Tucker Carlson roasts CNN

So, it never once crossed your mind, that saying Fox lies would be different than saying someone who was on Fox, but is no longer on Fox, is not lying? Because... ya know... he's not on Fox?

Are ya rabid or something?
It crossed my mind that a former anything will say anything to get a job, which is somehow lost on yourself.
Good to hear Tucker roasts CNN. Bravo! :clap:

Sometimes I wish Tucker would roast some leftwing idiots in Fox too....like Bret Baier! Yuck.
You make me sound like a lib, like you. Stupid fucker.
I'm surprised Tucker let you put his nutsack down long enough to write that.

How's the orange pile of shit doing? Didn't seem too happy, last I saw him. Using crowdfunding by you rubes and stock scams to fund his retirement? Very unbecoming, for a billionaire. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, in defense of his Tucker's lies. That you lap up like liquid gold.

Instead of owning it, the threw your dumb ass under the bus and said only gullible morons would believe him.

Funny how the truth comes out under oath. But now you know what your information purveyors think of you. You should take them at their word. They think you are a gullible idiot. They butter their bread with it.
democrat and gullible have the same meaning its democrats that cant make it without big brother
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I'm surprised Tucker let you put his nutsack down long enough to write that.

How's the orange pile of shit doing? Didn't seem too happy, last I saw him. Using crowdfunding by you rubes and stock scams to fund his retirement? Very unbecoming, for a billionaire. :auiqs.jpg:
You idiots are more obsessed with Trump than we are.

How does Bidens mind games feel? Commie prick.
Ah, yes... the guru of "Mediaite". Pick your poison, but don't expect your sources to be any more acceptable than those you dismiss. That you think we should blindly accept them just smacks of your own arrogance and cluelessness.
Right, and video quotes by FOX hosts somehow pits FOX against Mediaite, while FOX is the only ones contradicting themselves. Your post wreaks of cluelessness.
Isn't that the guy who acted like a child, trying to turn Kyle Rittenhouse into a hero for killing two people?
I dont follow Carlson regularly but I doubt if he was saying good on rittenhouse

but I’m pretty sire he defended rittenhouse from charges of murder and I agree with that

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