Turkish president announces that their war planes have begun bombing in Syria

Seems to me that if Trump knew this was inevitable and this is why he pulled out it only goes to bolster his position of troop withdrawal. There is ZERO upside to becoming embroiled in a much deeper conflict in Obama's unnecessary war.

Turkey launches 'military operation' in Syria, Erdogan announces

I do understand the opposition to Trump on this but enough is enough. Let the Muslims kill each other.
I was hoping trump had used diplomacy so our allies weren’t killed, This seems like a failure. Why would anyone ever trust us?
No one should trust The Democrat Party.
Where was G5000 when the left was defending Warren for lying after bashing trump for it for 3 years?
He is just as disingenuous as the people he blasts.
Fucking retard.
Not to necessarily bash Trump over this, but it is a head scratcher. He is more transactionally oriented than any potus. So he's doing Erdogan a solid because Erdogan was not want a defacto Kurd state on his southern border. That sucks for the Kurds bigtime, and they've never done us a bad turn. But what's in this for us? We have some hundreds of troops camped out in the desert keeping watch on the former ISIS territory, and ISIS can always regeneriate from the Sunnis we disposed in Desert Storm. Doesn't cost much. Not taking casualties.

Trump's change in policy even took his own WH by surprise. Putin's no doubt pleased as punch to have the US not watching his proxy state Assad. Assad will be free to use gas, chemicals, fire whatever on anyone, and not just on Isis. Assad didn't defeat Isis anyway. It was the Kurds (and US air and artillery) and Iran helping Iraq.

Trump wants to campaign on "ending wars" and supposedly he's got some fixation with Obama having a noble and him not. But there's such a small benefit to Trump, it doesn't seem worth the damage to keeping an eye on ISIS.
Democrats are assholes. They won’t protect the USA but we must spend our money protecting the Kurds til the end of times!
They did fight isis for us. This is how we treat allies? I don’t think we should need troops there. Diplomacy is what we needed.

Evidently that is how we treat allies...dumbass.
Obama Betrays the Kurds | National Review
Your article is suggesting we should have sent in full ground troops. Clearly that wasn’t needed.

No, the article makes it quite clear liberals are a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Hypocrites? How so?
Hard times economically. They were warned.
do you really think Trump would let Turkey's economy be destroyed, when he has TWO TRUMP TOWERS in Istanbul, Turkey? I think it was very likely a meaningless threat from Trump, the Destroyer. He spoke to Erdogan the night before he made his announcement.... erdogan doesn't seem worried about Trump's wrath at all... seems like he has his silent support...

It's a damn shame what Trump did all on his own, without even considering the advice of his Advisors...without Millitary advice, without our allies, without a plan....

he's evil.
It's pretty clear that there's an active coup attempt in force....and Trump shouldn't trust anyone. Clearly Turkey is involved....along with some of Obama's perfumed scented Generals.
Democrats are assholes. They won’t protect the USA but we must spend our money protecting the Kurds til the end of times!
They did fight isis for us. This is how we treat allies? I don’t think we should need troops there. Diplomacy is what we needed.

Evidently that is how we treat allies...dumbass.
Obama Betrays the Kurds | National Review
Your article is suggesting we should have sent in full ground troops. Clearly that wasn’t needed.

No, the article makes it quite clear liberals are a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Hypocrites? How so?
He might want to read his own link that said the Turks were like the Red Army and Warsaw, with a plan to let the Kurds be annihilated by ISIS and then move in to take the territory. That seems close to the new Trump policy, although the Turks will be doing their own annihilating.

But I think what his NR review link from Sept 30 2014 complains about is Obama still trying to avoid reengaging in Iraq and war, but that came to a pretty resounding end the previous month.

US to directly arm Kurdish peshmerga forces in bid to thwart Isis offensive

The problem is we may have made the Syrian Kurds a bit too lethal for Erdogan's tastes.
Syrian Kurds are now armed with sensitive US weaponry, and the Pentagon denies supplying it

My question is what's Erdogan giving the US (or Trump) for us selling out the Kurds? And couldn't we have reached a deal with the Syrian Kurds to leave Turkey alone … even if Turkey let it's Kurds migrate to Syria and N. Iraq?
Where was G5000 when the left was defending Warren for lying after bashing trump for it for 3 years?
He is just as disingenuous as the people he blasts.
Fucking retard.
Wait...Warren lies once about native american ancestry and Trump lies multiple times a day and that is equivalent?
Seems to me that if Trump knew this was inevitable and this is why he pulled out it only goes to bolster his position of troop withdrawal. There is ZERO upside to becoming embroiled in a much deeper conflict in Obama's unnecessary war.

Turkey launches 'military operation' in Syria, Erdogan announces

I do understand the opposition to Trump on this but enough is enough. Let the Muslims kill each other.
Nothing like a new wave of refugees huh?

And oh...those 12,000 ISIS prisoners that will be released when the Kurds run for the hills?

Great Job Trump...you dope
Where was G5000 when the left was defending Warren for lying after bashing trump for it for 3 years?
He is just as disingenuous as the people he blasts.
Fucking retard.
Wait...Warren lies once about native american ancestry and Trump lies multiple times a day and that is equivalent?
And THAT wasn't even a lie...it's what her family told her was true...
Where was G5000 when the left was defending Warren for lying after bashing trump for it for 3 years?
He is just as disingenuous as the people he blasts.
Fucking retard.
Wait...Warren lies once about native american ancestry and Trump lies multiple times a day and that is equivalent?
And her father. And her job. But that wasnt my point. Leftists were DEFENDING the lie
Where was G5000 when the left was defending Warren for lying after bashing trump for it for 3 years?
He is just as disingenuous as the people he blasts.
Fucking retard.
Wait...Warren lies once about native american ancestry and Trump lies multiple times a day and that is equivalent?
And her father. And her job. But that wasnt my point. Leftists were DEFENDING the lie

what lie did she tell about her father?
Where was G5000 when the left was defending Warren for lying after bashing trump for it for 3 years?
He is just as disingenuous as the people he blasts.
Fucking retard.
Wait...Warren lies once about native american ancestry and Trump lies multiple times a day and that is equivalent?
And THAT wasn't even a lie...it's what her family told her was true...
That's what she said
This is an abandonment of our allies to an astonishing level. Everyone knows it's a bad idea, but he's doing it anyway, bringing us one step further away from all of our allies, and one step closer to Fortress America. This is terrible, this idea.
How long do you think American troops should stay there?

As long as it takes.
Send your kids. Mine aren’t going.

Nor mine.
Where was G5000 when the left was defending Warren for lying after bashing trump for it for 3 years?
He is just as disingenuous as the people he blasts.
Fucking retard.
Wait...Warren lies once about native american ancestry and Trump lies multiple times a day and that is equivalent?
And her father. And her job. But that wasnt my point. Leftists were DEFENDING the lie

what lie did she tell about her father?
Yes. What lie? Crickets.
Where was G5000 when the left was defending Warren for lying after bashing trump for it for 3 years?
He is just as disingenuous as the people he blasts.
Fucking retard.
Wait...Warren lies once about native american ancestry and Trump lies multiple times a day and that is equivalent?
And her father. And her job. But that wasnt my point. Leftists were DEFENDING the lie
What about her father?

If some one was honestly mistaken, and corrects themselves, I will defend it left or right. Do you think that is the case with Trump?

The problem with rightists is you have to manufacture lies about Warren. Why not attack her policies?

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