Tulsi wins a delegate, qualifies for next debate, or will DNC cheat her and change rules?

Gabbard hasn't done enough, and the DNC can apply whatever rules they want.

I want the next debate to be Biden versus Bernie.
Time for Gabbard, Bloomberg and Warren to take a seat.
The DNC has screwed Tulsi this whole time, at Hillary's direction...why would they stop now?
Tulsi Gabbard might have just qualified for the next Democratic debate

I seriously doubt they will let her be in the next debate, but I hope they stick to their rules.
Did you vote for her today. Why do you care?

Those are both questions.

Why did you post in this thread?
Saw your post just a another insincerity of the far right wing, that the right is famous for on this board. It impresses no one. If it is important how the Democrats pick their candidate, you should quit supporting the Orange Doofus and get involved in changing that party to suit your preferences, and you won't do it from the outside. Instead of posting about their party selection methods, You might as well be sitting around jacking off in a cup. Please no pictures.
What's the point? If Warren can't do better than 3rd in her home state why is Gabbard still significant? The race is down to Sanders and Biden .
So scared of Tulsi speaking the truth on a national platform.

Just keep changing the rules DNC.

Just name Biden already.

DNC rules
I'll be voting for Tulsi whenever I get into town to vote. Ain't felt up to it past 2 days...maybe sometime this week. Will literally be 2nd time in my life I voted democrat.
Why did the DNC allow 20 or whatever in the first few debates? We knew a bunch of them had no chance to win.

Nice to see members of the DNC posting ITT.
Why did the DNC allow 20 or whatever in the first few debates? We knew a bunch of them had no chance to win.

Nice to see members of the DNC posting ITT.
Because you don't actually know. Not till the ball gets rolling and see who breaks out. If you have not broken out by Super Tuesday you are not breaking out at all.

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