Tucker destroys leftist kook on Tranny bathrooms

I fail to see the rightwing outrage....

What happens when a transsexual uses the restroom of their chosen sex?

A male transsexual will enter a ladies room and use a stall. There are no urinals. The impact? Nothing to see here...you are in a stall
A female transsexual enters a men's room. Biologically she can't use a urinal, must use a stall. Nothing to see here...you are in a stall

Why do normal people have to put themselves at risk for the sake of a handful of deranged individuals?

What is the risk of someone peeing in a stall?
Disingenuous. That's not the worry. The worry is a creep who doesn't think he's a woman following a girl into the bathroom and doing any number of despicable things to her, and her dad being unable to stop said creep from going in there in the first place.

If someone is acting inappropriately in a restroom of either sex arrest them

If someone is just peeing....leave them the hell alone
Your gender may not be defined as male or female in every case. Some people may fall somewhere in between
Why so much concern over where they pee?

No. Your gender is either male (XX) or female (XY) with a very rare and exceptional genetic abnormality called gonadal mosaicism. While mosaicism occurs in about 1.7% of humans, most of the time a prevailing genitalia is clearly identifiable at birth. Only in 0.018% of cases is gender unidentifiable.

I don't care where people pee. I don't want grown men in the public restrooms of little girls. Most people who have ANY goddamn sense, DON'T! If you want to call me names for having common sense, so be it. I am an open minded person, I can accept people for who they are, warts and all, and I don't judge them whether they have a mental disorder or not. My concerns are not about transgenders, it's about protecting children from child molesters who will exploit this nonsense to victimize them. And yes, that's already happening.

In 99.992% of humans, you have an assigned gender at birth. That's the restroom you need to use until you've had your gender medically changed. Once you've done that, I have no problems with the restrooms you use. Until you've done that, I am going to err on the side of protecting the children.

You don't want grown men in restrooms with little girls
How about a man in a dress in a restroom with little boys?

People gotta pee somewhere....choose your poison

Once again you lump transsexuals in as child molesters.......there is no significant evidence of it
In fact, most child molesters look like you or me
That's the point. The concern is not true transsexuals, it is those who would, like ISIS uses refugees, use said transsexuals as cover. Before this, Dad would be well within his rights to raise an objection if he saw a man follow his 10 year old daughter into the bathroom at a restaurant. Now Dad would get in trouble if he objected.

If any parent is concerned about the safety of their child using a public restroom they should take their child elsewhere. If a crazy cat lady is using the restroom ...are you going to let your daughter in there? How about if a couple of hookers were in there?

I fail to see the rightwing outrage....

What happens when a transsexual uses the restroom of their chosen sex?

A male transsexual will enter a ladies room and use a stall. There are no urinals. The impact? Nothing to see here...you are in a stall
A female transsexual enters a men's room. Biologically she can't use a urinal, must use a stall. Nothing to see here...you are in a stall

Why do normal people have to put themselves at risk for the sake of a handful of deranged individuals?

What is the risk of someone peeing in a stall?
Disingenuous. That's not the worry. The worry is a creep who doesn't think he's a woman following a girl into the bathroom and doing any number of despicable things to her, and her dad being unable to stop said creep from going in there in the first place.

If someone is acting inappropriately in a restroom of either sex arrest them

If someone is just peeing....leave them the hell alone
You never answered my question.....
Can you understand why women don't want guy's following them into a bathroom?
You don't want grown men in restrooms with little girls
How about a man in a dress in a restroom with little boys?

People gotta pee somewhere....choose your poison

Once again you lump transsexuals in as child molesters.......there is no significant evidence of it
In fact, most child molesters look like you or me

Have no problem with men in restrooms with boys.

I didn't lump trannies in with child molesters, I said child molesters would exploit this nonsense to victimize children. There are also rapists who will exploit this as well. It's really not that hard to figure out unless you have the mentality of a goat. You don't allow penises in the women's restrooms. Period. End of debate.

Trannies are people suffering from a mental disorder. We don't change our culture to accommodate people who are mentally disturbed. And while I didn't lump trannies in with child molesters, it's a statistical fact that trannies have a significantly higher rate of crimes associated with sexual misconduct. That's a fact.
I fail to see the rightwing outrage....

What happens when a transsexual uses the restroom of their chosen sex?

A male transsexual will enter a ladies room and use a stall. There are no urinals. The impact? Nothing to see here...you are in a stall
A female transsexual enters a men's room. Biologically she can't use a urinal, must use a stall. Nothing to see here...you are in a stall

What about the thousands and thousands of communal locker rooms spread across America?

If someone is acting inappropriately in a restroom of either sex arrest them

If someone is just peeing....leave them the hell alone

If I was a father and a tranny followed my 10-year-old daughter in the restroom, he would not have any problem peeing or shitting. In fact, I imagine he'd being doing a little of both as I beat the living hell out of him.
I fail to see the rightwing outrage....

What happens when a transsexual uses the restroom of their chosen sex?

A male transsexual will enter a ladies room and use a stall. There are no urinals. The impact? Nothing to see here...you are in a stall
A female transsexual enters a men's room. Biologically she can't use a urinal, must use a stall. Nothing to see here...you are in a stall

Why do normal people have to put themselves at risk for the sake of a handful of deranged individuals?

What is the risk of someone peeing in a stall?
Disingenuous. That's not the worry. The worry is a creep who doesn't think he's a woman following a girl into the bathroom and doing any number of despicable things to her, and her dad being unable to stop said creep from going in there in the first place.

If someone is acting inappropriately in a restroom of either sex arrest them

If someone is just peeing....leave them the hell alone
You never answered my question.....
Can you understand why women don't want guy's following them into a bathroom?

I have been in many public restrooms with people I was not comfortable with. Drug dealers, homeless, gang types, Conservatives. If I don't like it, I go somewhere else
That it's a behavioral disorder.

Not necessarily

Evidence shows it not to be a choice but an ingrained sexuality that is evident from birth

That's sexuality, not gender. Just because a male is gay, it doesn't make him a female, even if he dresses and looks like one.

DNA doesn't lie. Progressives can't accept scientific fact, and are trying to force their batshit crazy beliefs on everyone else.

It depends how you establish gender. Is gender strictly what is between your legs or a combination of what is between your legs and what is in your head?

"You" don't get to establish your gender, your DNA determines it.

Tens of thousands of transsexuals seem to refute that. They know what their DNA says but their head is telling them something else. They are what they are....let them pee

There are also people that believe, quite strongly, that they are trans-abled or trans species. Anorexics also believe they are fat. Because their belief is so strong, should we encourage them to diet?

If someone is acting inappropriately in a restroom of either sex arrest them

If someone is just peeing....leave them the hell alone

If I was a father and a tranny followed my 10-year-old daughter in the restroom, he would not have any problem peeing or shitting. In fact, I imagine he'd being doing a little of both as I beat the living hell out of him.

Then your daughter can visit you in jail

As a parent, you can keep your daughter out of any restroom for any reason
Why do normal people have to put themselves at risk for the sake of a handful of deranged individuals?

What is the risk of someone peeing in a stall?
Disingenuous. That's not the worry. The worry is a creep who doesn't think he's a woman following a girl into the bathroom and doing any number of despicable things to her, and her dad being unable to stop said creep from going in there in the first place.

If someone is acting inappropriately in a restroom of either sex arrest them

If someone is just peeing....leave them the hell alone
You never answered my question.....
Can you understand why women don't want guy's following them into a bathroom?

I have been in many public restrooms with people I was not comfortable with. Drug dealers, homeless, gang types, Conservatives. If I don't like it, I go somewhere else
Oh... so the problem then falls on the women? They should accept a guy following them into a bathroom or go somewhere else?
Then your daughter can visit you in jail

As a parent, you can keep your daughter out of any restroom for any reason

That's okay with me, it's a game of odds. There are far more protective fathers than trannies who want to use the little girl's room. We'll change their minds about their restroom choice long before they lock us all up.

As a patron, I shouldn't have to worry about my daughter in a public restroom.
In case you haven't noticed, rightwinger .... that line of thinking is why democrats are no longer in charge.
They're about to lose even more seats in '18. :)
what is with republicans obsession with gays?
Well, being homosexual is not normal it is unnatural, yes or no?
Leftists want to impose their way of seeing what is normal for them, with could thank Obama and they claim to be Christians ... the Bible is far from the night table.
what is with republicans obsession with gays?
Well, being homosexual is not normal it is unnatural, yes or no?
Leftists want to impose their way of seeing what is normal for them, with could thank Obama and they claim to be Christians ... the Bible is far from the night table.

Here's my take... I'm a libertarian by nature. I really don't care what people do as long as it doesn't affect me. I am a constitutionalist. I believe our system of government was designed to take into account that people across a large expansive nation might have different ideas of what is or isn't acceptable in their own communities and it sought to leave those decisions up to the people and their states and NOT the federal government.

I don't condone the FEDERAL government telling me that homosexuality is sinful or that homosexuality must be legitimized through the law. Both are equally egregious in my book. I accept that many people are homosexual and I don't think they should be deprived of basic constitutional rights because of that. I don't think "marriage" is a constitutional right. I don't think having your cake baked for your same sex marriage is a right.

I believe the Obergefell decision was a mistake by SCOTUS. It legitimized, under the law, a sexual behavior. This is not good because we have an equal protection clause that must also be applied to similar sexual behaviors. It's a can of worms that never needed to be opened. Now that it has been opened we face some uncomfortable and difficult consequences moving forward.
In case you haven't noticed, rightwinger .... that line of thinking is why democrats are no longer in charge.
They're about to lose even more seats in '18. :)
Yet more people voted for Democrats in the House, Senate and for Presidents

Doesn't look like a rousing endorsement of your policies
Then your daughter can visit you in jail

As a parent, you can keep your daughter out of any restroom for any reason

That's okay with me, it's a game of odds. There are far more protective fathers than trannies who want to use the little girl's room. We'll change their minds about their restroom choice long before they lock us all up.

As a patron, I shouldn't have to worry about my daughter in a public restroom.

Your daughter can encounter homeless people, hookers, drug addicts, pedophiles or worse in any restroom

More likely than running into a tranny
Your daughter can encounter homeless people, hookers, drug addicts, pedophiles or worse in any restroom

More likely than running into a tranny

As long as she doesn't run into penises I can live with it.

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