Tucker Carlson has the highest rated news program in cable history


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2020

And I am one of his viewers.. it’s must watch tv! I really enjoy his take on what’s going on. He killed Braun last nite
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Every single American, whether man, women, boy, or girl, should watch him every night! He is the only news source in the United States reporting the truth to you, salted with deeply perceptive editorializing from Carlson! O'Reilley never carried quite the gravitas Carlson does, O'Reilley often came across as out of touch even if one might have agreed with most of his positions, Carlson is not out of touch, he's a genuine libertarian, the real deal. Last nights take down of Mike Braun R-Indiana was an absolute fucking public service, same as he did with that lying scumbag Mike Lee out of Utah, and does every time he must mention the name "Lindsey Graham!" It would greatly serve America's interests if this man were to be seen every single night by 100,000,000 Americans!
Every single American, whether man, women, boy, or girl, should watch him every night! He is the only news source in the United States reporting the truth to you, salted with deeply perceptive editorializing from Carlson! O'Reilley never carried quite he gravitas Carlson does, O'Reilley often came across as out of touch even if one might have agreed with most of his positions, Carlson is not out of touch, he's a genuine libertarian, the real deal. Last nights take down of Mike Braun R-Indiana was an absolute fucking public service, same as he did with that lying scumbag Mike Lee out of Utah, and does every time he must mention the name "Lindsey Graham!" It would greatly serve America's interests if this man were to be seen every single night by 100,000,000 Americans!
Tucker IS my favorite on cable news programs. Hands down.
I've wondered how people can watch or listen to someone, knowing that they're only getting one side of a story, and that likely the other side is being distorted.

Do fans of these people ever wonder about that?
He’s not Libertarian ,, maybe a little but def not brain dead like most of you
You're a fucking moron, you wouldn't know a libertarian from a polka dot bikini, libertarian's, the real one's, are not drug addled democratic party cast-offs looking for legalized drugs, they are men and women predicated exactly after the men who founded the nation!
He’s not Libertarian ,, maybe a little but def not brain dead like most of you
You're a fucking moron, you wouldn't know a libertarian from a polka dot bikini, libertarian's, the real one's, are not drug addled democratic party cast-offs looking for legalized drugs, they are men and women predicated exactly after the men who founded the nation!
Libertarians are a bunch of potheads who can’t pick a side because they think they’re cool
I've wondered how people can watch or listen to someone, knowing that they're only getting one side of a story, and that likely the other side is being distorted.

Do fans of these people ever wonder about that?
We've heard your so-called side of the story, its a laundry list of lies and impossible idiocy, we want you removed from society altogether, and I think that is exactly what is gonna happen....
I've wondered how people can watch or listen to someone, knowing that they're only getting one side of a story, and that likely the other side is being distorted.

Do fans of these people ever wonder about that?
We've heard your so-called side of the story, its a laundry list of lies and impossible idiocy, we want you removed from society altogether, and I think that is exactly what is gonna happen....
Please provide examples of my "laundry list of lies and impossible idiocy". With quotes, please.

And it appears you think you already accurately know the other side of the story. Provided to you by whom? Oh yeah. People like Tucker, Rush & Hannity.

Looking forward to those examples. With quotes, please.
Please provide examples of my "laundry list of lies and impossible idiocy". With quotes, please.
We have a recent example

ABC news reports that rioters in St Lewis were assaulted as they were walking down the street by a man and women with guns

that was a lie

the rioters invaded the couples private property and were told to leave at the point of a gun

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