Tucker: Are you ready to have your kids die for Montenegro

(1) Americans are not paying "for the whole thing."

(2) Most of the Nato allies pay more per capita than we do.
Montenegrans are in Afghanistan as we speak, supporting our soldiers with whatever the hell the mission is supposed to be there these days, and our President just said he would let Russia conquer them if they want to. Holy shit.

You really think it makes sense to fight WWIII over Montengegro?

Worked so well for Chamberlain....
I wonder if Montenegro and those other small countries would send troops to defend the US??

Of course if we have a treaty we have no choice so neither should they.

Of course they are obligated to help defend the United States.

That is why our NATO allies are in Afghanistan- as a response to the attack on the United States on 9/11.

Montenegro: What to Know About the Tiny NATO Ally Trump Slighted

Montenegro has troops in Afghanistan, taking part in a conflict initiated by the United States in the wake of the 2001 terrorists attacks, nearly two decades ago.
Montenegrans are in Afghanistan as we speak, supporting our soldiers with whatever the hell the mission is supposed to be there these days, and our President just said he would let Russia conquer them if they want to. Holy shit.
Aren't there 9 Montenegrans over there? And them under our protection.
Montenegrans are in Afghanistan as we speak, supporting our soldiers with whatever the hell the mission is supposed to be there these days, and our President just said he would let Russia conquer them if they want to. Holy shit.
Aren't there 9 Montenegrans over there? And them under our protection.
Who knows how many are fighting that fake war over there
Montenegrans are in Afghanistan as we speak, supporting our soldiers with whatever the hell the mission is supposed to be there these days, and our President just said he would let Russia conquer them if they want to. Holy shit.
Aren't there 9 Montenegrins over there? And them under our protection.
There are 45, which represents 2.3% of their armed forces. For the U.S. to have an equivalent number, there would have to be more than 29,000 troops in Afghanistan. At the end of the Obama administration 8400 were there. Has Trump more than tripled the troop strength since assuming office? If not, it's just another example of our CiC shooting from the hip without all the facts.
gallantwarrior, all of that has been posted over the last two days. It is common knowledge. I am not going to look for it.
On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson responded to the hysterical outrage over his daring to question whether Americans should be asked to die in a war to protect Montenegro’s borders as a result of our membership in NATO.
Tucker: ‘Are You Ready to Have Your Kids Die’ for Montenegro?

Awwww has the mental illness struck again when you can't seem to stand Trump and nothing goes to your way. Tucker tells you the way it is ... lol

Are we ready to die for Turkey? They are the ones we need to get kicked out of NATO. A point I have made long ago. No way we should be fighting for or dying for Muslim scum.
A strong NATO is a support for a strong America.

Apparently the alt right and far right mental illness where the can't handle anyone telling the truth about TrumPutin.

That could be the case, but it depends on how NATO is used and what its purpose is.

NATO was made specifically to counter the USSR, which is long gone. I think that is the real issue Tucker is making and what President Trump has hinted at when talking about realignment of NATO. It’s purpose needs to change to meet the current biggest threat to Europe: the spread of Islam.
Yes, the alt right and trumpers do not believe in honoring treaties and allies.

As usual, you have missed the point entirely. Tucker is merely asking the question, and making the point that we should be having a national discussion about which countries we make such serious commitments to. We should not just blindly accept treaties from 70 years ago that were made for an entirely different purpose than what it is today.

Should we defend Montenegro? Think that would depend on the situation. If it’s against Muslim invaders, then yes I think we should. I think Europe should be defended against the spread of Islam. It’s a small Christian majority country.

Should we defend Turkey with Erdogan in charge? Hell no. They have radical Islamist in charge now and there is no way in hell we should send troops to fight and die for them. They are the enemy now.
I've been making the same point about Estonia.

During the Cold War, it made sense to make a commitment to West Germany and Western Europe.

If West Germany was conquered by the Soviets, it would have upset the Global Balance of Power.

That was something worthy of fighting to prevent.

Estonia, Montenegro? Hell no. Reagan would be stunned to learn that we have signed up to fight WWIII over these places. It is utter madness.
Raygun would have only been upset had his astrologer told him to be upset.
Montenegrans are in Afghanistan as we speak, supporting our soldiers with whatever the hell the mission is supposed to be there these days, and our President just said he would let Russia conquer them if they want to. Holy shit.
You really think it makes sense to fight WWIII over Montenegro?
It makes sense to maintain a strong alliance, so that there won't be a WWIII.

Sometimes it does. YOu're think of a WWII scenario, where a problem can or could have been nipped in the bud, if nations of good will had stuck together and been strong.

There are other scenarios though. Such as the WWI scenario, where large alliance systems can mean that a small war can drag more and more nations into it, until it becomes a global bloodbath.

Serbian was not worth World War One. And Montennegro is not worth World War Three.
Montenegrans are in Afghanistan as we speak, supporting our soldiers with whatever the hell the mission is supposed to be there these days, and our President just said he would let Russia conquer them if they want to. Holy shit.

You really think it makes sense to fight WWIII over Montengegro?
We better pull out of NATO then, if we’re not going to honor military alliances.

Was that an agreement that Montengegro, population 600k, is not worth fighting a World War over?
Montenegrans are in Afghanistan as we speak, supporting our soldiers with whatever the hell the mission is supposed to be there these days, and our President just said he would let Russia conquer them if they want to. Holy shit.

You really think it makes sense to fight WWIII over Montengegro?

Worked so well for Chamberlain....
View attachment 206119

Liberals are so ignorant of history.

Explain how you know this is not a World War ONE, scenario, where a minor and unimportant conflict combined with large alliance systems, drags in the world to a senseless bloodbath.

OR, come back with some stupid shit that is an admission that you are utterly unable to do so.
On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson responded to the hysterical outrage over his daring to question whether Americans should be asked to die in a war to protect Montenegro’s borders as a result of our membership in NATO.
Tucker: ‘Are You Ready to Have Your Kids Die’ for Montenegro?

Awwww has the mental illness struck again when you can't seem to stand Trump and nothing goes to your way. Tucker tells you the way it is ... lol
Of course Trumpettes would run away from an agreement.

If Montenegro were attack, we would defend.
I've been making the same point about Estonia.

During the Cold War, it made sense to make a commitment to West Germany and Western Europe.

If West Germany was conquered by the Soviets, it would have upset the Global Balance of Power.

That was something worthy of fighting to prevent.

Estonia, Montenegro? Hell no. Reagan would be stunned to learn that we have signed up to fight WWIII over these places. It is utter madness.
Raygun would have only been upset had his astrologer told him to be upset.

You should show more respect to the man that won the Cold War, with the nukes rusting in their silos.

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