Turkey broke Relations with Israel-I suggest We Boycott Them


And where do you stand on Turkey's history of mass-murder and genocide?

Their action was intended to force Israel to withdraw from Gaza. Israel is entitled to find their deadly enemies(HAMAS) and punish them for self defense.(Either kill them or put them on trial for murder.) Perhaps a boycott of Turkish goods by Americans is a proper response.

Will you join me?
Here is the current list of nations cutting off relations with Israel because she is trying to defend herself from terrorists who have already murdered 1400 Israelis and taken 100 of them hostage.
As of 6 November 2023, Bolivia has severed diplomatic relations with Israel,[6] while Bahrain[7], Chad[8], Chile[9], Colombia[10], Honduras[11], Jordan[12], South Africa[13] and Turkey[14] have recalled their ambassadors from Israel, citing Israeli actions during the war.
Their action was intended to force Israel to withdraw from Gaza. Israel is entitled to find their deadly enemies(HAMAS) and punish them for self defense.(Either kill them or put them on trial for murder.) Perhaps a boycott of Turkish goods by Americans is a proper response.

Will you join me?
When I flew El Al into Israel we flew around Turkey.
Told me all I needed to know about Turkey.
I'll join you in applauding Turkey and condemning Israel's deranged mass murder of children and other innocents by the thousands.

Here is the current list of nations cutting off relations with Israel because she is trying to defend herself from terrorists who have already murdered 1400 Israelis and taken 100 of them hostage.
As of 6 November 2023, Bolivia has severed diplomatic relations with Israel,[6] while Bahrain[7], Chad[8], Chile[9], Colombia[10], Honduras[11], Jordan[12], South Africa[13] and Turkey[14] have recalled their ambassadors from Israel, citing Israeli actions during the war.
Now add Malaysia to the BOYCOTT LIST. Those assholes just broke relations with Israel.Don't buy anything made in Malaysia.
South Africa and Bolivia have also pulled their relations with Israel. LETS BOYCOTT THEM, TOO.
India has just voted in the UN to interfere in the internal affairs of Israel Since Israel has never interfered in India's affairs, we must add India to the Internet Boycott List. Please do not buy anything from India.
India has just voted in the UN to interfere in the internal affairs of Israel Since Israel has never interfered in India's affairs, we must add India to the Internet Boycott List. Please do not buy anything from India.
Does this mean we can no longer "import" computer programmers from India?

You are clueless as to how business works in America.
Actually, the “withdrawal of ambassadors” from Israel is an almost insignificant action and the Muslim and Arab regime’s reactions to this Israeli war on Gaza is relatively mild, with most Arab states unwilling to support Hamas or take in more refugees. The suffering of Gazan innocents is extreme. Turkey is not about to support any real attack or even lasting boycott of Israel.

The reaction of commenters here is predictable, but mostly silly. One cannot boycott every country that disagrees with Israeli policies, nor can one expect Arab or Muslim regimes or international aid agencies to remain silent about the leveling of Gaza and deaths of innocents there. Israel’s reaction was all but inevitable, however, given the bloody Hamas attack.. Another tragedy, in which Israeli and Palestinian / Arab leaderships have all at one time or another played sad roles historically.

This “war” will probably continue for at least another few months, as Israeli troops tighten their noose. Before withdrawing, assuming they withdraw, Mossad will probably at least try to digitally identify suspicious males in Gaza, rebuild their internal informer network, and kill or drive open Hamas sympathizers out of the strip. A very difficult and bloody job and one that they may fail in accomplishing.

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