Trying to erase history

in the name of wokeness and or dimbulb political correctness.
Well we need to be more inclusive by erasing others
The south seceded over slavery
Everything else followed
The issue of slavery was so entrenched and politically volitile that it led to the Missouri compromise and Kansas Nebraska act to try and maintain equal or greater numbers of slave states vs free states in new territories.
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The issue of slavery was so entrenched and politically volitile that it led to the Missouri compromise and Kansas Nebraska act to try and maintain equal or greater numbers of slave states vs free states in new territories.

I think the South realized that no matter how hard they tried, most new states rejected slavery. This meant a permanent minority in Congress.

When Lincoln won the election, they reacted like todays Republicans when they lose. Don’t accept the result and stage a rebellion
Blacks fought in the Civil War. Whites didn't sacrifice to end slavery. Nothern whites fought to maintain the union.

“..but the reality is that whites ended slavery, and gratitude has been replaced with erasure.”

Whites enslaved Blacks, maintained the institution of slavery and fought to keep it. So..yes, they also fought to end it. So did Blacks.

Gratitude is nice and always appreciated but demanding gratitude from the race that was enslaved to the race that enslaved them seems a bit patronizing.

Blacks also enslaved blacks. The slavers in Africa didn't want to see their money machine go either.

in the name of wokeness and or dimbulb political correctness.

How did they erase it from History? Do they control History?

Wait, someone just posted this on the internet. Therefore it's not been erased.
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Many also fought to end slavery.
The thing is this Coyote, blacks fought and died for 244 years to end slavery and I'm not going to be told by some white right wingers how whites died to free us and we should be grateful.
Blacks also enslaved blacks. The slavers in Africa didn't want to see their money machine go either.
There really weren't all that many African kingdoms that sold war captives. And whites were the main one getting rch from the slave trade. Whites purchased the slaves, that didn't have to happen. Now every time whites get shown the wrongs they have done, stop doing this. You guys demand that everybody else be responsible for their choices. Whites made the choice to buy the slaves and whites made the choice to make slavery legal in this country.
Well we need to be more inclusive by erasing others
The problem with the crap from the American thinker is that blacks did fight in the Civil War But blacks had been fighting and dying in opposition to slavery from the very start. That is what has been erased.
There really weren't all that many African kingdoms that sold war captives. And whites were the main one getting rch from the slave trade. Whites purchased the slaves, that didn't have to happen. Now every time whites get shown the wrongs they have done, stop doing this. You guys demand that everybody else be responsible for their choices. Whites made the choice to buy the slaves and whites made the choice to make slavery legal in this country.

Enough to populate north and south America with large slave populations.
There is an old saying about the winners of war. It says that winners write history. I know it sounds cynical, but I think there is truth to it. I was discussing it on a forum once, and I was surprised that people vehemently tried to say that has never happened.
There is an old saying about the winners of war. It says that winners write history. I know it sounds cynical, but I think there is truth to it. I was discussing it on a forum once, and I was surprised that people vehemently tried to say that has never happened.
The civil war has two versions. The winners and then the confederate version.

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