TULIP (God calls some to atheism)


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Total depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible grace
Preserverance of the saints

Total depravity means we are hopelessly wicked without God.

Unconditional election means that God picks people for his own reasons and does not have to meet any specific standard.

Limited atonement means there is not enough salvation to go around for everyone. Many people will be left out.

Irresistable grace means that when God picks you then you will not be able to say no. You will become a faithful follower of God and have no say in the manner.

Preserverance of the saints means that nothing can be done to lose your salvation. You have been chosen and will be preserved eternally.

God calls some to be atheists by not calling them. Is this ok?
I feel like I am hopelessly wicked without God. I also feel that God has not chosen me for anything. I feel that God chose people that He liked a lot more than me and takes no interest in me being a part of His will. If God would have called me then I would be His best friend now but it is obvious that He didn’t. Just as the saints are preserved, my fate is sealed as well. I will be tortured for an eternity due to my helplessly fallen state. This is my TULIP theory but I have an alternate theory that the God of the Bible does not exist. Which do you guys think it is? God hates my ever loving guts? or God doesn’t exist?
I want to believe in God, and would if I could find the slightest reason to. That would be the greatest thing ever to have a personal relationship with an all knowing, all powerful God who cares about me, and comforts me in the hard times. I'm sure a real God would know how little it would take to convince me, and make me a follower forever, but, if he does exist, he doesn't seem to care about me enough to show he is real..
I feel like I am hopelessly wicked without God. I also feel that God has not chosen me for anything. I feel that God chose people that He liked a lot more than me and takes no interest in me being a part of His will. If God would have called me then I would be His best friend now but it is obvious that He didn’t. Just as the saints are preserved, my fate is sealed as well. I will be tortured for an eternity due to my helplessly fallen state. This is my TULIP theory but I have an alternate theory that the God of the Bible does not exist. Which do you guys think it is? God hates my ever loving guts? or God doesn’t exist?
Why don't you put your TULIPs on my Immaculate Erection and if I flood your guts, God doesn't exist.
Total depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible grace
Preserverance of the saints

Total depravity means we are hopelessly wicked without God.

Unconditional election means that God picks people for his own reasons and does not have to meet any specific standard.

Limited atonement means there is not enough salvation to go around for everyone. Many people will be left out.

Irresistable grace means that when God picks you then you will not be able to say no. You will become a faithful follower of God and have no say in the manner.

Preserverance of the saints means that nothing can be done to lose your salvation. You have been chosen and will be preserved eternally.

God calls some to be atheists by not calling them. Is this ok?

I don't believe there is some God in the clouds or space controlling everything. But I do believe there is a Source of all Consciousness which we all are a part of in infinite experiences we can enjoy or endure.
there is no god --plain and simple

I feel like I am hopelessly wicked without God. I also feel that God has not chosen me for anything. I feel that God chose people that He liked a lot more than me and takes no interest in me being a part of His will. If God would have called me then I would be His best friend now but it is obvious that He didn’t. Just as the saints are preserved, my fate is sealed as well. I will be tortured for an eternity due to my helplessly fallen state. This is my TULIP theory but I have an alternate theory that the God of the Bible does not exist. Which do you guys think it is? God hates my ever loving guts? or God doesn’t exist?
Why don't you put your TULIPs on my Immaculate Erection and if I flood your guts, God doesn't exist.

Probably not the best thing to say to a guy unless you are gay. :auiqs.jpg:
I feel like I am hopelessly wicked without God. I also feel that God has not chosen me for anything. I feel that God chose people that He liked a lot more than me and takes no interest in me being a part of His will. If God would have called me then I would be His best friend now but it is obvious that He didn’t. Just as the saints are preserved, my fate is sealed as well. I will be tortured for an eternity due to my helplessly fallen state. This is my TULIP theory but I have an alternate theory that the God of the Bible does not exist. Which do you guys think it is? God hates my ever loving guts? or God doesn’t exist?

God doesn't exist.
Total depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible grace
Preserverance of the saints

Total depravity means we are hopelessly wicked without God.

Unconditional election means that God picks people for his own reasons and does not have to meet any specific standard.

Limited atonement means there is not enough salvation to go around for everyone. Many people will be left out.

Irresistable grace means that when God picks you then you will not be able to say no. You will become a faithful follower of God and have no say in the manner.

Preserverance of the saints means that nothing can be done to lose your salvation. You have been chosen and will be preserved eternally.

God calls some to be atheists by not calling them. Is this ok?
God gives mankind free choices to choose his present and future and he has since the Garden of Eden. God is all things good and has given us a guidebook to help us get through life, neither damaging our souls nor someone else's. Reading the Word and loving God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind's might is known as believing in God. Belief in God is that state in which his only son, Jesus, taught us as the Kingdom of God to illuminate all that Mosaic law means with the second part of that meaning applied to our lives as loving our neighbor as much as we love our own self. And if you read each of Moses' ten suggestions aka the Ten Commandments, those things Mosaic Law covers all the areas God's angels knew that human beings have the most vulnerable areas we mess up in.

We have the free choice during our time to listen to God who claims He and not we ourselves has the sole path to vengeance. If we had followed those suggestions in the first place we may have avoided the need for revenge which gets us into truly bad trouble with our maker who like Jesus, weeps when we take God's job away willfully and try to do it (vengeful acts) all by our forgetful little selves. It's about managing free will that comes from God and kissing weakness to Satan's come-hither nature goodbye. Failure to teach our children about God's Kingdom which includes mercy and love for the living destroys country as well as our souls as his people. And that isn't all of it. Kings have the worst time of it because all temptations tend to congregate at the thrones of power as we watch slipshod demonic power mongers abuse and not really care for their sworn enemies due to the certainty power gives them the authority to do God's job of taking revenge by working woe to one's brother. Freedom does come with a need for us to do all we can to live in brotherly love. And when we fail bigly, yes, Jesus weeps.

Freedom, not tyranny has been shown to prosper all those who fear God's certain wrath if we continue in sin. I bless God's wisdom through Christ who made understanding God's law easy. I hope that helps you somehow in your understand a nation that has been fooled by working against the U.S. Constitution which is based on God's laws including those unwritten conclusions that brotherly love should prevail through understanding how important the Kingdom of God is in our free choice country. Our freedom should end at our brother's NOSE, however, if we care enough to stay together under God's loving kindness. All else is dross, and the Founders knew it well to the last man.
I feel like I am hopelessly wicked without God. I also feel that God has not chosen me for anything. I feel that God chose people that He liked a lot more than me and takes no interest in me being a part of His will. If God would have called me then I would be His best friend now but it is obvious that He didn’t. Just as the saints are preserved, my fate is sealed as well. I will be tortured for an eternity due to my helplessly fallen state. This is my TULIP theory but I have an alternate theory that the God of the Bible does not exist. Which do you guys think it is? God hates my ever loving guts? or God doesn’t exist?
You have mental health issues. Abandonment, delusions, self-loathing... Go for a tune up.
I feel like I am hopelessly wicked without God. I also feel that God has not chosen me for anything. I feel that God chose people that He liked a lot more than me and takes no interest in me being a part of His will. If God would have called me then I would be His best friend now but it is obvious that He didn’t. Just as the saints are preserved, my fate is sealed as well. I will be tortured for an eternity due to my helplessly fallen state. This is my TULIP theory but I have an alternate theory that the God of the Bible does not exist. Which do you guys think it is? God hates my ever loving guts? or God doesn’t exist?
God Is. God loves you just as you are. The first priority is you. Replace that "Total Depravity" with Total Love. How do you respond to this love? God has given you advice...the Commandments (love Him, love others) and the Beatitudes. Which Beatitude most describes you?

When you approach life (that which happens around you) as being totally loved not totally depraved, you just might perceive what you are called to do, one minor incident at a time.
I feel like I am hopelessly wicked without God. I also feel that God has not chosen me for anything. I feel that God chose people that He liked a lot more than me and takes no interest in me being a part of His will. If God would have called me then I would be His best friend now but it is obvious that He didn’t. Just as the saints are preserved, my fate is sealed as well. I will be tortured for an eternity due to my helplessly fallen state. This is my TULIP theory but I have an alternate theory that the God of the Bible does not exist. Which do you guys think it is? God hates my ever loving guts? or God doesn’t exist?
God Is. God loves you just as you are. The first priority is you. Replace that "Total Depravity" with Total Love. How do you respond to this love? God has given you advice...the Commandments (love Him, love others) and the Beatitudes. Which Beatitude most describes you?

When you approach life (that which happens around you) as being totally loved not totally depraved, you just might perceive what you are called to do, one minor incident at a time.
He has abandonment issues, among others. You've been simply inhaling too much incense. Open a window, for crissakes.
I want to believe in God, and would if I could find the slightest reason to. That would be the greatest thing ever to have a personal relationship with an all knowing, all powerful God who cares about me, and comforts me in the hard times. I'm sure a real God would know how little it would take to convince me, and make me a follower forever, but, if he does exist, he doesn't seem to care about me enough to show he is real..
Scripture instructs us to seek God, not God to seek us, whom He already knows. Know God.
Total depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible grace
Preserverance of the saints

Total depravity means we are hopelessly wicked without God.

Unconditional election means that God picks people for his own reasons and does not have to meet any specific standard.

Limited atonement means there is not enough salvation to go around for everyone. Many people will be left out.

Irresistable grace means that when God picks you then you will not be able to say no. You will become a faithful follower of God and have no say in the manner.

Preserverance of the saints means that nothing can be done to lose your salvation. You have been chosen and will be preserved eternally.

God calls some to be atheists by not calling them. Is this ok?
If you have not heard the calling then maybe you were not listening for it.

As for the rest of you external locus of control fools who are posting in this thread, don't blame God for your lack of discernment. He's been actively working in your lives waiting for you to understand how He works in your lives.

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