Turkey Decides to Hit Kurdish Rebels Instead of ISIS - Hello! Knock Knock!



Airstrikes target the Kurdistan Workers' Party and not the Islamist militants fighting for control of Kobani, a Kurdish city in Syria near the Turkish border

Turkey Decides to Hit Kurdish Rebels Instead of ISIS

You see? This is why I've said over and over again forever we should have left the Middle East a long time ago.

disastrous invasion stirred up the pot of what was already a huge mess. They weren't jealous of our freedom. They didn't greet us as liberators. This is a part of the world where the nuts rule. Why can't Republican get "it"????

You can't trust any Middle Eastern country because every single one is surrounded by enemies and the population of every single one is made up of groups of enemies.

The four largest combined has 1.5 million troops but can's stop 30,000????? That's 50 to 1. The US going in there means more enemies because "
infidel westerners will be killing Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands". That's why Bin Laden attacked us.

Republicans are bullies. The only way the want to deal with their "enemies" is bomb them, threaten them, suppress their vote and so on. We need to leave. Just leave. Step away from the crazy.

Airstrikes target the Kurdistan Workers' Party and not the Islamist militants fighting for control of Kobani, a Kurdish city in Syria near the Turkish border

Turkey Decides to Hit Kurdish Rebels Instead of ISIS

You see? This is why I've said over and over again forever we should have left the Middle East a long time ago.

disastrous invasion stirred up the pot of what was already a huge mess. They weren't jealous of our freedom. They didn't greet us as liberators. This is a part of the world where the nuts rule. Why can't Republican get "it"????

You can't trust any Middle Eastern country because every single one is surrounded by enemies and the population of every single one is made up of groups of enemies.

The four largest combined has 1.5 million troops but can's stop 30,000????? That's 50 to 1. The US going in there means more enemies because "
infidel westerners will be killing Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands". That's why Bin Laden attacked us.

Republicans are bullies. The only way the want to deal with their "enemies" is bomb them, threaten them, suppress their vote and so on. We need to leave. Just leave. Step away from the crazy.

This is why I've said over and over again forever we should have left the Middle East a long time ago.

yea you and about 250 million other Americans.....
A military outpost on Iraqi-Turkish border came under attack by terrorists.
The Airforce bombed the terrorists.
Simple as that.
Soldiers doing their duty: Defend their country against terrorists.
Airstrikes target the Kurdistan Workers' Party and not the Islamist militants fighting for control of Kobani, a Kurdish city in Syria near the Turkish border

Turkey Decides to Hit Kurdish Rebels Instead of ISIS

You see? This is why I've said over and over again forever we should have left the Middle East a long time ago.

disastrous invasion stirred up the pot of what was already a huge mess. They weren't jealous of our freedom. They didn't greet us as liberators. This is a part of the world where the nuts rule. Why can't Republican get "it"????

You can't trust any Middle Eastern country because every single one is surrounded by enemies and the population of every single one is made up of groups of enemies.

The four largest combined has 1.5 million troops but can's stop 30,000????? That's 50 to 1. The US going in there means more enemies because "
infidel westerners will be killing Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands". That's why Bin Laden attacked us.

Republicans are bullies. The only way the want to deal with their "enemies" is bomb them, threaten them, suppress their vote and so on. We need to leave. Just leave. Step away from the crazy.
This should be added to the UC thread...Turkey is in there somewhere.
Airstrikes target the Kurdistan Workers' Party and not the Islamist militants fighting for control of Kobani, a Kurdish city in Syria near the Turkish border

Turkey Decides to Hit Kurdish Rebels Instead of ISIS

You see? This is why I've said over and over again forever we should have left the Middle East a long time ago.

disastrous invasion stirred up the pot of what was already a huge mess. They weren't jealous of our freedom. They didn't greet us as liberators. This is a part of the world where the nuts rule. Why can't Republican get "it"????

You can't trust any Middle Eastern country because every single one is surrounded by enemies and the population of every single one is made up of groups of enemies.

The four largest combined has 1.5 million troops but can's stop 30,000????? That's 50 to 1. The US going in there means more enemies because "
infidel westerners will be killing Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands". That's why Bin Laden attacked us.

Republicans are bullies. The only way the want to deal with their "enemies" is bomb them, threaten them, suppress their vote and so on. We need to leave. Just leave. Step away from the crazy.

deannie has all the answers...
maybe Obama will call him to the WH to advise him like he did with Sharpton.
John McCain Despicably Pushes For Full-Scale Middle East War During ISIS Senate Hearing

House Republicans Side With The Terrorists By Refusing Support Obama Against ISIS

Republicans Syria Airstrikes Good but US Needs Ground Troops

Republicans would accuse Obama of "cut and run". See, the problem is that America doesn't know anything about the Middle East or the Muslims. Republicans didn't attempt in any way to "learn" the American people about why they tricked us into Iraq. They probably don't know themselves. I believe even the most intelligent of Republicans truly believe "They hate us for our freedom" as stupid as that sounds. They have swallowed their own Kool-Aid swill.
Turkey wants Al-Assad out. They might have had something to do with creating ISIS.
Here's the thing. Everyone KNOWS this is a terrible idea. The image I have is the group of kids daring each other to go up to the haunted house. The GOP Goads Obama, but they don't want us to get into the middle of this for years.

Meanwhile, the Kurds, the Turks, the Sunnis, the Shi'ites, the Gulf States, the Zionists, the Allawites- all have their own agendas.

The question is, why do we get sucked into it?
Here's the thing. Everyone KNOWS this is a terrible idea. The image I have is the group of kids daring each other to go up to the haunted house. The GOP Goads Obama, but they don't want us to get into the middle of this for years.

Meanwhile, the Kurds, the Turks, the Sunnis, the Shi'ites, the Gulf States, the Zionists, the Allawites- all have their own agendas.

The question is, why do we get sucked into it?

Because the far left that controls Europe will do nothing, even when countries that are on their border get invaded. They do nothing, that is the far left way. Just like the far left in the country and Obama who does nothing. Well maybe when the French tell him to do an illegal war in Libya so France does not have to pay so much for OIL from there.
Turkey is an integral part of Obama's coalition to fight ISIS.

Turkey has also been part of the Arab Spring bullshit put together with Saudi Arabia and Qatar to funnel funds and weapons to the fake "rebels" in Syria.

The CIA has been working with them for the past couple of years. Some bloody fool in Obama's administration thought it was a swell idea to have the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood smuggle weapons and money to "rebels".

I mean seriously. What could possibly go wrong?

So considering Obama's been dancing with the devil with these Sunni states to get rid of Assad how the hell does that make it Bush's fault that the bastards are taking shots at Kurds?
Here's the thing. Everyone KNOWS this is a terrible idea. The image I have is the group of kids daring each other to go up to the haunted house. The GOP Goads Obama, but they don't want us to get into the middle of this for years.

Meanwhile, the Kurds, the Turks, the Sunnis, the Shi'ites, the Gulf States, the Zionists, the Allawites- all have their own agendas.

The question is, why do we get sucked into it?

Because the far left that controls Europe will do nothing, even when countries that are on their border get invaded. They do nothing, that is the far left way. Just like the far left in the country and Obama who does nothing. Well maybe when the French tell him to do an illegal war in Libya so France does not have to pay so much for OIL from there.

Hmmm... I think you really have a hard time reading MAPS don't you. ISIL isn't on a country that borders Europe.

Still not seeing why we need to get sucked into a fight that has nothing to do with us. Because some fool went over there and the SECOND time they kidnapped him, he got beheaded?
How much of this sort of shit has to happen before the rest of you nuts will join those of us who have figured out that we have no business meddling in the Middle East?
Uh....turkey has been attacking the Kurds in Iraq for years....
Turkey has been attacking Kurds in Turkey for years. Kurds are Turkey's largest minority.

The unrest you see now is what happens when fools rush in to another country believing they are "liberating" and "they hate us for our freedom".

Bin Laden, former ally against Russia told us why he was attacking us. Because infidel westerners killed Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands. He was referring to the US forcing Saddam from Kuwait.

Bin Laden didn't want Saddam in Kuwait either. He wanted to form a coalition to drive Saddam out. While he had the same goal as the US, at the same time, he didn't want to see infidel westerners killing Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands.

So what does that mean? It means whenever the US kills a Muslim in the Middle East, we will be creating enemies. It's a "lose lose" situation. And we know how Republicans love to rush to lose.

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