Tucson leaders to consider ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration

I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying fee enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A news environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows.

Back then it was a different times. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction to all environmental regs. They understood that at some times corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s ans 7os improves lives across the nation so will our fight gain at climate change.
Pollution is not climate change, idiot
FACT: If everyone in the United States turned off all of his lights (computers, a/c, etc.), parked their SUV's, and began living a pure life as an organic subsistence farmer, the impact on global temperatures one hundred years out would not even be measurable.

and the city council of Tucson thinks that they can do something to cool the planet?

What a bunch of maroooooooons.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying fee enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A news environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows.

Back then it was a different times. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction to all environmental regs. They understood that at some times corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s ans 7os improves lives across the nation so will our fight gain at climate change.
Pollution is not climate change, idiot

On the heels of record-breaking summer month, city leaders are set to take a serious look at Tucson’s temperatures and sustainability moving forward.
Tucson City Council will discuss a declaration of a ’Climate Emergency’ at September 9′s meeting. The resolution includes a request in regional collaboration for a “more ecologically, socially and economically sustainable city.”
Mayor Regina Romero said declaring an emergency would be more than making a statement.
“We don’t have time to waste,” said Mayor Romero. “It’s life or death and it is a public health issue as well.”
According to a memorandum filed by Mayor Romero and Council Member Paul Durham, Tucson is facing a real climate change threat in public health and safety that can increase the local risks and worsen the effects of major hazards such as wildfires, drought, extreme heat, and flooding.

Ok. There is nothing that Tucson can do to reverse this. There is absolutely nothing that Tucson can do at this point to stop climate change from happening. I think it's arrogant bs, and a waste of both time and money, to operate as if that can be done.

I have just returned over night from 6 days in Los Angeles, the weather was insane, the heat was insane, I was getting daily Excessive Heat Alerts like the below I copy and pasted and emailed to a friend of mine.

This below was the Saturday one, I did not have the 102 Degrees though because I went Saturday down to Huntington Beach to visit some Surfer friends of mine but I did get Sunday at nearly 110 Degrees and that was not a good situation and I spend an entire 6 months in Texas and did an entire Texas August when it did not go below 106 Degrees every day, but that was a dry heat the heat in Los Angeles was NOT a dry heat:


Saturday's Excessive Heat Warning Alert:


Huntington Beach on Saturday was very beautiful weather, 89 Degrees although probably it got to 91 Degrees I think:

I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying free enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A new environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows again.

Back then it was a different time. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction against all environmental regs. They understood that sometimes corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s and 70s against burning rivers and acid rain improved lives across the nation so will our fight against climate change.

Living in fear of change is no way to live.

When the rivers were on fire the solution was to prevent flammables from getting into the river. you had clear goal and a clear path on how to achieve the goal with observable results, i.e. no more fires on the river.

The thing with climate change is we could do everything you Marxists ask us to do and we still won't know and will never know if what we did and sacrificed actually changed anything. And by then we would all be just cogs in the government's system, and you would probably be cheering it on assuming you would be one of the ones punishing others for their climate sins.

Again, what you want is government control over everyone's lives, and you assume you will be one of the people pulling the levers. That's why you choose a "cause" like AGW because it's impossible to determine with any certainty what is caused by it, what will fix it, and if the fixes are actually working. It's perfect for Marxists like you to get your desired governmental system in place.
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying free enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A new environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows again.

Back then it was a different time. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction against all environmental regs. They understood that sometimes corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s and 70s against burning rivers and acid rain improved lives across the nation so will our fight against climate change.

Living in fear of change is no way to live.

When the rivers were on fire the solution was to prevent flammables from getting into the river. you had clear goal and a clear path on how to achieve the goal with observable results, i.e. no more fires on the river.

The thing with climate change is we could do everything you Marxists ask us to do and we still won't know and will never know if what we did and sacrificed actually changed anything. And by then we would all be just cogs in the government's system, and you would probably be cheering it on assuming you would be one of the ones punishing others for their climate sins.

Again, what you want is government control over everyone's lives, and you assume you will be one of the people pulling the levers. That's why you choose a "cause" like AGW because it's impossible to determine with any certainty what is caused by it, what will fix it, and if the fixes are actually working. It's perfect for Marxists like you to get your desired governmental system in place.
Calling me a Marxist only makes you look a friggin moron. Grow the fuck up and reread my posts again. You will find I talk about the growth of new industries you dim witted dolt.
Last edited:
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying fee enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A news environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows.

Back then it was a different times. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction to all environmental regs. They understood that at some times corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s ans 7os improves lives across the nation so will our fight gain at climate change.
Pollution is not climate change, idiot

View attachment 385937

Actually it is a very good point. Pollution control mostly involves issues you can fix with specific methods and produce tangible results. Have too much Nitrogen in the water? Modify wastewater plants to remove nitrogen more efficiently and measure the results. Too many NOx and SOx causing acid rain? Increase removals from power plant stacks and quantify, then measure expected acid levels in rainwater in areas that were experiencing Acid Rain. Even the ozone hole thing had a measurable statistic to go by and show if the reduction in CFC's is working.

But with AGW there is no metric for success, no metric for failure. The systems involved are simply too big and complex for measurement. And that's why is perfect for Marxists like you to use as a vehicle to get your system in place. You blame any excessive weather event as being caused by it, there is no metric to measure if we are successfully fighting it, and there is no end game except "MOAR GOVERNMENT" as a solution for it (according to you)
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying free enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A new environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows again.

Back then it was a different time. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction against all environmental regs. They understood that sometimes corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s and 70s against burning rivers and acid rain improved lives across the nation so will our fight against climate change.

Living in fear of change is no way to live.

When the rivers were on fire the solution was to prevent flammables from getting into the river. you had clear goal and a clear path on how to achieve the goal with observable results, i.e. no more fires on the river.

The thing with climate change is we could do everything you Marxists ask us to do and we still won't know and will never know if what we did and sacrificed actually changed anything. And by then we would all be just cogs in the government's system, and you would probably be cheering it on assuming you would be one of the ones punishing others for their climate sins.

Again, what you want is government control over everyone's lives, and you assume you will be one of the people pulling the levers. That's why you choose a "cause" like AGW because it's impossible to determine with any certainty what is caused by it, what will fix it, and if the fixes are actually working. It's perfect for Marxists like you to get your desired governmental system in place.
Calling me a Marxist only makes you look a friggin moron. Grow the fuck up and reread my posts again you damn idiot.

If it talks red, and walks red, it is red even if it's wearing green.

More government, less freedom.

If you aren't a Marxist, then you are just a moronic tool for them, which would be even worse.
Which will do what precisely?
There is a pattern to climate denial that follows the conservative playbook on all environmental issues.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

Battling climate change will have to be done on a grassroots level. City and local governments will need to implement more climate friendly rules and regs. That is why Tucson’s , as well as local government everywhere, actions are so important.

How will "climate friendly rules" change the weather in your view?
It is about lessening our carbon footprint. Encouraging solar panels, larger lot sizes, more environmentally friendly buildings, stricter building codes, more green spaces, etc. if done on a national scale will help reduce our carbon emissions. In addition to making this nation more energy efficient it will make for a healthier environment.
I have been out here in Californication for the lasts month. Hardly any cars on the streets due to the Kung Flu, most Solar Panels have 2 to 3 inches of dust on them, thus lowing the output of necessary electricity for the people. Also there are wild fires burning here, putting a lot more CO2 in the air than the cars do. The neglect of the forest management by the progs have caused such damage to this state, yet morons like you think that man can affect the climate....
Yiu ob
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying free enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A new environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows again.

Back then it was a different time. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction against all environmental regs. They understood that sometimes corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s and 70s against burning rivers and acid rain improved lives across the nation so will our fight against climate change.

Living in fear of change is no way to live.

When the rivers were on fire the solution was to prevent flammables from getting into the river. you had clear goal and a clear path on how to achieve the goal with observable results, i.e. no more fires on the river.

The thing with climate change is we could do everything you Marxists ask us to do and we still won't know and will never know if what we did and sacrificed actually changed anything. And by then we would all be just cogs in the government's system, and you would probably be cheering it on assuming you would be one of the ones punishing others for their climate sins.

Again, what you want is government control over everyone's lives, and you assume you will be one of the people pulling the levers. That's why you choose a "cause" like AGW because it's impossible to determine with any certainty what is caused by it, what will fix it, and if the fixes are actually working. It's perfect for Marxists like you to get your desired governmental system in place.
Calling me a Marxist only makes you look a friggin moron. Grow the fuck up and reread my posts again you damn idiot.

If it talks red, and walks red, it is red even if it's wearing green.

More government, less freedom.

If you aren't a Marxist, then you are just a moronic tool for them, which would be even worse.
You obviously haven’t a clue what Marxism is. I don’t recall any Marxist calling fo free market solutions or growth of new industries.
Yiu ob
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying free enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A new environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows again.

Back then it was a different time. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction against all environmental regs. They understood that sometimes corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s and 70s against burning rivers and acid rain improved lives across the nation so will our fight against climate change.

Living in fear of change is no way to live.

When the rivers were on fire the solution was to prevent flammables from getting into the river. you had clear goal and a clear path on how to achieve the goal with observable results, i.e. no more fires on the river.

The thing with climate change is we could do everything you Marxists ask us to do and we still won't know and will never know if what we did and sacrificed actually changed anything. And by then we would all be just cogs in the government's system, and you would probably be cheering it on assuming you would be one of the ones punishing others for their climate sins.

Again, what you want is government control over everyone's lives, and you assume you will be one of the people pulling the levers. That's why you choose a "cause" like AGW because it's impossible to determine with any certainty what is caused by it, what will fix it, and if the fixes are actually working. It's perfect for Marxists like you to get your desired governmental system in place.
Calling me a Marxist only makes you look a friggin moron. Grow the fuck up and reread my posts again you damn idiot.

If it talks red, and walks red, it is red even if it's wearing green.

More government, less freedom.

If you aren't a Marxist, then you are just a moronic tool for them, which would be even worse.
You obviously haven’t a clue what Marxism is. I don’t recall any Marxist calling fo free market solutions or growth of new industries.

I've read Marx. Unlike most of the Watermelons I actually understand Marx, and how flawed his theories are.

Again, if you aren't a Marxist then you are a tool of theirs.
Yiu ob
I have news for all you this is not a left or right issue, it is not. It is science issue. Unfortunately, we have idiots who have fallen for climate denying disinformation campaigns.

Given I am arguing with baby boomers who really don’t care about the future, nothing I write will change your opinion.

Other than to say Tucson is right in its approach. Other local government entities are sure to follow or contemplating similar actions.

Gen-X'er here, and it is a left/right issue, because all the drastic responses "required" to fight this are right out of the Hard Left playbook. Government control, less freedom, more regulation.
When rivers were burning and the lakes dying in 60s and 70s the same arguments being made now we’re being made then. The science is not settled, the government Is hell bent on destroying free enterprise, it is too expensive, it is too late, and blah, blan, blah.

A new environmental crisis and the same bullshit flows again.

Back then it was a different time. Conservatives did not have an automatic knee jerk reaction against all environmental regs. They understood that sometimes corporations needed to be reigned in and that there is a greater good that needed protection.

Climate change is the same. New rules and regs will not destroy free enterprise. Any action to confront climate change will result in new industries. Just like action taken in the 60s and 70s against burning rivers and acid rain improved lives across the nation so will our fight against climate change.

Living in fear of change is no way to live.

When the rivers were on fire the solution was to prevent flammables from getting into the river. you had clear goal and a clear path on how to achieve the goal with observable results, i.e. no more fires on the river.

The thing with climate change is we could do everything you Marxists ask us to do and we still won't know and will never know if what we did and sacrificed actually changed anything. And by then we would all be just cogs in the government's system, and you would probably be cheering it on assuming you would be one of the ones punishing others for their climate sins.

Again, what you want is government control over everyone's lives, and you assume you will be one of the people pulling the levers. That's why you choose a "cause" like AGW because it's impossible to determine with any certainty what is caused by it, what will fix it, and if the fixes are actually working. It's perfect for Marxists like you to get your desired governmental system in place.
Calling me a Marxist only makes you look a friggin moron. Grow the fuck up and reread my posts again you damn idiot.

If it talks red, and walks red, it is red even if it's wearing green.

More government, less freedom.

If you aren't a Marxist, then you are just a moronic tool for them, which would be even worse.
You obviously haven’t a clue what Marxism is. I don’t recall any Marxist calling fo free market solutions or growth of new industries.

I have noticed so many Leftists aka Communists telling Rightists that we DON'T know what Communism is, you are just the latest, it's the same with Leftists aka Communists aka Athiests telling Christians that we DON'T know what Christianity is :rolleyes-41:
Another thing, if you are so worried about Climate Change, then what about these? Dont see too many progs telling the Burning Looting and Murder to cut it out.

Burn Loot Murder get a pass because to tell them to cut out burning shit would be you know, racist :rolleyes-41:
Which will do what precisely?
There is a pattern to climate denial that follows the conservative playbook on all environmental issues.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

Battling climate change will have to be done on a grassroots level. City and local governments will need to implement more climate friendly rules and regs. That is why Tucson’s , as well as local government everywhere, actions are so important.

How will "climate friendly rules" change the weather in your view?
It is about lessening our carbon footprint. Encouraging solar panels, larger lot sizes, more environmentally friendly buildings, stricter building codes, more green spaces, etc. if done on a national scale will help reduce our carbon emissions. In addition to making this nation more energy efficient it will make for a healthier environment.

So North Korea is a Climate warrior. Is that the model for the rest of the world?
Lots of hot air ... very little science ... just fear of the unknown ...

From the OP: On the heels of record-breaking summer month ...
Let's see your evidence ... what record was broken? ... what is the meteorological significance of this record? ... how does this compare to old records? ...
I say "horsefeathers" ... the effects of climate change won't be seen for decades if not centuries from now ...this current heat wave in The West is as normal as normal can be ... this we speak of is WEATHER ... and current climate explains this perfectly, no change required ... if anything is changing, it's a little more rainfall in the Phoenix/Tucson area ...

None of you want to talk about solutions ... y'all realize the magnitude of reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ...

2] 90% fewer passenger rigs on the road ... yes, YOU driving your Toyota ten miles to work five days a week is the problem, the solution is ride a bike, or work within walking distance of your home ... but no no no no no no no ... God forbid even the slightest inconvenience, spouse needs the Explorer to do grocery shopping, son needs the Ford to drive home after soccer practice, daughter needs the Buick to get to dance lessons ... that Ram-Tough 1 ton Dodge for pulling the 35 foot trailer to visit grandma's house 14 states away ... do you own and operate more than a single rig, then you're a PIG, pee eye gee PIG ... obviously, you don't believe a single word of the climate change hysteria ... not one word ...

3] We've seen how the airline industry easily vectors deadly contagions around the world ... is that not enough reason to ground 90% of the fleet? ... nevermind what the smoke and soot from the jet engines are doing to the lower Stratosphere ... but no no no no no no ... flying around the world coughing on people is a God given right ... climate be damned ...

4] Meat production uses about 20 times the resources as veggies ... (and please post any data (with citation) if this is wrong) ... but clearly getting you two servings of meat four meals a day is extremely carbon intensive ... will you cut meat consumption in half to save the planet? ... no no no no no ... you haven't, so you won't ... how about some statistically trickery: fully 41% of the land area in the United States is dedicated to livestock production ... that statistic is accurate just it leaves out the fact a fairly large percentage of this land is unsuitable for any other use ... but PIGS have to eat PIGS, or you'll die, right? ...

Good, you noticed I left out #1 ... folks who are connected to the internet, and thus have reliable electric service, are typically from regions in the world with fertility rates below replacement ... it's folks without electric service who need to control their own fertility rates ... about 20% of the world's population ... these folks need all these children to collect firewood for cooking, daily hunting because no refrigerators ... no pension plans so adult children have to support their aging parents ... the have to breed like crazy or die ... and Alarmists would have them forever in such dire poverty ... climate change hysteria isn't Marxist, it's Satanic ... there's a difference ...

The human population quadrupled in the past 100 years ... at this rate, how will we know the effects of global warming? ...
That doesn't answer my question. That's a bitch fest on "conservatives". The issue that Tucson has right now is that they are seeing more deaths due to the heat. So, rather than focus on the immediate crisis and solving immediate problems they are going to....................do what precisely? Also, I'm going to need a timeline for how long these actions are going to take to solve the problem.


It's a panclimatic emergency and will only last two weeks...

...One hundred years later you'll still be in energy conservation lockdown.


Which will do what precisely?
There is a pattern to climate denial that follows the conservative playbook on all environmental issues.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

Battling climate change will have to be done on a grassroots level. City and local governments will need to implement more climate friendly rules and regs. That is why Tucson’s , as well as local government everywhere, actions are so important.

Deny it exists, and once it is determined to exist, say it is too expensive to deal with, and when the expense is no longer an issue, say it is too late to do anything about it.

You're right. How many zero emission nuclear power plants should we build?

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