Tunisian Women Go to Syria to Practice "Sexual Jihad."


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
How come everything related to Islam seems to benefit men. What a f*%ked religion. Anyway, here's the story. P.S. If you're a dude who can't get laid...maybe go to Syria? Okay, you might get gassed to death, but apparently there is an upside. :)

Tunisian Girls Are Coming Home Pregnant After Performing 'Sexual Jihad' In Syria
Business InsiderBy Paul Szoldra | Business Insider – 3 hours ago

A member of the Free Syrian Army stands guard at a checkpoint they took over early on Monday after clashes with pro-government forces in Salqin city in Idlib October 22, 2012.

A number of girls from Tunisia have become pregnant after traveling to Syria to participate in "sexual jihad," according to Lotfi Bin Jeddo, Tunisia's Interior Minister.

The girls “are (sexually) swapped between 20, 30, and 100 rebels and they come back bearing the fruit of sexual contacts in the name of sexual jihad and we are silent doing nothing and standing idle,” Al Arabiya reported he said during an address to the National Constituent Assembly.

The Telegraph has more:

"After the sexual liaisons they have there in the name of 'jihad al-nikah' - (sexual holy war, in Arabic) - they come home pregnant," Ben Jeddou told the MPs.

He did not elaborate on how many Tunisian women had returned to the country pregnant with the children of jihadist fighters.

Jihad al-nikah, permitting extramarital sexual relations with multiple partners, is considered by some hardline Sunni Muslim Salafists as a legitimate form of holy war.

Jeddo also said his ministry had taken a number of steps to stem the flow of Tunisians travelling to Syria.

Tunisia's former Mufti (the country's highest religious official) warned earlier this year that 13 Tunisian girls "were fooled" into travelling to Syria to offer sexual services for the rebels. He described the practice as a form of “prostitution.”

“For Jihad in Syria, they are now pushing girls to go there. 13 young girls have been sent for sexual jihad. What is this? This is called prostitution. It is moral educational corruption,” Battikh said.
Personally I don't like the Sandniggers, but a farce of a religion that teaches the sheeple that they are nothing but human live stock is promising, along with do nothing about because the Islamic Space Ship will save you in the end, this video shows the true nature Islam:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtiVP-E2eFI&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]The honorable Shaka-Khan speaks about Islam[/ame]
After watching this video, Islam will make sense.
Seems the radical Muslims commit every sin known to mankind, yet they still condemn infidels for being evil. To them, anything non-Muslim is evil although anything evil done in the name of Islam is considered good.

They want sex with young girls and they talk about 72 virgins as a reward for killing infidels. Are they taught from childhood that killing non-Muslims, sex and oppressing women are the most important things in life? I hope all their virgins look like Janet Reno.

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