Tucker Carlson's "Patriot Purge" on Jan 6th riot blames antifa, FBI red flag operation, calls rioters "political prisoners!!"

Good ole Tucker's own lawyers said in open court that he's full of shit & no reasonable person should believe a word he says.
Did they?

I know that was Kraken Powell's defense.

Seems to be a running theme
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) appeared on Fox News over the weekend, where she ripped Fox News host Tucker Carlson for spreading "un-American" conspiracy theories about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

In an interview that aired on Sunday, Fox News host Chris Wallace noted that some personalities (like Carlson) have alleged that the attack was a "false flag" operation by the U.S. government.
Liz Cheney? That brainless bimbo? Just when we thought you couldn’t find an even less believable source.....
Good ole Tucker's own lawyers said in open court that he's full of shit & no reasonable person should believe a word he says.

"Reasonable" really narrows the field however because you Trumptards will believe anything.

Got a problem? Talk to his lawyers who were paid big money for revealing in court where the bear shits in the buckwheat as far as good ole boy Tucker Carlson is concerned.
That’s funny. Your favorite bullshit network had to say the same thing about Madcow....
Did they?

I know that was Kraken Powell's defense.

Seems to be a running theme
They told the court that Tucker was an opinion show. Everyone knows this except the Marxist Democrats who want to shut up opinion they don't agree with. Carslon is not a journalist, he doesn't report the news of the day he comments on it and fully admits it. Unlike CNN, and MSNBC who pretend they are journalists but are opinion shows.
They told the court that Tucker was an opinion show. Everyone knows this except the Marxist Democrats who want to shut up opinion they don't agree with. Carslon is not a journalist, he doesn't report the news of the day he comments on it and fully admits it. Unlike CNN, and MSNBC who pretend they are journalists but are opinion shows. You are a sucker if you believe that shit. Your MSM, is owned by the Democrat party.
The rubes has gotten you nowhere has it? If you insist on broadcasting your hate for people with different ideas you could at least learn what those ideas are. You limited fool.
But I don't hate anyone.

That's for "Christians" like you.
IOW the same actions taken by THOUSANDS of Democrat scum in the summer of 2020 but hardly any of whom were charged at all.
Do you notice any difference in the location, timing and context of the two events?

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm just curious to see what your answer will be.
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Wonk wonk wonk...
Your Soccer Mom's who have helped to oversee the deconstructing of America have had a change of thought in last week's elections. Overseeing the emasculation of their male kids and the feminist shrieks of many future unmarried females, they drew the line on having their children raped in bathrooms and their educations lessened with social theories over real courses to earn a good living and be productive citizens. We will see if they have wised up for now on.
They told the court that Tucker was an opinion show. Everyone knows this except the Marxist Democrats who want to shut up opinion they don't agree with. Carslon is not a journalist, he doesn't report the news of the day he comments on it and fully admits it. Unlike CNN, and MSNBC who pretend they are journalists but are opinion shows.
No, the court stated only a retarded, moron would believe the Huckster.

Alas, US District Court Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil — why yes, she is a Trump appointee — has thrown the suit out, because no "reasonable viewer" would believe anything coming out of Carlson's mouth — a point that was actually argued by the lawyers representing Fox.
No, the court stated only a retarded, moron would believe the Huckster.

Alas, US District Court Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil — why yes, she is a Trump appointee — has thrown the suit out, because no "reasonable viewer" would believe anything coming out of Carlson's mouth — a point that was actually argued by the lawyers representing Fox.
Sadly, that won't matter to these people. A hundred Trump-appointed judges could do the same thing, and it wouldn't matter.

These people are Borg. Has the world ever seen anything like this? I can't think of an example. Not to this degree. North Korea, maybe?
Sadly, that won't matter to these people. A hundred Trump-appointed judges could do the same thing, and it wouldn't matter.

These people are Borg. Has the world ever seen anything like this? I can't think of an example. Not to this degree. North Korea, maybe?
That's why they love Trump.

October 1 2018
Speaking at a rally on Saturday night in West Virginia, Trump revealed that he had “fell in love” with the very man Republicans labeled a “nut job” and a “lunatic” just a few years ago.

“I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love, ok? No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they’re great letters. And then we fell in love.”
That's why they love Trump.
Of all the things that are deeply troubling about this period, what concerns me the most is that Trump himself, Tucker himself, Bannon himself, all the members of the cult leadership could come out and admit what they have done --- and I don't think it would matter to many of these people.

Look at the time Trump said something positive about getting vaxxed, and HE was booed.

They've created a monster now. It may be benefitting them in the short term, but I'm not so sure about the long term.
Your Soccer Mom's who have helped to oversee the deconstructing of America have had a change of thought in last week's elections. Overseeing the emasculation of their male kids and the feminist shrieks of many future unmarried females, they drew the line on having their children raped in bathrooms and their educations lessened with social theories over real courses to earn a good living and be productive citizens. We will see if they have wised up for now on.
We will seeing the female kids and be producations. Oversee if they drew the decons. We with social they dren raped femasculation Your Soccer Mom's who having of many future unmarries to earn a change on of America had a good living and to earn a good living they drew their education Yourseeing and their malessened wised the feminist shried up for now on have helped up for now on have helped the female kids and the femasculations. Oversee if the female kids and to earn a children raped they drew the
They told the court that Tucker was an opinion show. Everyone knows this except the Marxist Democrats who want to shut up opinion they don't agree with. Carslon is not a journalist, he doesn't report the news of the day he comments on it and fully admits it. Unlike CNN, and MSNBC who pretend they are journalists but are opinion shows.
Lol, yet you take tuckers horseshit and treat it like fact. Obviously one of those unreasonable people talked about when good old tucker went to court. Stop the steel people are rubes through and through.
Tucker Carlson described the attack on the U.S. Capitol as a false-flag operation contrived to frame, trap and "purge" Trump voters in a "new war on terror."

"They’ve begun to fight a new enemy in a new war on terror," Carlson said in the series, which flashed to images of violence, terrorism and torture from the post-9/11 era. "Not, you should understand, a metaphorical war, but an actual war. Soldiers and paramilitary law enforcement, guided by the world’s most powerful intelligence agencies, hunting down American citizens, purging them from society, and throwing some of them into solitary confinement."


Carlson’s claim about the government weaponizing Jan. 6 to strip millions of their rights isn’t supported by evidence, and he did not provide any. PolitiFact rated it Pants on Fire.

Department has arrested approximately 650 people, not millions, on charges ranging from entering restricted federal property to assaulting police officers and conspiracy. There’s no evidence that constitutional rights are under threat, experts said, and there’s no action underway that would result in that outcome.

Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.

These groups were among the most coordinated in their efforts to disrupt Congress on Jan. 6, PolitiFact reported, based on a review of court filings. Members wore combat gear and used military-style tactics to wind through the crowd. Many now face conspiracy charges.

The Chicago Project on Security and Threats, a University of Chicago group led by political science professor Robert Pape, has also examined reports on the roughly 650 people arrested through Oct. 25. Research director Keven Ruby said those arrests include 89 members of extremist groups or militias, including 42 Proud Boys, 23 Oath Keepers and 16 Three Percenters.

And much more

Why would Carlson make "Patriot Purge" that has as much credibility as "Alien Autopsy?"

Is Carlson's audience that gullible?
Politifact is full of crap.

But Tucker is just repeating what we already knew about that fake riot.

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