Tucker Carlson slams Sidney Powell

Misleading title.

"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.
Oh, so Tucker wanted an exclusive and Powell (Dallas Lawyer) said "no" FOX is a fox in the hen house (pun intended).

Raise your hand if you personally know Powell's local inner circle and have spoken with them about her concerns with media types getting the info before she can present evidence in a hearing?





Remember, former Fed Prosecutor.....

Tucker is just pissed that he too must wait.
Why hasn’t she presented it yet. What’s taking so long?
Most court cases take about 1 year and, you want this wrapped up in a matter of 2 weeks?

Settle your impatient ass down.
Just like the Trumpets want immediate court presence for their cases that normally cycle every thirty days on the docket.
Are you looney? Running to the media to make unsubstantiated claims is exactly what they are doing! Did you miss the presser yesterday where Rudy was sweating oil all over his greasy face? It’s a total side show
Most people were listening to the information being put out but you were too busy watching Giuliani's hair
dye stream down his face?
We all get out of the news what we want to take out. Information and raw facts or Rudy's comic hair dye problem? What a unintentional commentary you've made on yourself.
Just like the Trumpets want immediate court presence for their cases that normally cycle every thirty days on the docket.
I guess the fact that the nation is in a state of suspended animation waiting for a resolution to the presidential election and that the timing of this case is absolutely
imperative has made no impression on you at all.
I' am stunned at the lack of intellect you display but not completely surprised.
Unlike you I was referencing both sides of the political isle, unlike you I can see the forest because of the trees

unfortunately a-pox-on-both-houses approach leaves a 1% dope head like Gary Johnson in charge and thats not good

trump is what most government hating libertarians have been waiting for - namely a washington outsider rather than a partisan

but now that he’s here you still arent satisfied
Is Tucker a fucking asshole? The evidence is HEADED TO COURT!

The "evidence" has yet to appear - 20+ court cases, not a shred of evidence of election fraud. In fact, Rudy Guiliani told the court this case wasn't about "election fraud". All of the lawyers involved have quit - except Guiliani.

We now have the President of the United States, actively trying to overturn the results of an election he lost. This is an all out assault on the American Republic. Donald Trump is now attempting to carry out a coup against the duly elected government of the United States of America, using the power of the office he will only hold for another 62 days.
Reminds me of the 8 long years under Ears. I love to going down memory lane.
Give us an example

oh please you can’t really be this dumb...well maybe.

Here’s a few.

You can keep your doctor and insurance.

It was a video.

IRS shuts down institutions opposing Obama.

Kids put in cages.

Tortures Chelsea Manning.

Takes two wars makes it seven.

Spies on journalists.
I kept my insurance.....So did 98 percent of Americans
The video did start the riots in the Arab world. including Benghazi
Obama put unaccompanied minors streaming across the border in temporary “cages”. Trump separated families and stuck children in cages. He then lost track of the parents.
Unlike you I was referencing both sides of the political isle, unlike you I can see the forest because of the trees

unfortunately a-pox-on-both-houses approach leaves a 1% dope head like Gary Johnson in charge and thats not good

trump is what most government hating libertarians have been waiting for - namely a washington outsider rather than a partisan

but now that he’s here you still arent satisfied
I don't like any of them no matter what party the hyphenated their names with.
She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?
It matters not to the brain-dead cult45 zombies. They've moved too far to the right of Foxnews to believe them anymore. Now, unless they see it on gatewaypundit, it's fake news.
Just like the Trumpets want immediate court presence for their cases that normally cycle every thirty days on the docket.
I guess the fact that the nation is in a state of suspended animation waiting for a resolution to the presidential election and that the timing of this case is absolutely
imperative has made no impression on you at all.
I' am stunned at the lack of intellect you display but not completely surprised.

The election has been resolved and Biden won. It's not even close, nor is it in question.

The issue of a dishonest and corrupt resident of the White House who is now trying to overturn the election of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States is an entirely separate matter, one which has nothing to do with the orderly transfer of power in accordance with the wishes of the American people.
I hope Sydney downloaded the software from the now blocked Smartmatic site.

Tucker Carlson didn't do his home work and that is uncommon for him or the Smartmatic site was down before he could do it..

The Smartmatic Software uses decimal (fractional) counting. This allows for VOTE SHIFTING. The software was built for stealing elections and was used successfully in Venezuela and in Cuba. According to FBI This fractional feature was FOUND ACTIVE ON ALL MACHINES in the five states that shut down vote counting on election night. It is what caused the machines to stop counting automatically when the desired outcome was not going to be reached.

This means someone locally had to set the parameters and knew what they were doing. It also means the machines were connected to the internet and able to communicate through the servers in Germany.

Sydney Powell was right, this was stolen by fraud but the only way to prove it is to hand count every single vote and verify it against the reported electronically counted numbers.

Odder still is that Smartmatic has closed its offices in the US overnight and their officers have let the country.
She's under no obligation to give them any evidence if she has it. Any good attorney wouldnt give a liberal media squat. Just keep them flailing and chasing shiny things on the periphery.

Foxnews is now "Liberal media" to the cult.
"What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Carlson said.

Carlson emphasized that he “did not dismiss any” of Powell’s claims, and said he “took Sidney Powell seriously with no intention of fighting with her.” But he said he was disturbed that she didn’t produce any evidence for his show.

If Powell can’t convince a Fox News host, how is she going to convince a court?
Why would they trust Fox News to do honest reporting any more than CNN? Fox showed their true colors when they announced Arizona to Biden just ten minutes after they closed polls here. There was no way to know that, unless they are in on the rigged election.
Umm... they called it right. Biden won Arizona.
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Powell is a liar and got called out on it. Only in the Trumpers bizarro universe are liars considered truthtellers.
Got "called out" over what by who? Based on what evidence? :p
I appreciate your sense of absurdist humor. Not your brains or character though.

I'm sorry you are terrified that the election will be thoroughly vetted for corruption before we turn the country over to a liar and leftist dunce like Biden and his socialist handlers. What frightens you so much?

Oh, right...Biden is as corrupt and crooked as hell.
Based on reality.

She can’t provide any evidence or show that a single vote was switched.

We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”

If Trumps A Team can’t even convince Fox News of their wild theories.....

How can they convince a court?

When I first saw your subject line, I thought for sure it was in Political Satire! :)
The election has been resolved and Biden won. It's not even close, nor is it in question.

The issue of a dishonest and corrupt resident of the White House who is now trying to overturn the election of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States is an entirely separate matter, one which has nothing to do with the orderly transfer of power in accordance with the wishes of the American people.
Put the cork in your bottle of Old Grandad and go back to bed.
This issue is headed to the Supreme Court and NOT because you claim the issue of the stolen presidency
has been decided.
It obviously hasn't.

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