Tucker Carlson slams Sidney Powell

The election has been resolved and Biden won. It's not even close, nor is it in question.

The issue of a dishonest and corrupt resident of the White House who is now trying to overturn the election of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States is an entirely separate matter, one which has nothing to do with the orderly transfer of power in accordance with the wishes of the American people.
Put the cork in your bottle of Old Grandad and go back to bed.
This issue is headed to the Supreme Court and NOT because you claim the issue of the stolen presidency
has been decided.
It obviously hasn't.

The issue is NOT headed to the Supreme Court because the Court will not hear it. Period.

Trump has no case, no evidence, and no arguments, and no lawyer. Guiliani isn't qualified to go to the SC, and all of the other lawyers have dropped out because they could be disbarred for filing illegitimate lawsuits of the kind Trump has been pursuing.

This is an attempted coup by the President and his minions, and the fact that Republicans aren't growing a spine and shutting this thing down completely is proof positive that the GOP needs to be burned to the ground, and quick lime thrown on the ashes.

This is sedition by Trump and the Republican Party.
Impeached Trump's ultimate goal has been exposed. He failed to prove massive voter fraud in court, and yesterday's lie-fest of a press conference reveals their game plan...

Convince the base in the court of public opinion that Trump was robbed due to voter fraud. Convince them so thoroughly, that faithless electors flip their votes for him.

Stealing the election in such an un-American fashion is his only chance at this point. But even then, he won't be president of the U.S. because there will be no more U.S. if he somehow manages to pull off a stunt like that.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
If you wonder why people stick with Trump it is because damn near everything is anti Trump with a healthy helping of Republican admonishment with it. So I am on Microsoft Edge using the informational option. like most of our social media, near everything on is skewered Progressive Socialist. Now there are people who read this and believe it. People whose knowledge is limited or receptive to soft propaganda and worse. Neutrality does not exist. Trump needs every person he can get to be on his side because there has been so few of them. You name names of Repub sided scribes. We can get a encyclopedia full of people who have a say and an affect on the general population. And damn near all of them live good to great lives but will deny others the same.
Most everything is anti trump because trump is fucking toxic. He has lied his ass off from the office of our president for 4 years and is now fighting an election by making false claims. There’s nothing positive about any of that
con logic...

Trump votes:
2016: 63 million
2020: 74 million

But Democrats cheated

If the Dems were cheating......Why didn’t they take the Senate and not lose seats in the House?
She's under no obligation to give them any evidence if she has it. Any good attorney wouldnt give a liberal media squat. Just keep them flailing and chasing shiny things on the periphery.

Foxnews is now "Liberal media" to the cult.

It ranks up there with the liberal freak news that you slurp up daily.

You don't even know from where I get my news. As always, all you offer is the ignorant perspective.

I dont need you to tell me. I already know.
Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
This says so much. Like a fake aluminum siding contractor who is one step ahead of the sheriff
Smartmatic, like Dominion in Toronto, has simply closed up their offices and left overnight without a trace.

And there is still this hard core of ignorant assholes who want to make believe the presidency was not
assaulted by an internationally connected gang of cyber criminals in league with that liar and crook,
Joe Biden and the DNC. Incredible!

The "hard core of ignorant assholes" who deny that anything of the kind just happened include all of the Secretaries of State of every State in the Union, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the DHS. The leader of the nation's cyber security force certified that this was the was fair and honest election in US history.

The ONLY people anywhere in the USA who are saying this wasn't an honest election are the people in the White House.
The disastrous news conference was essentially word salad for morons. Meaningless filler around which they tossed a few right wing buzzwords.

Something, something...something, something, George Soros. Something, something, Hugo Chavez.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

Nothing submitted to the FBI. Nothing submitted to the justice department. And the one person they named as a witness under affidavit was already rejected by the courts because that person couldn't name a date, couldn't name a person, couldn't even cite an example of what was being described.

But please, rubes.....tell us more about how Hugo Chavez threw the 2020 election.
Republicans claim the dead are voting for Democrats yet Hugo Chavez has been dead for seven years and Republicans are claiming he still fixes elections.
The election has been resolved and Biden won. It's not even close, nor is it in question.

The issue of a dishonest and corrupt resident of the White House who is now trying to overturn the election of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States is an entirely separate matter, one which has nothing to do with the orderly transfer of power in accordance with the wishes of the American people.
Put the cork in your bottle of Old Grandad and go back to bed.
This issue is headed to the Supreme Court and NOT because you claim the issue of the stolen presidency
has been decided.
It obviously hasn't.

The issue is NOT headed to the Supreme Court because the Court will not hear it. Period.

Trump has no case, no evidence, and no arguments, and no lawyer. Guiliani isn't qualified to go to the SC, and all of the other lawyers have dropped out because they could be disbarred for filing illegitimate lawsuits of the kind Trump has been pursuing.

This is an attempted coup by the President and his minions, and the fact that Republicans aren't growing a spine and shutting this thing down completely is proof positive that the GOP needs to be burned to the ground, and quick lime thrown on the ashes.

This is sedition by Trump and the Republican Party.
Impeached Trump's ultimate goal has been exposed. He failed to prove massive voter fraud in court, and yesterday's lie-fest of a press conference reveals their game plan...

Convince the base in the court of public opinion that Trump was robbed due to voter fraud. Convince them so thoroughly, that faithless electors flip their votes for him.

Stealing the election in such an un-American fashion is his only chance at this point. But even then, he won't be president of the U.S. because there will be no more U.S. if he somehow manages to pull off a stunt like that.

80% of Republicans believe this bullshit. Cultists live in a parallel universe.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
Thank you for your acknowledgement of Carlson as a source of truth
Tucker in the same program said the Bidens are a fraud and a failure
Glad you're finally seeing the light
Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
This says so much. Like a fake aluminum siding contractor who is one step ahead of the sheriff
Smartmatic, like Dominion in Toronto, has simply closed up their offices and left overnight without a trace.

And there is still this hard core of ignorant assholes who want to make believe the presidency was not
assaulted by an internationally connected gang of cyber criminals in league with that liar and crook,
Joe Biden and the DNC. Incredible!

The "hard core of ignorant assholes" who deny that anything of the kind just happened include all of the Secretaries of State of every State in the Union, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the DHS. The leader of the nation's cyber security force certified that this was the was fair and honest election in US history.

The ONLY people anywhere in the USA who are saying this wasn't an honest election are the people in the White House.
The disastrous news conference was essentially word salad for morons. Meaningless filler around which they tossed a few right wing buzzwords.

Something, something...something, something, George Soros. Something, something, Hugo Chavez.

I'm a little surprised that Rudy didn't put Elvis something, something in their somewhere.
After all, the My Cousin Vinnie imitation was there! :cool:
Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
This says so much. Like a fake aluminum siding contractor who is one step ahead of the sheriff
Smartmatic, like Dominion in Toronto, has simply closed up their offices and left overnight without a trace.

And there is still this hard core of ignorant assholes who want to make believe the presidency was not
assaulted by an internationally connected gang of cyber criminals in league with that liar and crook,
Joe Biden and the DNC. Incredible!

The "hard core of ignorant assholes" who deny that anything of the kind just happened include all of the Secretaries of State of every State in the Union, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the DHS. The leader of the nation's cyber security force certified that this was the was fair and honest election in US history.

The ONLY people anywhere in the USA who are saying this wasn't an honest election are the people in the White House.
The disastrous news conference was essentially word salad for morons. Meaningless filler around which they tossed a few right wing buzzwords.

Something, something...something, something, George Soros. Something, something, Hugo Chavez.

I'm a little surprised that Rudy didn't put Elvis in their somewhere. :cool:

Give it time. This is only going to get more shrill and crazy as this house of cards implodes.

When even Tucker Carlson is being folded into their conspiracy batshit, buckle up. Because the conservative crazy train is gonna take us for a ride.

At this point, I wouldn't be suprised at all if they tried to tell us that Bill Clinton grew a beard, got a puppy, and took out Jeffrey Epstein personally, John Wick style.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
Thank you for your acknowledgement of Carlson as a source of truth
Tucker in the same program said the Bidens are a fraud and a failure
Glad you're finally seeing the light
Can you believe it?
Someone who hates Democrats as much as Carlson cannot sink to the level of saying he believes Trumps lies and conspiracies
Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
This says so much. Like a fake aluminum siding contractor who is one step ahead of the sheriff
Smartmatic, like Dominion in Toronto, has simply closed up their offices and left overnight without a trace.

And there is still this hard core of ignorant assholes who want to make believe the presidency was not
assaulted by an internationally connected gang of cyber criminals in league with that liar and crook,
Joe Biden and the DNC. Incredible!

How dare we demand evidence for your fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate and gloriously fact free conspiracy!

If only faux outrage were a substitute for reason and evidence.
You Moron....

Until a solid audit is done we will not know how bad it is. Your idiots are blocking all audits with every breath they take. The fact that FIVE STATES SHUT DOWN inside 60 seconds from one another due to a "software problem" is a huge red flag as noted by the observers of the Maduro Regime vote count where when it was discovered he was losing their machines shut down as well. They then created thousands of ballots to throw the election which was proven.

There is plenty of evidence if your willing to look for it, but you are not. Your blinders are firmly affixed.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
Thank you for your acknowledgement of Carlson as a source of truth
Tucker in the same program said the Bidens are a fraud and a failure
Glad you're finally seeing the light
Can you believe it?
Someone who hates Democrats as much as Carlson cannot sink to the level of saying he believes Trumps lies and conspiracies

Carlson didn't say he didn't believe it all. Carlson just realized how batshit crazy that news conference was and how much of it was a disaster for anyone who wasn't actively snorting lines of Cheetoh dust like the Wolf of Wall street doing coke off a stripper's tits.

Don't mistake this for dissent. Carlson realizes how catostrphic that news conference was for Trump's messaging. He's trying to help Trump.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
Thank you for your acknowledgement of Carlson as a source of truth
Tucker in the same program said the Bidens are a fraud and a failure
Glad you're finally seeing the light
Can you believe it?
Someone who hates Democrats as much as Carlson cannot sink to the level of saying he believes Trumps lies and conspiracies
That is an outright lie and you know it. Carlson simply stated that he has not seen sufficient evidence to convince him...
The disastrous news conference was essentially word salad for morons. Meaningless filler around which they tossed a few right wing buzzwords.

Something, something...something, something, George Soros. Something, something, Hugo Chavez.
Yes. It's above your intelligence level. That much is obvious. But really, what isn't over your head?
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
If you wonder why people stick with Trump it is because damn near everything is anti Trump with a healthy helping of Republican admonishment with it. So I am on Microsoft Edge using the informational option. like most of our social media, near everything on is skewered Progressive Socialist. Now there are people who read this and believe it. People whose knowledge is limited or receptive to soft propaganda and worse. Neutrality does not exist. Trump needs every person he can get to be on his side because there has been so few of them. You name names of Repub sided scribes. We can get a encyclopedia full of people who have a say and an affect on the general population. And damn near all of them live good to great lives but will deny others the same.
Most everything is anti trump because trump is fucking toxic. He has lied his ass off from the office of our president for 4 years and is now fighting an election by making false claims. There’s nothing positive about any of that
con logic...

Trump votes:
2016: 63 million
2020: 74 million

But Democrats cheated

If the Dems were cheating......Why didn’t they take the Senate and not lose seats in the House?
They were trying.... Like Trump, they did not expect the turnout votes that Trump got. Frauding up ballots in multiple races was to time consuming and would easily show the fraud.... Couldnt chance having Biden exposed.... But he is anyway...

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