Tulsi Gabbard for President

Look Tulsi Gabbard is not qualified to be president and the DC establishment would stomp her to a pulp. She doesn't have the money to defend herself or the balls to fight that battle against these snakes and vermin.
She doesn't have the money to defend herself or the balls to fight that battle against these snakes and vermin.

she's a combat vet....


She is NOT a combat vet. She is a National Guard MP officer, and was a medical admin paper-pusher when enlisted.. She has never been in combat.

She's earned a 'combat medical badge' Admiral>

Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia


You have no clue as to what that is, like most of the BS you spew!
Is she still in the race? Polling at <1% is beating your head against the wall.
So, Jimmy Carter was at 1% this early in the race.

About a half dozen have already dropped out. There will probably be a few more after the debates. Biden was getting good numbers because he was "electable." He could beat Trump. Now that Warren is passing him up, he lost the only thing he had. And his funding is drying up.

There are going to be a lot of changes in the next few months. Who knows how things will shake out.

You should spend five minutes on her campaign web site.

She's a younger female version of Bernie Sanders.

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.
On Oct. 12, the New York Times published an absurd hit piece — as a “news” article, not opinion — lambasting Gabbard and grossly distorting her candidacy. It’s apparent from the incredulous, not objective headline: “What, Exactly, Is Tulsi Gabbard Up To?” and the subhead of the article, which reads: “As she injects chaos into the 2020 Democratic primary by accusing her own party of ‘rigging’ the election, an array of alt-right internet stars, white nationalists and Russians have praised her.”

they probably meant me when they said "alt-right internet stars"
Did you miss it?

Just the other day Gabbard came out for Impeachment...as did Tim Ryan...former GOP House Speaker

Dumbass! Tim Ryan was never the GOP House Speaker, which isn't even the correct title!

Stop drinking and post, Lush!

Tim Ryan is a DEMOCRAT running for President, you ignorant twit!
Already addressed.

PAUL Ryan is now trying to distance Fox from Trump

He was the speaker of the House
WTF??? You incorrectly claim Tim Ryan was "former GOP House Speaker" (he's a Dem and never speaker) and when called on your monumental ignorance you switch to Paul Ryan who has not called for impeachment.

I'm guessing you are so STUPID you have no idea just how STUPID you are. No wonder you're a Democrat.

You should spend five minutes on her campaign web site.

She's a younger female version of Bernie Sanders.

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

So? PF Tinmore is an older version of Bernie Sanders.

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