Tucker Carlson slams Sidney Powell

I think Rupert and Co are beginning to realizing that they need to play the long game there being no future in Trumpism.
Watch Kristin Fisher tell the truth. She's also easy on the eyes. ;)

Holy crap, nice to see Fox rise above the circus. That's a little surprising.

These people have careers to consider, and they know they can't soil themselves here.

She's cool - Obviously very bright and the looks don't hurt much either. Replace Hannity with Kristin Fisher! :cool-45:
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
Looks like we have a Carlson worshipper here. :iyfyus.jpg:
I think Rupert and Co are beginning to realizing that they need to play the long game there being no future in Trumpism.
Watch Kristin Fisher tell the truth. She's also easy on the eyes. ;)

Holy crap, nice to see Fox rise above the circus. That's a little surprising.

These people have careers to consider, and they know they can't soil themselves here.

She's cool - Obviously very bright and the looks don't hurt much either. Replace Hannity with Kristin Fisher! :cool-45:

Hey, I've gotta be able to focus on what's being said. :laugh:
Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
This says so much. Like a fake aluminum siding contractor who is one step ahead of the sheriff
Smartmatic, like Dominion in Toronto, has simply closed up their offices and left overnight without a trace.

And there is still this hard core of ignorant assholes who want to make believe the presidency was not
assaulted by an internationally connected gang of cyber criminals in league with that liar and crook,
Joe Biden and the DNC. Incredible!
I think Rupert and Co are beginning to realizing that they need to play the long game there being no future in Trumpism.
Watch Kristin Fisher tell the truth. She's also easy on the eyes. ;)

Holy crap, nice to see Fox rise above the circus. That's a little surprising.

These people have careers to consider, and they know they can't soil themselves here.

Its not. The disasterous press conference was just that bad.

Carlson will occasionally offer gentle course correction advice when Trump's messaging is unspeakably incompetent that it will doom him.

Take Carlson's call for Trump to stop pretending the coronovirus was going away, for example. Carslon could see how bad this would be (and was) for Trump. So he tried to help him.

Its more of the same.
I don't like any of them no matter what party the hyphenated their names with.
I know

thats why you chose a social misfit to be your symbol

Bart Simpson is hardly a "social misfit" in today's America. He is the perfect embodiment of Donald J. Trump and his cult of losers, racists and "social misfits".
Are you still a canadian or has your application for refugee status been approved?

if not then you do not belong in this conversation

Everyone who believes in freedom and democracy belongs in this conversation, because Donald Trump and his cult do not believe in either. Americans don't seem to have any problem at all telling other nations' leaders to respect the results of a publically held, and properly scrutinized election.

Trump is a dicatator wannabe and has been since the day he took office. His coup will not succeed.
Tucker Carlson destined to go down with the sinking ship that is Faux news?

I doubt it but we will see. Certainly he was offered the evidence.
Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
This says so much. Like a fake aluminum siding contractor who is one step ahead of the sheriff
Smartmatic, like Dominion in Toronto, has simply closed up their offices and left overnight without a trace.

And there is still this hard core of ignorant assholes who want to make believe the presidency was not
assaulted by an internationally connected gang of cyber criminals in league with that liar and crook,
Joe Biden and the DNC. Incredible!

How dare we demand evidence for your fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate and gloriously fact free conspiracy!

If only faux outrage were a substitute for reason and evidence.
I don't like any of them no matter what party the hyphenated their names with.
I know

thats why you chose a social misfit to be your symbol

Bart Simpson is hardly a "social misfit" in today's America. He is the perfect embodiment of Donald J. Trump and his cult of losers, racists and "social misfits".
Are you still a canadian or has your application for refugee status been approved?

if not then you do not belong in this conversation

Sorry, the crimes being committed in broad daylight by a US president to overturn our democracy is of great interest to Canada and the rest of the world. But look forward to you telling shockedcanadian the same thing next time he or she posts. ;-)

Shockedcanadien isn't trying to destroy this country by promoting the slow creeping rotting STD of Leftism.
oly crap, nice to see Fox rise above the circus. That's a little surprising.

These people have careers to consider, and they know they can't soil themselves here.
Fox has now stopped pretending and they have gone full CNN using "reporters" now who are given air time
to not report but to act as activists and polemicists.
I'm not surprised you are delighted by that form of "journalism" which is actually activism.
This will all be settled in court. Not on Fox or Faux "news".
Tucker Carlson destined to go down with the sinking ship that is Faux news?

I doubt it but we will see. Certainly he was offered the evidence.

Guess you'll have to fold him into your increasingly complicated conspiracy too.

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy must be part of it.
How dare we demand evidence for your fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate and gloriously fact free conspiracy!

If only faux outrage were a substitute for reason and evidence.
You will have your facts when the Supreme Court takes this up...not that facts will shut you liars up.
Laughing.....at this point the conservative conspiracy ramblings about the election are like the set up for mediocre joke.

"So Hugo Chavez, Tucker Carlson and George Soros walk into a bar...."
Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
This says so much. Like a fake aluminum siding contractor who is one step ahead of the sheriff
Smartmatic, like Dominion in Toronto, has simply closed up their offices and left overnight without a trace.

And there is still this hard core of ignorant assholes who want to make believe the presidency was not
assaulted by an internationally connected gang of cyber criminals in league with that liar and crook,
Joe Biden and the DNC. Incredible!

The "hard core of ignorant assholes" who deny that anything of the kind just happened include all of the Secretaries of State of every State in the Union, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the DHS. The leader of the nation's cyber security force certified that this was the was fair and honest election in US history.

The ONLY people anywhere in the USA who are saying this wasn't an honest election are the people in the White House.
I don't like any of them no matter what party the hyphenated their names with.
I know

thats why you chose a social misfit to be your symbol

Bart Simpson is hardly a "social misfit" in today's America. He is the perfect embodiment of Donald J. Trump and his cult of losers, racists and "social misfits".
Are you still a canadian or has your application for refugee status been approved?

if not then you do not belong in this conversation

Everyone who believes in freedom and democracy belongs in this conversation, because Donald Trump and his cult do not believe in either. Americans don't seem to have any problem at all telling other nations' leaders to respect the results of a publically held, and properly scrutinized election.

Trump is a dicatator wannabe and has been since the day he took office. His coup will not succeed.

Your lips to God's ear. His cult members are under such a spell that they actually thought Rudy, his slop sweat, conspiracy theories about Hugo Chavez/ George Soros and dripping hair dye were terrific!

How dare we demand evidence for your fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate and gloriously fact free conspiracy!

If only faux outrage were a substitute for reason and evidence.
You will have your facts when the Supreme Court takes this up...not that facts will shut you liars up.

Or.....and like clockwork, the tin foil brigade makes up a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of the OLD conspiracy.

But tell us more about how Hugo Chavez rigged the 2020 election. Hell, drip a little chocolate pudding down the side of your face so you can feel like one of the president's lawyers while you do it.
Laughing.....at this point the conservative conspiracy ramblings about the election are like the set up for mediocre joke.

"So Hugo Chavez, Tucker Carlson and George Soros walk into a bar...."
That is funny but not in the way you intended it to be.
How dare we demand evidence for your fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate and gloriously fact free conspiracy!

If only faux outrage were a substitute for reason and evidence.
You will have your facts when the Supreme Court takes this up...not that facts will shut you liars up.

You will have to have facts long BEFORE the SC takes this up or they won't even look at the case.

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