Turkish president announces that their war planes have begun bombing in Syria

Makes a big difference. Makes us look like we threw our allies under the bus. If it happens months later we don’t look so bad. This is as bad as we can look.
The Kurds are not allies lol. They were nothing more than a hired/supplied militia that had a common enemy.

At what point does American blood trump foreign blood with you people?
Our military worked with them and helped train and arm them. It was their lives lost fighting isis not ours. It looks real bad to sell them out.
2372 soldiers have died in the war on terror and another 20k+ wounded.
I don’t believe we lost any in Syria.
The Kurds aren't just in Syria. And as I stated, they were nothing more than a Tribal Militia. Other than killing they have NOTHING of value to offer America. We have been at war in the middle east for my children's entire lives. At what damn point do we say ENOUGH?
They played a big roll in fighting isis. The world owes them for that.
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.

They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
How many here were concerned about a void being left and betrayal of allies when the last U.S. forces were pulled from Iraq in 2011?
That was a mistake correct?
It had negative consequences no doubt and this decision might as well so maybe the United States should not be so quick to rush in with military force in other nations conflicts. As we have seen in both Iraq and Syria going in is easy getting out not so much.
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.

They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Turkey–ISIL conflict - Wikipedia

Turkey has been fighting ISIS all along and is far more capable of wiping them out than a tribal Militia.
Democrats used to be FOR letting other countries fight their own fights.
Code Pink, the organization the left loved, should be praising Trump right now.

The derangement with some of you is reaching unhinged levels.
They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Ask Obama.

No one on the right supported this war with Syria.
Seems to me that if Trump knew this was inevitable and this is why he pulled out it only goes to bolster his position of troop withdrawal. There is ZERO upside to becoming embroiled in a much deeper conflict in Obama's unnecessary war.

Turkey launches 'military operation' in Syria, Erdogan announces

I do understand the opposition to Trump on this but enough is enough. Let the Muslims kill each other.
I was hoping trump had used diplomacy so our allies weren’t killed, This seems like a failure. Why would anyone ever trust us?
how do you know he didn't? hmmmmmmm :dunno:
No one does, including Trump. The only deterrent those people OCCASSIONALLY respect is the threat of war.
Do you want to goto war with yet another middle eastern country?
Nope, but I think trump should have enough diplomacy skills so they don’t attack in a day.
How do you know their plans weren't delayed due to negotiations by Trump?

And at the end of the day what damn difference does it make if the attack came a day later or a month later?

Asinine argument
Makes a big difference. Makes us look like we threw our allies under the bus. If it happens months later we don’t look so bad. This is as bad as we can look.
The Kurds are not allies lol. They were nothing more than a hired/supplied militia that had a common enemy.

At what point does American blood trump foreign blood with you people?
Our military worked with them and helped train and arm them. It was their lives lost fighting isis not ours. It looks real bad to sell them out.

Turkey is a evil country then. Right? Dems?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Ask Obama.

No one on the right supported this war with Syria.
red line in the sand and all.
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Ask Obama.

No one on the right supported this war with Syria.
Shitstain obama had to get rid of Assad because he protected the Christians. The arab spring was supposed to kill off the Christians.
Trump has betrayed the Kurds. Of course his rube herd could give a flying fuck because Trump can do no wrong.

Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers?l

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
How long should the American taxpayer protect the Kurds?
How long did the American taxpayer protect Western Europe?

I have memories of hearing about the Kurd participation in the Armenian Genocide from the long-gone Armenians; a genocide which had a direct effect on their lives. Take your shots at Trump, but at least be informed.

"The Hamidiye units also participated in the persecution and slaughter of Armenians between 1894 and 1896.[38] According to some estimates, about ten to twenty thousand Armenians were slaughtered by the Hamidiye units.[39] According to Janet Klein, Hamidiye units were involved in the large scale massacres and violence against Armenians in the period 1894-96 and 1915, and they were also "implicated in mass murder, deportation and looting" during the First World War.

Hamidiye (cavalry) - Wikipedia
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Ask Obama.

No one on the right supported this war with Syria.
thats a diversion and non answer. We are talking about this situation and this horrible decision
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Ask Obama.

No one on the right supported this war with Syria.
Shitstain obama had to get rid of Assad because he protected the Christians. The arab spring was supposed to kill off the Christians.
why are you talking about Obama?! That’s history, there are real things happening now that are being fumbled big time.
Seems to me that if Trump knew this was inevitable and this is why he pulled out it only goes to bolster his position of troop withdrawal. There is ZERO upside to becoming embroiled in a much deeper conflict in Obama's unnecessary war.

Turkey launches 'military operation' in Syria, Erdogan announces

I do understand the opposition to Trump on this but enough is enough. Let the Muslims kill each other.
I want to know where NATO and the UN are.

What is a NATO member doing prosecuting a foreign war that doesn't threaten the alliance?

Why isn't the UN stepping in to protect the Kurds?
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Ask Obama.

No one on the right supported this war with Syria.
Shitstain obama had to get rid of Assad because he protected the Christians. The arab spring was supposed to kill off the Christians.
why are you talking about Obama?! That’s history, there are real things happening now that are being fumbled big time.
Well hell sugar. Some days we talk about the civil war.
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Ask Obama.

No one on the right supported this war with Syria.
Shitstain obama had to get rid of Assad because he protected the Christians. The arab spring was supposed to kill off the Christians.
why are you talking about Obama?! That’s history, there are real things happening now that are being fumbled big time.
Well hell sugar. Some days we talk about the civil war.
i guess whatever diversion that gets the focus off the topic at hand is the point.
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds
Let god & Turkey sort them out. Turkey has no love of ISIS and claims to be the first country to label them terrorists.
I suspect those being held are likely to meet untimely and gruesome deaths.

So no, it is not I who needs to read up. It is you who needs to get some perspective
does it bother you at all that we urged the Kurds to dismantle their defenses along the Turkey border with assurances of support against Turkey, the Kurds trusted us, and now we bail and Turkey is on the attack.

how is that not fundamentally wrong to you?!
Ask Obama.

No one on the right supported this war with Syria.
thats a diversion and non answer. We are talking about this situation and this horrible decision
horrible how?
Seems to me that if Trump knew this was inevitable and this is why he pulled out it only goes to bolster his position of troop withdrawal. There is ZERO upside to becoming embroiled in a much deeper conflict in Obama's unnecessary war.

Turkey launches 'military operation' in Syria, Erdogan announces

I do understand the opposition to Trump on this but enough is enough. Let the Muslims kill each other.
I want to know where NATO and the UN are.

What is a NATO member doing prosecuting a foreign war that doesn't threaten the alliance?

Why isn't the UN stepping in to protect the Kurds?
isn't that what the left stated back when we went into Iraq? why we didn't ask the UN? Now they're saying we don't need the UN? fickle people the left they are cyclical.
Trumps withdrawal created a void

Didn’t take Turkey long to exploit it[/QUOTE

Turkey launches military offensive in Syria: Live updates - CNN

"Two civilians were killed and two others injured in the Turkish aerial bombardment on the village of Misharrafa, west of Ras al-Ain, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) tweeted.

"Turkish artillery shelling is targeting areas near the Bouzra dam in Derik, which provides water to hundreds of thousands of civilians in northern Syria, according to the SDF.

"The bombardment has also hit civilian homes in the village of Sikarkah, in eastern Qamishli, the SDF said in a post on Twitter."

As I recall, the map of the "New Middle East" was supposed to include a free and independent Kurdistan?

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