Tulsi Gabbard for President

Is Tulsi a possible third-party candidate in 2020?

Tulsi Gabbard Won’t Seek Re-Election to Congress in 2020

"Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who has remained in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination even as her bid has failed to gain much traction in polls, announced Friday that she would not seek a fifth term in Congress.

"The announcement was likely to fuel speculation that Ms. Gabbard may be preparing for a third-party race for the White House, a prospect that has unnerved Democrats.

"Last Friday, Hillary Clinton suggested that Republicans were 'grooming' her for such a bid, though Ms. Gabbard has denied any such plans."

If Democrats nominate another corporate troll like Joe Biden, is there any reason why progressives should support such a betrayal?
If Democrats nominate another corporate troll like Joe Biden, is there any reason why progressives should support such a betrayal?
Trump would roll right over Biden in a debate.
Trump would roll right over Biden in a debate.
Judging by some of the Ukraine information coming out recently, I'm inclined to believe a "choice" between Trump or Biden is simply between Democratic vs Republican Corruption.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

"Donald Trump wasn’t the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office.

"They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election.

"And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found."
Andrew Yang #4 on New Facebook Ranking - #1 Tulsi Gabbard #2 Pete Buttigieg #3 Bernie Sanders

Tulsi Gabbard on Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill — Enough is Enough

Tulsi Gabbard "United We Stand! And We Must Stand United To Fulfill The Founders Vision!"

if you're a conservative you get no woke points for being female. in fact, you lose some woke points for being a traitor

Gabbard is a conservative Democrat who should have run as 3rd party or as a republican
Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Inaugural Los Angeles County Veterans Day Service - Los Angeles, CA

Ask yourselves this...

why are Trumpers so enamored of Gabbard?

they would never in a million years vote for her.

they want YOU to waste your vote on her in order to advance Trump’s re-election chances

Don’t be their fools
Tulsi Gabbard went from dream recruit to establishment nightmare


In 2012, Nancy Pelosi described Tulsi Gabbard as an “emerging star.” In 2019, Hillary Clinton decried the Hawaii congresswoman as a “Russian asset.” Suffice to say, the honeymoon is over.

Gabbard is a major target of the liberal elite’s disgust. She feuded with the party organs in 2016 over her backing of Bernie Sanders. Now, during the 2020 election, she is upping the ante — Gabbard isn’t just criticizing the party mainstream; she’s doing so as a candidate for president. She hasn’t pulled punches, toed the party line, or been silenced by criticism from her peers or intraparty backlash. She’s an outsider and a long shot, but her poll numbers have edged slightly higher as she battles the Democratic old guard.

In the eyes of Pelosi and the rest of the party leadership, Gabbard turned out to be quite the disappointment. But given the long history of conflict between Gabbard and the Democratic National Committee, she just might take that as a compliment.

It’s easy to see why party elites were once so excited about Gabbard. As a woman of color who is solidly left-wing on most issues, she seemed to mark the emergence of the new, Obama-era Democratic Party, more diverse and liberal. After all, Gabbard was the youngest woman ever elected to the Hawaii state legislature and the first Hindu elected to the House, winning an underdog election to boot. She also boasted a decorated record of military service at a time when Democrats were seeking to add more veterans to their ranks.

Tulsi Gabbard went from dream recruit to establishment nightmare

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