Tulsi Gabbard vs. DNC Establishment

Hillary said "they have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far" okay how the hell does Hillary know this?? Adam Schiff you need to investigate this immediately.
MMMM, maybe this will drive her to switch parties. She's way to fine to be a fucktard anyway.
Hope Hillary runs as an independent too....that would be great!
Lord knows if your a Democrat you never question, Nancy, media, or DNC.
Tulsi Gabbard backed by 2020 Democrat candidates in Hillary Clinton 'Russian asset' row
I guess Kamala was the Clinton pick and Tulsi made pretty short work of her in a previous debate.


“Her decision to inject herself into the 2020 election was a mistake. It was exactly the kind of clumsy, self-absorbed move that, despite Clinton’s lifetime in the public eye, revealed a total misunderstanding of how politics work. Far from exposing or thwarting Gabbard, as Clinton loyalists want to believe, the former secretary of state overshot the mark by making an accusation without proof. Gabbard will now dismiss real concerns about her as just so much conspiracy theorizing.”​

And this is from Tom Nichols, who actually thinks Gabbard is a Russian asset, so you know Hillary’s stuff is playing badly.

MMMM, maybe this will drive her to switch parties. She's way to fine to be a fucktard anyway.

So as long as she changes the letter after her name she is acceptable? It's not about ideas or policies? It's just about the letter after your name?
Not even a candidate and Hillary seems hell bent on delivering Trump another resounding electoral victory.

Maybe she is the Russian asset.
Anyone who doesn't believe the US military is something for Hillary and her party to sell out when $$$$$$$$$ are flashed from AIPAC is a "russian asset."
And again I say.... if I was a Democrat I know I would be smart enough to see that the DNC is repeating Berniegate all over again.
Gabbard several months back started talking about corporate Democrats/elitism and the regime change wars they started.
This is not acceptable in Democrat land. You simply cannot speak out against the machine.
She, IMO, is the ONLY candidate that can beat Trump. And the Dems have thrown her under the bus to protect the establishment.
The only sane candidate the Democrats have is being viciously attacked by the party. If that doesn't tell you how far the Democrats have fallen, nothing will.
Her sanity is relative.

I would NEVER vote for her. She's just communism lite
I have a lot of problems with her, beginning with one of her TOP issues she is running on is slavery reparations and issuing an official "national apology" to living blacks for what whites did 100 - 200 years ago.
NOTHING will further crush race relations than seeing a bunch of black people buying new nikes on our tax dollars. HUGE issue I have with her.
Hillary is simply delusional.
Maybe the day will come when it penetrates her thick skull, that she was a lousy unlikeable candidate for president.
It's why she lost to Obama, and why she lost to Trump.

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