Tucson leaders to consider ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration

That doesn't answer my question. That's a bitch fest on "conservatives". The issue that Tucson has right now is that they are seeing more deaths due to the heat. So, rather than focus on the immediate crisis and solving immediate problems they are going to....................do what precisely? Also, I'm going to need a timeline for how long these actions are going to take to solve the problem.

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It's a panclimatic emergency and will only last two weeks...

...One hundred years later you'll still be in energy conservation lockdown.



There can be only one.........
Tucson is in a freaking desert. Nobody wants to live there because it's a freaking desert. Is it possible that the mayor is whining about the heat?
Which will do what precisely?
There is a pattern to climate denial that follows the conservative playbook on all environmental issues.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

Battling climate change will have to be done on a grassroots level. City and local governments will need to implement more climate friendly rules and regs. That is why Tucson’s , as well as local government everywhere, actions are so important.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

We need to act.....TODAY!!!

How many new nuclear power plants should we build?
On the heels of record-breaking summer month, city leaders are set to take a serious look at Tucson’s temperatures and sustainability moving forward.
Tucson City Council will discuss a declaration of a ’Climate Emergency’ at September 9′s meeting. The resolution includes a request in regional collaboration for a “more ecologically, socially and economically sustainable city.”
Mayor Regina Romero said declaring an emergency would be more than making a statement.
“We don’t have time to waste,” said Mayor Romero. “It’s life or death and it is a public health issue as well.”
According to a memorandum filed by Mayor Romero and Council Member Paul Durham, Tucson is facing a real climate change threat in public health and safety that can increase the local risks and worsen the effects of major hazards such as wildfires, drought, extreme heat, and flooding.

Ok. There is nothing that Tucson can do to reverse this. There is absolutely nothing that Tucson can do at this point to stop climate change from happening. I think it's arrogant bs, and a waste of both time and money, to operate as if that can be done.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Tucson is in a freaking desert. Nobody wants to live there because it's a freaking desert. Is it possible that the mayor is whining about the heat?

Actually, lot's of people want to live there. It is growing like crazy. They don't have the water access that Phoenix has or it would EXPLODE. It is cooler than Phoenix by 10 F.

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