"Turn him/her over to the government at once! -- Thoughts, Trump voters?

Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

Trump can tweet what he wants, same as you; free speech and all that. I agree with Trump, Anonymous is a coward if he exists. If the America is truly in danger he needs to come forward for good of the country because this is a serious accusation. Then of course "We The People" can establish if he's telling the truth or if its sour grapes.

As far as "Anonymous" he comes forward with proof or it never happened.
Why do you need to know their identities in order to make that determination? You’re going to dismiss the op/ed no matter who authored it.

It all comes down to Innocent until proven guilty. That's an American concept I'm sure you approve of. Without the direct testimony it's hearsay. We have zero knowledge of who is saying this. We don't know If the letter is even real and not a complete fabrication. This could be a disgruntled employee. Clearly this is just be one person's opinion but that doesn't make it true, it just makes it one person's perception of events. We have no evidence that what's being said is fact. The letter written could be from a saboteur in which case this may quite possibly border on treason if what's said isn't based on any facts and it's intention is to overthrow a duly elected President. How are you going to prove any of this if the accuser remain's anonymous? You can't. If you can't prove it, Trumps innocent and the letter because classified as unsubstantiated BS. Do you believe everything you are told? I don't because people lie and/or have flawed perceptions. That's why the identity is needed.
The Deep State exists. Did you read the “anonymous” op ed in question? He complains that the press is attacking some who are actually working undercover against Trump.
Lol! So, "Trump only hires the best people" and they're all "Deep stater's?" That's funny!
It all comes down to Innocent until proven guilty.
...in a court of law. Or in a Senate trial. ;)
again for what would he be brought to trial?
Multiple campaign finance violations, conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election by using Cambridge Analytica, and with the Trump Tower meeting. Multiple obstruction of justice charges related to hijacking this investigation into him. Emoluments violations, Illegal handling of the Trump charity foundation by using that money to pay off embarrassing law suits.
The Deep State exists. Did you read the “anonymous” op ed in question? He complains that the press is attacking some who are actually working undercover against Trump.
Lol! So, "Trump only hires the best people" and they're all "Deep stater's?" That's funny!

I don’t know what you are reading. I made no comment about Trump hires. Wanted to let you know that before moving you to ignore for typing crazy made up stuff.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

Of course, they will be OK with it. The Donald does no wrong

You would do well to not forget that.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

Now that would be cool , it would be great to expose these anonymous sources who create this hyperbolic menusha...

We could flog them at the next NFL game!!!
The Deep State exists. Did you read the “anonymous” op ed in question? He complains that the press is attacking some who are actually working undercover against Trump.
Lol! So, "Trump only hires the best people" and they're all "Deep stater's?" That's funny!

I don’t know what you are reading. I made no comment about Trump hires. Wanted to let you know that before moving you to ignore for typing crazy made up stuff.
It's not what I'm reading. It's what I am quoting from Trump. He said he "hires the best people". So why would Trump be complaining about those same "best people" who he claims are working under cover, and who he hired?

And also, knock yourself out on the ignore list. I could give two shits about that.
The crime is sedition.

It is sedition.
So? Sedition can be patriotic.
No it can't. This is what makes for rebellion and civil war. You are simply on the side of the seditious and against the legitimate government.
Dumbfuck... the colonists who rose up against the king of England, when we were just 13 colonies, were committing sedition.

When the leader is crazy, sedition can be patriotic.
Nonsense. Have a revolution, win, create a new country. Now sedition is patriotic.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

Trump can tweet what he wants, same as you; free speech and all that. I agree with Trump, Anonymous is a coward if he exists. If the America is truly in danger he needs to come forward for good of the country because this is a serious accusation. Then of course "We The People" can establish if he's telling the truth or if its sour grapes.

As far as "Anonymous" he comes forward with proof or it never happened.
Why do you need to know their identities in order to make that determination? You’re going to dismiss the op/ed no matter who authored it.

It all comes down to Innocent until proven guilty. That's an American concept I'm sure you approve of. Without the direct testimony it's hearsay. We have zero knowledge of who is saying this. We don't know If the letter is even real and not a complete fabrication. This could be a disgruntled employee. Clearly this is just be one person's opinion but that doesn't make it true, it just makes it one person's perception of events. We have no evidence that what's being said is fact. The letter written could be from a saboteur in which case this may quite possibly border on treason if what's said isn't based on any facts and it's intention is to overthrow a duly elected President. How are you going to prove any of this if the accuser remain's anonymous? You can't. If you can't prove it, Trumps innocent and the letter because classified as unsubstantiated BS. Do you believe everything you are told? I don't because people lie and/or have flawed perceptions. That's why the identity is needed.
Don’t be so hysterical, innocent until proven guilty is a legal theory. No one was charged with a crime for that theory to apply.

And I don’t have to prove it. I don’t care if it’s real or not because I’m not the target of that manifesto — trump is. This is his problem, not mine.
Trump worshippers don't care about the Constitution or freedom.

What they care about is power and keeping the dark-skinned people away.

YOu are a race baiting asshole.

Your support of the Deep State makes your the one that does not care about the Constitution.

Calling an asshole bigot a bigot, isn’t baiting anything. It’s calling an asshole bigot what they are.

The fact that you actually bought in to the deep state Bullshit either makes you a troll or the dumbest son of a bitch on the internet.
Trump worshippers don't care about the Constitution or freedom.

What they care about is power and keeping the dark-skinned people away.

YOu are a race baiting asshole.

Your support of the Deep State makes your the one that does not care about the Constitution.

Calling an asshole bigot a bigot, isn’t baiting anything. It’s calling an asshole bigot what they are.

The fact that you actually bought in to the deep state Bullshit either makes you a troll or the dumbest son of a bitch on the internet.

The OP is about an Employee of Trump, admitting that he and other like minded people in the government are working against their boss, the elected President of the United States.

The New York Times. published this.

The pretense that the Deep State is just a conspiracy theory, is growing increasingly stupid.

And you did not call a bigot a bigot. You called me a bigot. That makes you a race baiting asshole.

And yet there is. The practice is a main plank in the Dem platform. 6.5% of the population getting 40% of the abortions. The plan is working perfectly.
What ‘plan’?

This country is fast becoming brown; whites will be a minority within the next 20 years, if that. Democratic Party policies are all geared toward advancing this demographic shift, not thwarting it. Since the majority of mothers on welfare are white, you can’t even point to some warped connection to that, either.

It’s the Republican Party that is openly racist; I can’t imagine what twisted logic you employ in your mind to justify some notion that Democratic Party support for safe affordable abortion access for ALL women has any racial component whatsoever.
Don’t try to twist numbers on welfare. It’s about percentages.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Actually , it's you who is trying to twist numbers.
More whites are on every form of government hand-out there is, there's no denying that fact; no matter how it undermines your racial bigotry.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???

More white people pay for the hndouts than any other group.

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