Tucson leaders to consider ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration

Meanwhile in MN we are facing low temps not seen in over 50 yrs..

Minnesota has been known to be a bit chilly at times. But no matter what you do, the tremendous city of International Falls will still be one of the coldest towns in the country.
Which will do what precisely?
There is a pattern to climate denial that follows the conservative playbook on all environmental issues.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

Battling climate change will have to be done on a grassroots level. City and local governments will need to implement more climate friendly rules and regs. That is why Tucson’s , as well as local government everywhere, actions are so important.

Which will do what precisely?
See post 10.

That doesn't answer my question. That's a bitch fest on "conservatives". The issue that Tucson has right now is that they are seeing more deaths due to the heat. So, rather than focus on the immediate crisis and solving immediate problems they are going to....................do what precisely? Also, I'm going to need a timeline for how long these actions are going to take to solve the problem.
I told you what needs to be done, I will not fall into your rabbit hole. Unlike you, I don’t think it is too late to deal with the climate crisis. I reiterate Tucson is right. It is not the only municipality taking action to confront climate change in the US or across the globe. The grassroots efforts will be critical in combating climate change.

It's nothing more than virtue signaling over the latest lefty boogeyman to be used to implement their Marxist wet dreams.

The funny thing is that when Marxists do gain power environmental controls go to hell, because when the foxes run the hen house they don't try to stop certain foxes from going to town.

I remember, not too long ago, when "clean burning natural gas" was considered the key to the future clean energy needs. But then Fracking technology advanced and we suddenly had enough gas to do our thing, so guys like Biden said to outlaw fracking.

I suppose its certainly possible that solar panels could be developed enough with advances in tech to do the same. But even if this happened, libs would have some other objection to that and want to put the kibosh on that as well. "Climate change" policy is about governmental liberals getting into telling everyone else want to do and creating shortage, not anything about the climate per se.
Which will do what precisely?
There is a pattern to climate denial that follows the conservative playbook on all environmental issues.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

Battling climate change will have to be done on a grassroots level. City and local governments will need to implement more climate friendly rules and regs. That is why Tucson’s , as well as local government everywhere, actions are so important.

Which will do what precisely?
See post 10.

That doesn't answer my question. That's a bitch fest on "conservatives". The issue that Tucson has right now is that they are seeing more deaths due to the heat. So, rather than focus on the immediate crisis and solving immediate problems they are going to....................do what precisely? Also, I'm going to need a timeline for how long these actions are going to take to solve the problem.
I told you what needs to be done, I will not fall into your rabbit hole. Unlike you, I don’t think it is too late to deal with the climate crisis. I reiterate Tucson is right. It is not the only municipality taking action to confront climate change in the US or across the globe. The grassroots efforts will be critical in combating climate change.

No, sir. You did not. People are dying right now. What do you have?

Chicago actually has this thing called cooling stations where the elderly and others can go.

Now it's your turn.
I haven't been out west in several years. The last time I was, temperatures hit 114F.

While it was a novelty for me being an East Coast resident, nobody out there batted an eye. No one whined, no one complained. No governments declared a "climate emergency."

What happened?

Government power is what happened.
Good for Tucson. Climate change will soon be the number one issue this nation and the world will need to confront. These wild weather patterns, wickedly high temperatures, and melting glaciers and ice caps will disrupt everyone’s lives. You think the refugee crisis is bad now. Just wait until portions of the globe become uninhabitable whether due to high temperatures or increased desertification. Tucson is right. Let us hope more cities and states and US. Representatives and Senators and Presidents pick up this baton.
Why is it the left are all for getting rid of things they claim cause climate change but remain silent while hundreds of acres of rainforests are destroyed every day. The same rainforest that are basically what stops climate change. The same rainforests that are the very thing used to remove CO2. Is it because it doesn’t cost as much, create more control of people and put money into democrat pockets?
Which will do what precisely?
There is a pattern to climate denial that follows the conservative playbook on all environmental issues.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

Battling climate change will have to be done on a grassroots level. City and local governments will need to implement more climate friendly rules and regs. That is why Tucson’s , as well as local government everywhere, actions are so important.

Which will do what precisely?
See post 10.

That doesn't answer my question. That's a bitch fest on "conservatives". The issue that Tucson has right now is that they are seeing more deaths due to the heat. So, rather than focus on the immediate crisis and solving immediate problems they are going to....................do what precisely? Also, I'm going to need a timeline for how long these actions are going to take to solve the problem.
I told you what needs to be done, I will not fall into your rabbit hole. Unlike you, I don’t think it is too late to deal with the climate crisis. I reiterate Tucson is right. It is not the only municipality taking action to confront climate change in the US or across the globe. The grassroots efforts will be critical in combating climate change.

It's nothing more than virtue signaling over the latest lefty boogeyman to be used to implement their Marxist wet dreams.

The funny thing is that when Marxists do gain power environmental controls go to hell, because when the foxes run the hen house they don't try to stop certain foxes from going to town.

I remember, not too long ago, when "clean burning natural gas" was considered the key to the future clean energy needs. But then Fracking technology advanced and we suddenly had enough gas to do our thing, so guys like Biden said to outlaw fracking.

I suppose its certainly possible that solar panels could be developed enough with advances in tech to do the same. But even if this happened, libs would have some other objection to that and want to put the kibosh on that as well. "Climate change" policy is about governmental liberals getting into telling everyone else want to do and creating shortage, not anything about the climate per se.

Oh I think they actually believe it is about climate, but as Marxists they see it also see it as a tool to get their system in place.
To fight a climate emergency, we need an army of weather experts...

I haven't been out west in several years. The last time I was, temperatures hit 114F.

While it was a novelty for me being an East Coast resident, nobody out there batted an eye. No one whined, no one complained. No governments declared a "climate emergency."

What happened?

Government power is what happened.

Plus a heavy dose of fiction disseminated throughout the public school system.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow.

I'm not a boomer. Try again. This is not about denying anything. This is about solving problems.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow.

Bullcrap. Every "solution" consists of the government gaining power over the people of the entire world.

It is based entirely on computer models. Models that have NEVER been correct. So there IS no science behind it.

Learn about the Scientific Method and how the climatologists ignore that method at every turn, and how their leading lights now propose that the scientific method doesn't apply to them.

That makes what they do pseudo science.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow.

Bullcrap. Every "solution" consists of the government gaining power over the people of the entire world.

It is based entirely on computer models. Models that have NEVER been correct. So there IS no science behind it.

Learn about the Scientific Method and how the climatologists ignore that method at every turn, and how their leading lights now propose that the scientific method doesn't apply to them.

That makes what they do pseudo science.

Whether is global warming, a new ice age, climate change, or the "population explosion" warming seas, various pestilences, the solution is always the same. Draconian government control over everyone's life is the solution to anything.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow.

I'm not a boomer. Try again. This is not about denying anything. This is about solving problems.
As the saying goes, a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. Local communities on the coast as well as other vulnerable areas are making plans for the inevitable changes coming down the pike. Cities like Miami are now spending tens of millions on climate change preparation.

You guys can deny it all you want, but the future will see more these type preparations by local government.
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I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow.

I'm not a boomer. Try again. This is not about denying anything. This is about solving problems.
As the saying goes, a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. Local communities on the coast as well as other vulnerable areas are making plans for the inevitable changes coming down the pike. Cities like Miami now spending tens of millions on climate change preparation.

You guys can deny it all you want, but the future will see more these type preparations by local government.

Local communities should worry about keeping order and getting the trash picked up, and stop virtue signaling over bullshit like this.
The entire idea that Sleepy Joe can change the climate is sort of silly.

He and Obama were in power for 8 years and couldn't do anything.

Thinking that a city government in Arizona can change their climate is silly. IMHO, Arizona is going to stay hot, regards of what policies are adopted. It is the desert after all, and all the government policies in the world aren't going to make the place temperate.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow.

I'm not a boomer. Try again. This is not about denying anything. This is about solving problems.
As the saying goes, a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. Local communities on the coast as well as other vulnerable areas are making plans for the inevitable changes coming down the pike. Cities like Miami now spending tens of millions on climate change preparation.

You guys can deny it all you want, but the future will see more these type preparations by local government.

Preparations that do nothing for the people in the immediate, Ok. Your little team loves to live in the abstract where humans are numbers and you can sit on the sidelines and not participate in problem solving. I realize that is how to get around making any promises; however, it's useless at the moment. You don't know. You have no answers. That's ok but don't expect me to take you seriously especially when it comes down to getting shit done.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying free enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A new environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows again.

Back then it was a different time. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction against all environmental regs. They understood that sometimes corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s and 70s against burning rivers and acid rain improved lives across the nation so will our fight against climate change.

Living in fear of change is no way to live.
Good for Tucson. Climate change will soon be the number one issue this nation and the world will need to confront. These wild weather patterns, wickedly high temperatures, and melting glaciers and ice caps will disrupt everyone’s lives. You think the refugee crisis is bad now. Just wait until portions of the globe become uninhabitable whether due to high temperatures or increased desertification. Tucson is right. Let us hope more cities and states and US. Representatives and Senators and Presidents pick up this baton.
So you want rolling black outs for the entire nation, sorry I love my MTV

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