

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