Tulsi Gabbard sits in for Tucker Carlson!! (Poll)

Should there be more balance, i.e. members of BOTH parties on "political opinion" shows?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
This is why I don't automatically thank all vets for their service.
So the point you're making here is that if you're in the Trump cult, hypocrisy is seen as a virtue. You support the vets --- but only if they support your treason.

Remember, active duty military went for Biden. That's why the Trump cult is now working so hard to suppress the military vote. The military hates traitors like you.

Because maybe they are really waiting for half of us to die, as expressed here.
Please don't project your fascist death-lust on to normal people. It doesn't fool anyone, and it makes you look even more disgusting.
I'm quite sure his team at the White House are the people who packed those documents.

I think you're probably correct - I doubt he packed them personally, and if anything, the initial mix-up is probably more a case of incompetent administration than malicious intent. However, as I said, I think "oops" becomes a less credible defense once the FBI/DOJ went to retrieve those documents. Any good lawyer would have told him, "Make damn sure you know where every last presidential document is, and turn it over. Scour every inch of your mansion. You don't want the FBI coming back again." There comes a point in criminal law when stupidity, indifference, incompetence, or negligence can actually become a crime.

I'm also sure his legal team at home went through them again once the FBI became involved.

Agreed, which is why he's going to have a harder time explaining this one away. Back in June? Yeah, sure. "Sorry, I fucked up and forgot/didn't know these were here." Now? After he's signed sworn statements? Not so easy. And even less easy with his constant yammering in the press. Being his criminal defense lawyer can't be fun right now.

However it was a bad calculation. The public is about sick of these stunts and the damage being done to the Democrats is self-inflicted. The 1/6 commission is a joke, and they have to find another means to try and stop the Trump train. In my state some pissed off kook tried to get into a FBI headquarters likely to kill agents. They can't keep pushing this bullshit, and it is bullshit. This move by the Biden administration is history in the making, and they got some lowly magistrate to sign this search? Too many things don't add up.

The January 6th committee is actually doing a great public service. I'm glad they actually have two Republicans on the committee because for all their faults, Republicans are better at understanding how the average Joe Sixpack at home thinks. They know what it takes to get through to people. If this had been led by Adam Schiff, we would have had nothing but boring-as-fuck, geeky PowerPoint presentations. Cheney and Kinzinger get it: turn it into a TV show.
What did ya do, serve two years as a draftee? I spent a total of 26 years active and reserve. And I say you're full of shit.
That's nice.

However, the facts say that you're tongue-bathing fascists and traitors, and facts override your pwecious feewings.

Good luck presenting those feelings to the court, snowflake.

What whimpering disgrace-to-the-uniform excuse are you going to put forth to explain this latest failure? Have you made one up yet, or are you waiting for your masters to tell you what to say?
Tulsi's guest James Gagliano (Retired FBI agent) said that even if Trump had classified documents, they still have to prove intent to commit a crime. Seeing as how Trump had nothing to do with packing those boxes and, the fact Trump let them inspect the documents in June, I see no crime here or any legal reason for a FBI raid.

The government is only required to show a reasonable probability that a crime has been committed. They are required to show what they are looking for.
Tulsi should switch parties, she is not a lib/dem.

Yeah I really don't get what happened to her. I remember liking Gabbard at one point for being a credible moderate, centrist type politician who, I felt, courageously took a position against military expansionism -- I'm not at all anti-military and believe in a strong national defense but agreed with her and others about the need to avoid getting entangled in dumb conflicts. But I think the Internet turned her into a cult celebrity, which can be a potent type of narcotic I reckon.
I think you're probably correct - I doubt he packed them personally, and if anything, the initial mix-up is probably more a case of incompetent administration than malicious intent. However, as I said, I think "oops" becomes a less credible defense once the FBI/DOJ went to retrieve those documents. Any good lawyer would have told him, "Make damn sure you know where every last presidential document is, and turn it over. Scour every inch of your mansion. You don't want the FBI coming back again." There comes a point in criminal law when stupidity, indifference, incompetence, or negligence can actually become a crime.

Agreed, which is why he's going to have a harder time explaining this one away. Back in June? Yeah, sure. "Sorry, I fucked up and forgot/didn't know these were here." Now? After he's signed sworn statements? Not so easy. And even less easy with his constant yammering in the press. Being his criminal defense lawyer can't be fun right now.

The January 6th committee is actually doing a great public service. I'm glad they actually have two Republicans on the committee because for all their faults, Republicans are better at understanding how the average Joe Sixpack at home thinks. They know what it takes to get through to people. If this had been led by Adam Schiff, we would have had nothing but boring-as-fuck, geeky PowerPoint presentations. Cheney and Kinzinger get it: turn it into a TV show.

The Republicans do not have any representation because Piglosi refused their choice of representatives. She picked them, not the Republicans. She found Trump hating Republicans and called this fair? It's as bad as hiring Mueller and he picked all Trump hating lawyers for the investigation.

This commission is as phony as a three dollar bill and they're trying to stretch it out to the election which is their only goal, just like this raid a year and a half after Trump left office. If anything is in those boxes the FBI planted it there. The real 1/6 investigation won't start until after the Republicans take over next year. We have a lot of questions not allowed to be asked in this phony commission.

If it's one thing the Communists never learned is that what goes around comes around, and payback is a bitch.
What did Tulsi get from the Russians? you or anyone have proof she has profited in any way?
Also... she didn't say they were bio weapons labs, she said they were bio labs. Which they are for research. if one of them was breached by the Russians they could possibly pose a threat with the release
of pathogens.

She was attacked by her political enemies, like the F'ing low shot artist Hillary Clinton.... because thats what they do. Find anything they can twist into an advantage and besmirch someone else's name.
Shes' also dedicated part of her life in the military so I really doubt she has desires to strengthen Russia.

She has echoed Putin's rhetoric. In addition, Putin did not want Clinton to be the nominee. They helped anyone who opposed Clinton. In addition, she pushes every right wing nutjob conspiracy there is. She clearly is doing what Putin wants her to do. Incite right wing violence in America.
No they did not. They are not manufacturing bio-weapons.
LOL, yea because they say so. Why were they so nervous about the Russians taking over the labs then? They testified those labs could be used as weapons. A bio lab that can be used for weapons is…..*drum roll*……a bio-weapons lab.
The Republicans do not have any representation because Piglosi refused their choice of representatives. She picked them, not the Republicans. She found Trump hating Republicans and called this fair? It's as bad as hiring Mueller and he picked all Trump hating lawyers for the investigation.

She wasn't about to allow people who were on record as defending patently false claims about the 2020 election to serve on that committee. She wanted to make sure that whoever served on that committee would take that role seriously and serve responsibly. I'm sorry you don't like that or agree that Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are capable of that, but the facts bear that out.

This commission is as phony as a three dollar bill and they're trying to stretch it out to the election which is their only goal, just like this raid a year and a half after Trump left office.

That's your opinion, to which you're entitled, but they've somehow managed to get dozens of people who were political allies of the president to give hours and hours of sworn testimony that seems to challenge your beliefs.

I'll repeat: the Committee has hours and hours and hours of sworn testimony. Under oath. Under penalty of federal criminal perjury if they give even so much as one materially false statement. What have you got other than baseless claims made by people on the internet? It's not a crime to make shit up on the internet. It is a crime to lie under oath. I'll say that people who face criminal conviction for lying are generally more credible than people who face no consequence for lying.

What do you think?

If anything is in those boxes the FBI planted it there.

As I said, anyone can say or claim anything on the internet. Bullshit is free. Getting charged with making false statements in response to a federal investigation is most definitely not free.

The real 1/6 investigation won't start until after the Republicans take over next year. We have a lot of questions not allowed to be asked in this phony commission.

Oh sure, if Republicans retake the House, the "investigation" will start - of that I have little doubt. But what do you or anyone you know get out of a sham investigation? I'm curious to know how you think Republicans are going to make your life better by lying about a lost election and by defending a former president engaged in blatantly criminal conduct - conduct that even a fraction of which would land you, me, and anyone reading this in jail for quite some time. Do you like that the one party literally advocates being above the law?

If it's one thing the Communists never learned is that what goes around comes around, and payback is a bitch.

Communists? Who's communist? The way that Republicans give their undying fealty to a 76-year-old ex president is reminiscent of the way China revered Chairman Mao in the Cultural Revolution.
The Republicans do not have any representation because Piglosi refused their choice of representatives. She picked them, not the Republicans. She found Trump hating Republicans and called this fair? It's as bad as hiring Mueller and he picked all Trump hating lawyers for the investigation.

This commission is as phony as a three dollar bill and they're trying to stretch it out to the election which is their only goal, just like this raid a year and a half after Trump left office. If anything is in those boxes the FBI planted it there. The real 1/6 investigation won't start until after the Republicans take over next year. We have a lot of questions not allowed to be asked in this phony commission.

If it's one thing the Communists never learned is that what goes around comes around, and payback is a bitch.

The Republicans have representation. McCarthy's choices were severely compromised as they were part of what happened on Jan 6. Pelosi bent over backwards and gave them pretty much everything they wanted. I think she gave them too much but they turned it down. Several former Trump Administration figures have said their minds have been changed.

And then, well, not much. Mulvaney was, generally speaking, a predictable defender of the former President.

That is, until recently. Mulvaney has become a defender of the House select committee investigating January 6 and a Republican willing to say that fellow members of his party need to be tuning into the hearings in the wake of the testimony from former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson.

As Mulvaney tweeted in the wake of Hutchinson’s testimony last week:

“A stunning 2 hours:

1)Trump knew the protesters had guns

2)He assaulted his own security team

3)There may be a line from ProudBoys to the WH

4)Top aides asked for pardons

5)The commission thinks they have evidence of witness tampering.

That is a very, very bad day for Trump.”

He followed that tweet up with an op-ed in USA Today claiming, among other things, that “after some of the bombshells that got dropped in that hearing, my guess is that things could get very dark for the former president.”

He then appeared with CNN’s Jake Tapper, noting that he had been “defending the president over the course of the last year … and I never really thought until yesterday that he was capable of inciting the riot.”

Mulvaney has kept up the drum beat.

In an op-ed published in the Charlotte Observer Tuesday, Mulvaney made the case for the work being done by the committee.

Wrote Mulvaney:

“For the first time, evidence was presented that former President Trump knew some of the protesters were armed before encouraging them to go the Capitol, that right-wing extremist rioters communicated directly with the White House, that key Presidential advisers requested pardons, that the chief White House lawyer was concerned about getting ‘charged with every crime imaginable,’ and that someone within Trump world may be trying to tamper with committee witnesses.”

He then went on to make the case that Republicans need to be watching the public hearings of the committee.

“Despite all of the flaws in the structure of the heavily Democrat committee, almost all of the evidence presented so far is coming from eminently credible sources: Republicans,” wrote Mulvaney, noting the conservative bona fides of the likes of former Attorney General Bill Barr, Arizona state House Speaker Rusty Bowers and Hutchinson.

And then he gets to the crux of his argument (and the strongest argument in favor of the committee’s work):

“Yes, it is possible that all of those life-long Republicans succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is possible they decided to ignore a life-long political affiliation. It is also possible they chose to perjure themselves about what they saw, heard and know. But if they didn’t, and half of the country isn’t paying attention, then that half of the country is clinging firmly to an opinion of Jan. 6, 2021 that is based on either false or incomplete information.

“And clinging firmly to a belief based on false or incomplete information can lead to disastrous results. January 6 itself is a stark reminder of that.”

You are showing you are a two bit Nazi. You want a Republican whitewash and to regurgitate every tired Nazi narrative.
She wasn't about to allow people who were on record as defending patently false claims about the 2020 election to serve on that committee. She wanted to make sure that whoever served on that committee would take that role seriously and serve responsibly. I'm sorry you don't like that or agree that Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are capable of that, but the facts bear that out.

That's your opinion, to which you're entitled, but they've somehow managed to get dozens of people who were political allies of the president to give hours and hours of sworn testimony that seems to challenge your beliefs.

I'll repeat: the Committee has hours and hours and hours of sworn testimony. Under oath. Under penalty of federal criminal perjury if they give even so much as one materially false statement. What have you got other than baseless claims made by people on the internet? It's not a crime to make shit up on the internet. It is a crime to lie under oath. I'll say that people who face criminal conviction for lying are generally more credible than people who face no consequence for lying.

What do you think?

As I said, anyone can say or claim anything on the internet. Bullshit is free. Getting charged with making false statements in response to a federal investigation is most definitely not free.

Oh sure, if Republicans retake the House, the "investigation" will start - of that I have little doubt. But what do you or anyone you know get out of a sham investigation? I'm curious to know how you think Republicans are going to make your life better by lying about a lost election and by defending a former president engaged in blatantly criminal conduct - conduct that even a fraction of which would land you, me, and anyone reading this in jail for quite some time. Do you like that the one party literally advocates being above the law?

Communists? Who's communist? The way that Republicans give their undying fealty to a 76-year-old ex president is reminiscent of the way China revered Chairman Mao in the Cultural Revolution.

Who are the Communists? The Democrat party. Do you think if the devil comes for your soul, he's going to tell you he's the devil and why he's there? If you care to challenge me on this, I have one of the US Communist parties platforms for you to read that I'll be glad to post. You'll see very few differences between their agenda and the Democrat party.

Piglosi refused the Republicans picks for the phony commission because they would have put her on the stand. They would have asked for all her emails in regards to the Capital, the thousand or so hours of video they're hiding, why the police officer that shot a female unarmed vet was never questioned, why some of the 1/6 rioters are still in jail with no opportunity to see a judge or get bailed out, why they refused President Trump's offer to have the National Guard there in the early morning hours to make sure a 1/6 couldn't happen. That's what the real 1/6 commission is going to be asking about.

If anybody is above the law, it's the Communists. That's why Hillary was not only not charged, but still allowed to run for President after bleach bitting her server, smashing government phones with a hammer, emailing classified material to her aid which she opened on her laptop, the same laptop that her perv husband used to send nude pictires of himself to strange women all over the world.
Tulsi is easy to understand, she's a vet who knows what its like to wear the uniform.
I can't understand how anyone who wore the uniform can be a democrat.
Agreed. The Secret Service guys are amazing. They do a great job.

She is a disgrace as a vet. Several vets attacked the Capital on Jan 6.
I can't understand how people who have worn the uniform can support fascist Republicans like you.
Do we need more shows presenting both sides fairly instead of the 1-party partisan hacks like on CNN & MSDNC?
NOPE….bipartisanship in this climate is for nutless pussies whom are scared shitless of conflict...it’s just that simple.
The people of America and the parties are just too different these days….multiculturalism has destroyed us at our core and there is no coming back from it.

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