Tucker Carlson Gets Under AOC's Skin. Again. Hilarious!

FOX News' Tucker Carlson has a gift for ridiculing Sandy Cortez so completely and hilariously, it makes her spitting mad. In doing so, Carlson expertly applies Marxist political theorist Saul Alinsky's most important tactic from his manual Rules for Radicals: Ridicule.

Ridicule is very effective because it is nearly impossible to counterattack, and it infuriates the person ridiculed, often prompting a reaction that works to the ridiculer’s advantage. --Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

And this is exactly what Carlson did in his most recent riff on Cortez. The ridicule was SO biting and SO hilarious, it caused Cortez to overreact and accuse Carlson of sexual abuse. A charge so ludicrous and unrelated to Carlson's segment, it makes Cortez look even MORE desperate and unhinged. So Tucker used the Marxist tactic on the Marxist. Enjoy,

Saw that one....Tucker's delivery is impeccable.
Yeah, Tucker exposed Cortez as stupid, vapid, self-absorbed, and irrelevant. He has basically made her a laughingstock. And this is hurtful to her Marxist handlers who recruited and pay her to spout hateful lines.

How fucking self-involved do you need to be, to think that people want to watch you get drunk and put Ikea furniture together?
Your mission in life, as put on full display on USMB, is to prove you are right no matter how much you have to lie and dodge.
You are a mentally ill spoiled brat.

I always welcome idiots like you to quote me lying. Not surprisingly, none ever do.
FOX News' Tucker Carlson has a gift for ridiculing Sandy Cortez so completely and hilariously, it makes her spitting mad. In doing so, Carlson expertly applies Marxist political theorist Saul Alinsky's most important tactic from his manual Rules for Radicals: Ridicule.

Ridicule is very effective because it is nearly impossible to counterattack, and it infuriates the person ridiculed, often prompting a reaction that works to the ridiculer’s advantage. --Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

And this is exactly what Carlson did in his most recent riff on Cortez. The ridicule was SO biting and SO hilarious, it caused Cortez to overreact and accuse Carlson of sexual abuse. A charge so ludicrous and unrelated to Carlson's segment, it makes Cortez look even MORE desperate and unhinged. So Tucker used the Marxist tactic on the Marxist. Enjoy,

AOC is a hypocrite
Of course you're not. I'd have bet money on that before you even opened your mouth.


That's evidence that you guys follow her whereas I don't. I couldn't care less about her beyond getting a kick to how much she winds you idiots up.

"ppl have to fundraise for their own safety. Why should they have to pay for his harassment? Make it make sense"

That is her quote? People need to fund raise for their own safety? Pay for this harassment? Is she on drugs or what?

I think she is slowly losing it. That is sad.
False, Spunky. I don't follow AOC. I leave that obsession to rightards.
Faun everyone knows you have a pillow made of her, worship the words she utter and can’t stop dreaming of her and before no that is you please note I might have done a few threads if that much about her, but boy I do love writing nonsense about her when it come to everyone sexual obsession with her…

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