Tucker Carlson Takes Aim at Biden Assistant HHS Sec. Rachel Levine in Newest Twitter Episode (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
About time someone told the truth about that walking joke. Hard to believe he (it?) is taken seriously about anything. Degeneracy runs rampant in the Usurper Administration.


Unfortunately, due to new policy at Twitter, you have to be logged in to see it...

or go to:

‘Fat Guy In A Costume’: Tucker Carlson Mocks Rachel ‘Rick’ Levine For Pushing Trans Ideology

About time someone told the truth about that walking joke. Hard to believe he (it?) is taken seriously about anything. Degeneracy runs rampant in the Usurper Administration.


Unfortunately, due to new policy at Twitter, you have to be logged in to see it...

or go to:

‘Fat Guy In A Costume’: Tucker Carlson Mocks Rachel ‘Rick’ Levine For Pushing Trans Ideology

Can't get the twitter thingy to load.

I was over at twitter earlier and saw that. Yes, it's about time. What a joke this admin is.
That Admiral Levine is so ugly that when she was a boy her mother would tie a pork chop around his neck so the dog would play with her.
Unfortunately, due to new policy at Twitter, you have to be logged in to see it...
Can't get the twitter thingy to load.
I can't see it either.
I think that you now need to have an account to view content if it's not embedded.

Thanks for acknowledging that Twitter and tweets are now dead and useless to millions including me. I was thinking of signing up to follow Tucker, but not anymore. I'm not about to "register" another account with a service just because everyone is too lazy to actually include the material directly in what they refer to!

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