Tucker Carlson on the trucker protest in Canada

Here are my main news sources, are they diverse enough for you?

Al Jazeera
CNN (they have the best instant updates when something bad goes down, that is why I keep their app)
The Economist
The AP news aggregator
SmartNews news aggregator
Fark news aggregator
Fox is the only one on your list that does not lean left

though I suppose you will claim that the WSJ is conservative when its actually represents old school, blue nose, big money swamp rats in DC

But its usually on the wrong side of the common man republican base
I didn’t suggest you do. I don’t watch him either, other than when I visit family who foolishly watch Fox 24/7. I have watched some YouTube videos where he interviewed Greenwald and Dore. You won’t find anyone in corporate tv news willing to interview those two independent guys. So again, kudos to Tucker.
What Tucker is, is the same as Alex Jones.

. . . and since the establishment has decided to put Jones in the corner, he as basically taken Jones place.

IN my study, Dr. Peter Dale Scott wrote about how the Nixon administration was the first to pioneer the use of limited hang-outs on the American public.

How this works, is the most important information that the establishment, both corporate and government that they know muckrakers are going to eventually get out anyhow, the have some source that is very close to the establishment report on.

And then? The establishment purposely de-legitimizes, slanders, ridicules, and otherwise makes most sober and rational folks have very little respect for. Of course, this is a fallacy, you need to attack each individual story on their merits, and not the source. . . but most folks don't want to use critical thinking and look into the facts of each story.

Other limited hang-outs that are deeply associated with the state are Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. They release other very hot and scandalous top secret information, making the planets citizenry believe, that this is the entirety of the most scandalous and depraved top secret information that the Deep State has, or is doing against citizenry. . which, of course, this is the farthest from the truth.

. . in some way, as the American Empire collapses, all the MSM at this point, are limited hang-outs, and quietly redact false, misleading, and other storied that have been proven to be high skewed in favor of corporate and government narratives that later turn out to be entirely either a lie, or totally misleading. Tucker is not the only one guilty of this.


So when folks turn of their brain, and refuse to look at a clip of Tucker? It is because they can't do any critically thinking and are usually rabid partisans.
I remember when truckers weren't crybabies.
It is clear you don't even know what this is about. It is not about being inconvenienced.

The folks that haul cargo all around N. & S. America have a better idea of what is really going on out there than you ever will.

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