Tucker Carlson: San Francisco now filthier and more chaotic than downtown Mumbai, India

So how is it, while i read one 'great economy' thread after the next here, we have cities, even whole states slipping into some 3rd world looking situations?

Who are y'all out to blame this time?

Well let's see.....

They're all run by 1 party... Hmmm.... Could there be a connection?

Nahhhh... That's just a coincidence. It's the other party's fault.
It's the other party's fault.

which one?


Does he have any data to support that or is he just throwing meat to conservatives ?
The link is pretty poignant and you can Google San Fran and get the same picture. Giving out 400 needles a month, powerless police force, lack of crime prevention, shit on the streets. It’s disgusting and disturbing.
So how is it, while i read one 'great economy' thread after the next here, we have cities, even whole states slipping into some 3rd world looking situations?

Who are y'all out to blame this time?

because they tell Trump to fk off that's how.
So how is it, while i read one 'great economy' thread after the next here, we have cities, even whole states slipping into some 3rd world looking situations?

Who are y'all out to blame this time?

California is a liberal far left state and the conditions there are the responsibility of the democrats who are in complete control
So how is it, while i read one 'great economy' thread after the next here, we have cities, even whole states slipping into some 3rd world looking situations?

Who are y'all out to blame this time?

OK, Sparky, this requires some rational thought, but I will give you a shot anyway (great start, huh?)

The general overall US ECONOMY as gauged by economic measures is doing great.

But, like all great bodies, we have our armpits and assholes and shit holes.

Chicago is an armpit (high crime, machine politics, but run well, mostly).

New York is a great big sphincter where people urinate in the street, but it is safe enough for most people.

San Fransisco and Los Angeles are shit holes where you h ave to watch where you step because it might be on a fresh pile of shyte, literally a big stinking pile of SHIT. Thus they are American shit holes.

And typical average every day Americans simply cannot believe that any city would chose to be run like that and so they dont believe it, but this is the final product of Marxist Progressive politics. Lots of Ultra Wealthy people and gazzillions of poor and street trash homeless people.
Tucker Carlson’s front yard
More like your trash filled mind.
No one can claim this is all just the over excited blather of right wingers anymore, which is what you've
consistently claimed. Convention Opts Out of San Francisco Over Safety Concerns

As proved to you long ago I am very familiar with San Francisco and this level of filth and squalor is unprecedented.
Now virtually all of San Francisco is like the Tenderloin used to be, and no doubt still is.

But go ahead and try and convince yourself and others that this is just right wingers screaming wolf. It makes you look so good.
but this is the final product of Marxist Progressive politics. Lots of Ultra Wealthy people and gazzillions of poor and street trash homeless people.

Best answer yet Jim.

So we;ve a political system conducive towards a growing disparity , that ever widening gap

And sure, adding in the uber wealthy into economic statistics creates an economically good looking common denominator

This is why i keep asking how this happens>>>>>

The more people grow up uneducated by the current system, the greater that disparity will become.
but this is the final product of Marxist Progressive politics. Lots of Ultra Wealthy people and gazzillions of poor and street trash homeless people.

Best answer yet Jim.

So we;ve a political system conducive towards a growing disparity , that ever widening gap

And sure, adding in the uber wealthy into economic statistics creates an economically good looking common denominator

This is why i keep asking how this happens>>>>>


The natural distribution of resources falls along the lines of a Pareto Distribution.

Many affects here that combine to form a higher combined impact in advantages over those less advantaged.
1 ) Labour price and competition
2 ) Genetic edge
3 ) Complex System of Taxes
4 ) Better Education Available to Wealthy
5 ) Fraternalism advantages due to Deregulation of Industry
6 ) Decline of unions
7 ) Better access to latest Information technology
8 ) Globalization gives edge to Nomenklatura
9 ) More Economic development in wealthy areas due to more influence of the wealthy in government
10 )Wealth concentration adds to inherent better positioning in competition
11 )Finance industry is more familiar to and exploited by Wealthy people who tend to study it more

And the more you combine these inherent advantages the exponentially higher the impact is in results.
Tucker Carlson: San Francisco Now Filthier and More Chaotic Than Downtown Mumbai, India (VIDEO)
Tucker Carlson started a series on Monday “American Dystopia” on how politicians have destroyed America’s great cities.

And most loons think half of it's not even true that's how much they live in the dark.

You understand that Carlson is a lying fool, don't you?
Why can’t you democrats ever add any substance to any post? Trolls

The fact that Carlson is a lying fool is relevant in any discussion of what that idiot might say.

Its relevant, as in, it's false.

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