Turkey indicts IDF commanders over Gaza flotilla deaths


Feb 6, 2010
Turkey is putting four former Israeli military commanders, including the head of the army, on trial in absentia this week for the 2010 killing of nine Turks on a Gaza-bound aid ship.

The trial, which begins in Istanbul on Tuesday, will further test relations between the one-time strategic allies and has been dismissed by Israel as a "show trial" and "political theatre."

Turkey has demanded a formal apology, compensation for victims and the families of the dead and for the Gaza blockade to be lifted.

Israel has voiced "regret," short of the full apology demanded, and has offered to pay into what it called a "humanitarian fund" through which casualties and relatives could be compensated.

IHH, the Turkish Islamic humanitarian agency which owns the Mavi Marmara, has said it expects the Turkish court to issue arrest warrants for the retired officers who would be obliged to be extradited to Turkey, a claim dismissed by Israel.
Turkey indicts IDF commanders over Gaza flotilla deaths - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

You would think the US government would protest the cold-blooded execution of one of its own citizens at the hands of the "chosen ones"; however, that is just one more crime that won't find justice as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican or Democrat when they vote.
Turkey is putting four former Israeli military commanders, including the head of the army, on trial in absentia this week for the 2010 killing of nine Turks on a Gaza-bound aid ship.
... seeking prison sentences of more than 18,000 years for each of them. The turkish currency exchange rate figured into it, no doubt.
You would think the US government would protest the cold-blooded execution of one of its own citizens at the hands of the "chosen ones"; however, that is just one more crime that won't find justice as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican or Democrat when they vote.

So they were executed now??

Yikes, are you reading the Turkish Times or something lol ! Israeli soldiers were shot and stabbed, maybe the IDF Special Forces Should have just let them shoot them and stab them?
Israel is not entitled according to international law to constrain the freedom of navigation of any ship on the high seas, except in a number of situations that do not apply to the Gaza flotilla case. He said blockade is not a valid reason, as it is a concept only applicable to war situations. He also said that Israel's action is a breach of the UN International Maritime Organization Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA),[32] which was signed by Israel in April 2009. He said that according to the article 6.1 of the SUA, the jurisdiction over the offences that a ship might have committed lies in the state whose flag the ship is flying.[text 1] SUA Article 9 states "Nothing in this Convention shall affect in any way the rules of international law pertaining to the competence of States to exercise investigative or enforcement jurisdiction on board ships not flying their flag."[32]

According to George Bisharat, a professor at Hastings College of the Law, Israel's blockade of Gaza was illegal, and enforcing the blockade in international waters was similarly illegal. Bisharat wrote that "flotilla passengers were entitled to defend themselves against Israel's forcible boarding of the Mavi Marmara, whether or not Israeli commandos fired immediately on landing on the ship's deck".[33]
Legal assessments of the Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The indictment names Israel's former Chief of General Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, former Navy Commander Eliezer Marom, former Air Force Commander Amos Yadlin and former head of Air Force intelligence Avishay Levi, seeking prison sentences of more than 18,000 years for each of them.

"Among the charges listed in the 144-page indictment are 'inciting murder through cruelty or torture' and 'inciting injury with firearms.'

"A total of 490 people aboard the ship during the raid, including activists and journalists, are expected to give evidence. Normally barred from courtrooms, the trial will be officially recorded by television cameras, although proceedings are not expected to be broadcast."

Maybe they're afraid the ratings would be too high?

Turkey indicts IDF commanders over Gaza flotilla deaths - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
You would think the US government would protest the cold-blooded execution of one of its own citizens at the hands of the "chosen ones"; however, that is just one more crime that won't find justice as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican or Democrat when they vote.

So they were executed now??

Yikes, are you reading the Turkish Times or something lol ! Israeli soldiers were shot and stabbed, maybe the IDF Special Forces Should have just let them shoot them and stab them?
Maybe IDF "special forces" aren't so special after all?
Did they forget to bring their paintball guns?
If they weren't violating international law, they would not have been forced to "defend" themselves.
You would think the US government would protest the cold-blooded execution of one of its own citizens at the hands of the "chosen ones"; however, that is just one more crime that won't find justice as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican or Democrat when they vote.

I'd have thought the US Government would have protested any of the several cold-blooded executions of our citizens at the hands of Palestinian murdering terrorists - but they'bve yet to go after the PA/Fatah/HAMAS/Hezbullah "leadership" for any of their acts over the past 40 or so years.

Only Jew-hating bigots make that noise about 'chosen', Georgie: if you want to maintain any shred of pretense of being a normal human being, I suggest you drop the bigotspeak filth.
You would think the US government would protest the cold-blooded execution of one of its own citizens at the hands of the "chosen ones"; however, that is just one more crime that won't find justice as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican or Democrat when they vote.

So they were executed now??

Yikes, are you reading the Turkish Times or something lol ! Israeli soldiers were shot and stabbed, maybe the IDF Special Forces Should have just let them shoot them and stab them?
Maybe IDF "special forces" aren't so special after all?
Did they forget to bring their paintball guns?
If they weren't violating international law, they would not have been forced to "defend" themselves.

My God, you are so stupid. I mean, why do you even bother arguing when you know you are wrong ??
what georgie is saying is that they should have just let the ship break the blockade

here ya go georgie

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LOL! They're so angry their terrorists got killed so they made up a theater court to "kill back" the navy soldiers?

HA! Pathetic. Like that's gonna help them in any way. Israel will protect the navy's heroes. The ungreatful Turks can put whatever show they wish. not gonna change anything
So they were executed now??

Yikes, are you reading the Turkish Times or something lol ! Israeli soldiers were shot and stabbed, maybe the IDF Special Forces Should have just let them shoot them and stab them?
Maybe IDF "special forces" aren't so special after all?
Did they forget to bring their paintball guns?
If they weren't violating international law, they would not have been forced to "defend" themselves.

My God, you are so stupid. I mean, why do you even bother arguing when you know you are wrong ??
Your ignorance is matched only by your arrogance. (Are you stupid or Jewish?)

"The Scottish journalist and documentary film-maker Hassan Ghani, 24 and from Glasgow, was on board the Mavi Marmara, the Turkish vessel attacked by Israeli forces. He was seen broadcasting for PressTV as the commandos took control of the ship.

"In footage shown on YouTube, Ghani said: 'This is the MC Marmara, Hassan Ghani reporting for PressTV. We've had several injuries here; one is critical. He has been injured in the head and we think he may die if he doesn't receive medical treatment urgently.

"Another person being passed in front of me right now has been seriously injured. We are being hit by tear gas, stun grenades. We've navy ships on either side. We're being attacked from every single side. This is international waters and not Israeli waters, not in the 68-mile exclusion zone.

"We're being attacked in international waters completely illegally.'"

Gaza Freedom flotilla carried world-renowned names and veteran activists | World news | The Guardian

Maybe you "think" some people are entitled to "choose" which laws they obey?
The UN has determined that the BLOCKADE of gaza is legal------so now there is a legal arguement as to whether enforcing it is legal -----its an arguement------that is what people do in court--------referring to a killing ---during the enforcement of a blockade in which there is violent resistence to the enforcment in LEGAL DISPUTE as "murder" is utterly ludicrous-----at most it is manslaughter of a lesser degree than first degree------maybe
You would think the US government would protest the cold-blooded execution of one of its own citizens at the hands of the "chosen ones"; however, that is just one more crime that won't find justice as long as US voters continue "choosing" between Republican or Democrat when they vote.

I'd have thought the US Government would have protested any of the several cold-blooded executions of our citizens at the hands of Palestinian murdering terrorists - but they'bve yet to go after the PA/Fatah/HAMAS/Hezbullah "leadership" for any of their acts over the past 40 or so years.

Only Jew-hating bigots make that noise about 'chosen', Georgie: if you want to maintain any shred of pretense of being a normal human being, I suggest you drop the bigotspeak filth.
If one third of the population of Mandate Palestine had not inflicted a Jewish State by force of arms upon Palestine in 1948, we would not be having many of these discussions today. Would you call those responsible for the infliction of the Jewish State self-haters, or greedy kosher pigs?
Turkey should be indicted for war crimes: the Armenian genocide, suppressing the Kurds, and the unlawful occupation of Cyprus.
fret not FOREVER-----this silly crap of indicting israeli soldiers will come to nothing

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