Tulsi Gabbard warns Americans about the coming police state.

Tulsi and Kristi Noem, if they could jump the aisle. Imagine America's first female prez and VP!
The powers that be will never let them in.....they prefer their women taking bribes and giving blow jobs to get ahead...i.e Kamala and Hiliary.
The powers that be will never let them in.....they prefer their women taking bribes and giving blow jobs to get ahead...i.e Kamala and Hiliary.

Is that so? I'll bet you can show one sceric of evidence of that. You're just so hate filled it must keep you awake at night.
They're brainwashing your kids too.... take a look down the Walmart book aisle sometime......

Barack Obama's book is out there... Bill and Hillary Clinton both have new books out......

Page 1 of BLM is a pic of George Floyd. ( for real--just saw it today)
It's not about credibility but if you want to make it so, you've got some catching up to do after trump.

After all the bullshit told about Biden, he outpolled trump, in fact, smashed him.
In both elections trump never won the popular vote.
In the end it was repubmicans who changed their vote to Biden which threw him out. That's a fact for all to read.
Where's your credibility when your own supporters throw you out?

So comrade, I'm pleased you let off some steam. It might make room for some rational thought.
Your twisted perception of reality has been noted.:71:

First of all, war is illegal, even it is against a dictator you do not like, unless it is started by the other side and you have no choice.
Second is that the US has no moral high ground to criticize any world leader because we do so many illegal things, like invade Iraq, the war on drugs, federal firearm laws, illegal economic sanctions, etc.
Third is that in places like the Mideast, often strong tribal leaders are what the people expect and want.
For example, the 27 past leaders in Iraq were all assassinated until Saddam over-turned the leader before him, and did not have him killed.
For example, the 27 past leaders in Iraq were all assassinated until Saddam over-turned the leader before him, and did not have him killed.
A little side note, in the wake of Colin Powell's recent death, about the wmds that were "never found" .....
those were anthrax bioweopons sold to Iraq by our government.

We found them but of course couldn't admit it.
They're brainwashing your kids too.... take a look down the Walmart book aisle sometime......

Barack Obama's book is out there... Bill and Hillary Clinton both have new books out......

Page 1 of BLM is a pic of George Floyd. ( for real--just saw it today)
View attachment 553936
Good lord.

Don't let white kids even THINK that Black Lives Matter...
A little side note, in the wake of Colin Powell's recent death, about the wmds that were "never found" .....
those were anthrax bioweopons sold to Iraq by our government.

We found them but of course couldn't admit it.

That is true, but Saddam used everything he had against Iran, and that was about a decade earlier, so it is not likely Iraq has anything significant in the way of WMD left by the time we started making false claims.

But I see the irony of your point, where the US threatens other countries of having WMD, when it is actually the US that has the most.
Good lord.

Don't let white kids even THINK that Black Lives Matter...
Who said anything about whether the kids who see the books are white or black, and what difference does it make with children .....history is being rewritten before your eyes, and you don't even care.
That is true, but Saddam used everything he had against Iran, and that was about a decade earlier, so it is not likely Iraq has anything significant in the way of WMD left by the time we started making false claims.

But I see the irony of your point, where the US threatens other countries of having WMD, when it is actually the US that has the most.
He never used them.
That's why our guys got the rushed anthrax vaccine....my brother was one of them...got a Med Discharge from The USMC when it gave him epilepsy.
Rigby5 you don't want to go down this rabbit hole...
It connects to the Clinton's, the Oklahoma City bombing, Iraq
...all kinds of deep shit.

Only reason I know anything was hearing this dude on the radio one time.
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You're confused as usual, troll.
The burdon of proof is on you this time.

I've stated my case 3 posts ago and you haven't refuted one word. The best you've got is the usual diversions and personal attacks yet I'm supposed to prove something???
You're brain is thicker that cold molasses.

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