Turkish president announces that their war planes have begun bombing in Syria

Seems to me that if Trump knew this was inevitable and this is why he pulled out it only goes to bolster his position of troop withdrawal. There is ZERO upside to becoming embroiled in a much deeper conflict in Obama's unnecessary war.

Turkey launches 'military operation' in Syria, Erdogan announces

I do understand the opposition to Trump on this but enough is enough. Let the Muslims kill each other.
Today's Rightwing talking point.
Today's empty headed & pointless liberal response.
She’s like a parott.
It’s sad the EU doesn’t step up. Oh wait, they never have. Even though it’s almost on their doorstep.
Trump has betrayed the Kurds. Of course his rube herd could give a flying fuck because Trump can do no wrong.

Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers?l

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
How long should the American taxpayer protect the Kurds?
Protect the communist PKK you mean.
You don’t think think trump should have enough diplomatic influence so they don’t get attached immediately?

No one does, including Trump. The only deterrent those people OCCASSIONALLY respect is the threat of war.
Do you want to goto war with yet another middle eastern country?
Nope, but I think trump should have enough diplomacy skills so they don’t attack in a day.
How do you know their plans weren't delayed due to negotiations by Trump?

And at the end of the day what damn difference does it make if the attack came a day later or a month later?

Asinine argument
Makes a big difference. Makes us look like we threw our allies under the bus. If it happens months later we don’t look so bad. This is as bad as we can look.
It’s sad the EU doesn’t step up. Oh wait, they never have. Even though it’s almost on their doorstep.
The EU step up and do what, start killing Kurds? Turkey is holding back a tsunami of muslims trying to obliterate the EU. Which puts the EU firmly in the Turkish taffy.
Seems to me that if Trump knew this was inevitable and this is why he pulled out it only goes to bolster his position of troop withdrawal. There is ZERO upside to becoming embroiled in a much deeper conflict in Obama's unnecessary war.

Turkey launches 'military operation' in Syria, Erdogan announces

I do understand the opposition to Trump on this but enough is enough. Let the Muslims kill each other.
do you think Turkey would be bombing Syria if US Troops were there defending it? Of course not.
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.
You don’t think think trump should have enough diplomatic influence so they don’t get attached immediately?

No one does, including Trump. The only deterrent those people OCCASSIONALLY respect is the threat of war.
Do you want to goto war with yet another middle eastern country?
Nope, but I think trump should have enough diplomacy skills so they don’t attack in a day.
How do you know their plans weren't delayed due to negotiations by Trump?

And at the end of the day what damn difference does it make if the attack came a day later or a month later?

Asinine argument
Makes a big difference. Makes us look like we threw our allies under the bus. If it happens months later we don’t look so bad. This is as bad as we can look.
The Kurds are not allies lol. They were nothing more than a hired/supplied militia that had a common enemy.

At what point does American blood trump foreign blood with you people?
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.

They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
You don’t think think trump should have enough diplomatic influence so they don’t get attached immediately?

No one does, including Trump. The only deterrent those people OCCASSIONALLY respect is the threat of war.
Do you want to goto war with yet another middle eastern country?
Nope, but I think trump should have enough diplomacy skills so they don’t attack in a day.
How do you know their plans weren't delayed due to negotiations by Trump?

And at the end of the day what damn difference does it make if the attack came a day later or a month later?

Asinine argument
Makes a big difference. Makes us look like we threw our allies under the bus. If it happens months later we don’t look so bad. This is as bad as we can look.
The Kurds are not allies lol. They were nothing more than a hired/supplied militia that had a common enemy.

At what point does American blood trump foreign blood with you people?
Our military worked with them and helped train and arm them. It was their lives lost fighting isis not ours. It looks real bad to sell them out.
No one does, including Trump. The only deterrent those people OCCASSIONALLY respect is the threat of war.
Do you want to goto war with yet another middle eastern country?
Nope, but I think trump should have enough diplomacy skills so they don’t attack in a day.
How do you know their plans weren't delayed due to negotiations by Trump?

And at the end of the day what damn difference does it make if the attack came a day later or a month later?

Asinine argument
Makes a big difference. Makes us look like we threw our allies under the bus. If it happens months later we don’t look so bad. This is as bad as we can look.
The Kurds are not allies lol. They were nothing more than a hired/supplied militia that had a common enemy.

At what point does American blood trump foreign blood with you people?
Our military worked with them and helped train and arm them. It was their lives lost fighting isis not ours. It looks real bad to sell them out.
2372 soldiers have died in the war on terror and another 20k+ wounded.
Nope, but I think trump should have enough diplomacy skills so they don’t attack in a day.
How do you know their plans weren't delayed due to negotiations by Trump?

And at the end of the day what damn difference does it make if the attack came a day later or a month later?

Asinine argument
Makes a big difference. Makes us look like we threw our allies under the bus. If it happens months later we don’t look so bad. This is as bad as we can look.
The Kurds are not allies lol. They were nothing more than a hired/supplied militia that had a common enemy.

At what point does American blood trump foreign blood with you people?
Our military worked with them and helped train and arm them. It was their lives lost fighting isis not ours. It looks real bad to sell them out.
2372 soldiers have died in the war on terror and another 20k+ wounded.
I don’t believe we lost any in Syria.
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.

They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.

They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
He should have negotiated months of diplomacy. Probably wouldn’t work, but we’d sure look better.
How do you know their plans weren't delayed due to negotiations by Trump?

And at the end of the day what damn difference does it make if the attack came a day later or a month later?

Asinine argument
Makes a big difference. Makes us look like we threw our allies under the bus. If it happens months later we don’t look so bad. This is as bad as we can look.
The Kurds are not allies lol. They were nothing more than a hired/supplied militia that had a common enemy.

At what point does American blood trump foreign blood with you people?
Our military worked with them and helped train and arm them. It was their lives lost fighting isis not ours. It looks real bad to sell them out.
2372 soldiers have died in the war on terror and another 20k+ wounded.
I don’t believe we lost any in Syria.
The Kurds aren't just in Syria. And as I stated, they were nothing more than a Tribal Militia. Other than killing they have NOTHING of value to offer America. We have been at war in the middle east for my children's entire lives. At what damn point do we say ENOUGH?
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.

They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.

They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
He should have negotiated months of diplomacy. Probably wouldn’t work, but we’d sure look better.
Just another bullet point show why he doesn’t deserve anybody’s vote next election. The guy can’t handle the title of commander and chief. Time to vote him out
Other than killing they have NOTHING of value to offer American.
They are the one of the only liberal-Democratic minded groups in that region. They have a parliamentary government and a good women's rights record. They are important allies in the region.
People are upset at the move because it sold out the Kurds who trusted us with their defense and who died by the thousands in the fight against Isis.

They would all be dead if not for our soldiers. At what point do we stop playing Daddy Daycare with these backward ass countries?
At the point where we develop a smart strategy to transition out. Not what’s happening here. We pull out after trump talks to Turkey and now Turkey is bombing Syria. This is horrible and humiliating. Why would anybody ever trust us again?
Syrians are not our allies. It is their nation to defend or destroy. We never should have been in there or Libya to begin with.
You need to read up. Learn about our relationship with the Kurds and how we destroy the Isis caliphate. Find out where all those Isis soldiers are being held and then tell me what happens to all this Isis fighters when we bail and Turkey starts bombing the kurds

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