Tulsi Gabbard sits in for Tucker Carlson!! (Poll)

Should there be more balance, i.e. members of BOTH parties on "political opinion" shows?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
The Republicans have representation. McCarthy's choices were severely compromised as they were part of what happened on Jan 6. Pelosi bent over backwards and gave them pretty much everything they wanted. I think she gave them too much but they turned it down. Several former Trump Administration figures have said their minds have been changed.

And then, well, not much. Mulvaney was, generally speaking, a predictable defender of the former President.

That is, until recently. Mulvaney has become a defender of the House select committee investigating January 6 and a Republican willing to say that fellow members of his party need to be tuning into the hearings in the wake of the testimony from former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson.

As Mulvaney tweeted in the wake of Hutchinson’s testimony last week:

“A stunning 2 hours:

1)Trump knew the protesters had guns

2)He assaulted his own security team

3)There may be a line from ProudBoys to the WH

4)Top aides asked for pardons

5)The commission thinks they have evidence of witness tampering.

That is a very, very bad day for Trump.”

He followed that tweet up with an op-ed in USA Today claiming, among other things, that “after some of the bombshells that got dropped in that hearing, my guess is that things could get very dark for the former president.”

He then appeared with CNN’s Jake Tapper, noting that he had been “defending the president over the course of the last year … and I never really thought until yesterday that he was capable of inciting the riot.”

Mulvaney has kept up the drum beat.

In an op-ed published in the Charlotte Observer Tuesday, Mulvaney made the case for the work being done by the committee.

Wrote Mulvaney:

“For the first time, evidence was presented that former President Trump knew some of the protesters were armed before encouraging them to go the Capitol, that right-wing extremist rioters communicated directly with the White House, that key Presidential advisers requested pardons, that the chief White House lawyer was concerned about getting ‘charged with every crime imaginable,’ and that someone within Trump world may be trying to tamper with committee witnesses.”

He then went on to make the case that Republicans need to be watching the public hearings of the committee.

“Despite all of the flaws in the structure of the heavily Democrat committee, almost all of the evidence presented so far is coming from eminently credible sources: Republicans,” wrote Mulvaney, noting the conservative bona fides of the likes of former Attorney General Bill Barr, Arizona state House Speaker Rusty Bowers and Hutchinson.

And then he gets to the crux of his argument (and the strongest argument in favor of the committee’s work):

“Yes, it is possible that all of those life-long Republicans succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is possible they decided to ignore a life-long political affiliation. It is also possible they chose to perjure themselves about what they saw, heard and know. But if they didn’t, and half of the country isn’t paying attention, then that half of the country is clinging firmly to an opinion of Jan. 6, 2021 that is based on either false or incomplete information.

“And clinging firmly to a belief based on false or incomplete information can lead to disastrous results. January 6 itself is a stark reminder of that.”

You are showing you are a two bit Nazi. You want a Republican whitewash and to regurgitate every tired Nazi narrative.

Oh please, if all you're going to post is bullshit that's already been proven to be bullshit, you're wasting your time.
Who are the Communists? The Democrat party. Do you think if the devil comes for your soul, he's going to tell you he's the devil and why he's there? If you care to challenge me on this, I have one of the US Communist parties platforms for you to read that I'll be glad to post. You'll see very few differences between their agenda and the Democrat party.

Piglosi refused the Republicans picks for the phony commission because they would have put her on the stand. They would have asked for all her emails in regards to the Capital, the thousand or so hours of video they're hiding, why the police officer that shot a female unarmed vet was never questioned, why some of the 1/6 rioters are still in jail with no opportunity to see a judge or get bailed out, why they refused President Trump's offer to have the National Guard there in the early morning hours to make sure a 1/6 couldn't happen. That's what the real 1/6 commission is going to be asking about.

If anybody is above the law, it's the Communists. That's why Hillary was not only not charged, but still allowed to run for President after bleach bitting her server, smashing government phones with a hammer, emailing classified material to her aid which she opened on her laptop, the same laptop that her perv husband used to send nude pictires of himself to strange women all over the world.

Yeah, I think this is where I ask my waiter for the check.

In any case, have a good Saturday otherwise.
The need to prove a crime was committed is a matter for trial, not when applying for a warrant.
Not prove a crime but have evidence that a crime was committed and that evidence will be destroyed if not collected.
She is a partisan hack. She is not fair and objective. Fox does not present both sides. That is why people like Chris Wallace have left the network.
You can google the Harvard Study on media bias. FXN is the least biased.


Chris Wallace was a democrat who didn't fit on FXN. He's done.
Who are the Communists? The Democrat party. Do you think if the devil comes for your soul, he's going to tell you he's the devil and why he's there? If you care to challenge me on this, I have one of the US Communist parties platforms for you to read that I'll be glad to post. You'll see very few differences between their agenda and the Democrat party.

Piglosi refused the Republicans picks for the phony commission because they would have put her on the stand. They would have asked for all her emails in regards to the Capital, the thousand or so hours of video they're hiding, why the police officer that shot a female unarmed vet was never questioned, why some of the 1/6 rioters are still in jail with no opportunity to see a judge or get bailed out, why they refused President Trump's offer to have the National Guard there in the early morning hours to make sure a 1/6 couldn't happen. That's what the real 1/6 commission is going to be asking about.

If anybody is above the law, it's the Communists. That's why she was not only not charged, but still allowed to run for President after bleach bitting her server, smashing government phones with a hammer, emailing classified material to her aid which she opened on her laptop, the same laptop that her perv husband used to send nude pictires of himself to strange women all over the world.

Republicans are right wing Nazis who are attacking our country. They are the devils who are coming after this country. The reason that the US Communists platform comes close to the Democrat platform is because the Communists have moved towards the Democrats. Their platform is liberal rather than being communist. The Democrat platform does address many of the issues that exist in this country and offer solutions. I don't necessarily agree 100% with their solutions but there is room for compromise. The Republicans don't have a platform yet we see many of their beliefs. Attack voting rights, attack free speech rights, attack women's rights, attack federal law enforcement among other things. The Republicans just told people who need insulin to drop dead by refusing to help them. Those are Republican values and fascist solutions.

As usual, you show you do not want a honest investigation. You just want to push right wing propaganda. Pelosi is not in charge of security of the capital. The Capital Police are responsible for this. The police officer had every right to fire his weapon as she was storming the capitol. When a mob is heading for you, you don't have time to determine who is armed and who is not. If the officers had been more aggressive in firing their weapons, there might not have been 141 officers injured. Many of them are still suffering from the injuries they received from these Republican terrorists. Trump officials have confirmed that Trump did not offer any National Guard troops. What you want is what a phony Jan 6 commission would want.

It is Republicans who want a two tiered legal system. Clinton properly made sure that any classified information on her devices was removed. If she had not done that, you would have complained that she didn't do that.
It doesn't matter because the FBI and DOJ have proven they cannot be trusted. You just don't get it do you?

They have done no such thing. Trump and his supporters like you are the ones who cannot be trusted.
Indeed, that's why FNC hires LIberals/Libertarians as well as conservatives to air their opinions, rather than have one sided opinions point at the audience 24/7.

They have very few liberals left. They have even dropped the fair and balanced claim.
That shows how phony the Harvard Study is. Fox is near the top. A poll taken a few years ago by Rasmussen showed that Fox was the most biased.
An Ivy League university study is phony. You are an idiot.
A poll is not a scientific study, duh.

Calling you a LIAR. I just googled it and no Rassmussen poll came up about FXN. So link it or go fuck yourself.
Riiight, because that’s how you defend against bio warfare….with more bio warfare.

If you get a blood test, it goes to a bio-lab to get the results. If you have a pandemic, samples could be stored there as they determine how to develop a vaccine. Quit spouting Putin propaganda.
If you get a blood test, it goes to a bio-lab to get the results. If you have a pandemic, samples could be stored there as they determine how to develop a vaccine. Quit spouting Putin propaganda.
So Russia had been launching bio weapons attacks all these years these labs were up?
An Ivy League university study is phony. You are an idiot.
A poll is not a scientific study, duh.

Calling you a LIAR. I just googled it and no Rassmussen poll came up about FXN. So link it or go fuck yourself.

It is when you know the results are phony. Fox is the propaganda arm of trump. They have spread right wing propaganda. You go fuck yourself or have Trump do it. You will probably love that.
Geraldo is a guest on Hannity's show all the time. Hannity often pairs him with Dan Bongino and they tear each other apart. It's always good for a laugh.

Geraldo and Juan Williams are the token left wingers on the show. Most serious journalists have left the network because of their bias.
Geraldo and Juan Williams are the token left wingers on the show. Most serious journalists have left the network because of their bias.

Williams left a year ago. People on the right and left moved to other things. It was Fox that killed their most popular show, O'Reilly.

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