"Turn him/her over to the government at once! -- Thoughts, Trump voters?

Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!ā€

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?
This is certainly a William Wallace moment.
It's all about the eugenics.
Sure! And the communism and socialism, too, don't forget! Gotta get your steps in.
Check abortion rates by race. Then change the subject.
Which is proof of the lack of access to affordable birth control in communities of color, and nothing more.

Women of color have as much right to bodily autonomy and reproductive choice as white women do, but those rights are too often abrogated by economic circumstances. Make affordable birth control widely available in ALL communities and there wouldnā€™t be a racial disparity in abortion.
And yet there is. The practice is a main plank in the Dem platform. 6.5% of the population getting 40% of the abortions. The plan is working perfectly.
What ā€˜planā€™?

This country is fast becoming brown; whites will be a minority within the next 20 years, if that. Democratic Party policies are all geared toward advancing this demographic shift, not thwarting it. Since the majority of mothers on welfare are white, you canā€™t even point to some warped connection to that, either.

Itā€™s the Republican Party that is openly racist; I canā€™t imagine what twisted logic you employ in your mind to justify some notion that Democratic Party support for safe affordable abortion access for ALL women has any racial component whatsoever.
Eugenics. Look it up.
ā€œPresident Trump and his aides reacted with indignation Wednesday to an unsigned opinion column from a senior official blasting the presidentā€™s ā€˜amoralityā€™ and launched a frantic hunt for the author, who claims to be part of a secret ā€˜resistanceā€™ inside the government protecting the nation from its commander in chief,ā€ the Washington Postreports.

ā€œTrump reacted to the column with ā€˜volcanicā€™ anger and was ā€˜absolutely lividā€™ over what he considered a treasonous act of disloyalty, and told confidants he suspects the official works on national security issues or in the Justice Department.ā€

ā€œThe column sent tremors through the West Wing and launched a frantic guessing game. Startled aides canceled meetings and huddled behind closed doors to strategize a response. Aides were analyzing language patterns to try to discern authorā€™s identity, or at a minimum the part of the administration where the author works.ā€

White House Launches Frantic Search for Op-Ed Writer

Told ya.



Sounds a lot like the Deep State to me.

You think Trump is stable?

Of course. He is an old man, with a long, long history of boring, rational, law abiding history.

Anything else is just wishful thinking on libs part.
"a long, long history of boring, rational, law abiding history" :777: :777: :777:
Trump worshippers don't care about the Constitution or freedom.

What they care about is power and keeping the dark-skinned people away.
Ripping black babies from their mother's wombs is a Dem plank.
And mind numbingly stupid and mean spirited whining (like yours) is a Trumpkin plank.
It's all about the eugenics.
Sure! And the communism and socialism, too, don't forget! Gotta get your steps in.
Check abortion rates by race. Then change the subject.
It's a really horrible thing that black women are marched by gun point to abortion doctors.
Ripping black babies from their mother's wombs is a Dem plank.
And mind numbingly stupid and mean spirited whining (like yours) is a Trumpkin plank.
It's all about the eugenics.
Sure! And the communism and socialism, too, don't forget! Gotta get your steps in.
Check abortion rates by race. Then change the subject.
It's a really horrible thing that black women are marched by gun point to abortion doctors.
The plan is working perfectly. Soon the nation will be lily white. :)
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!ā€

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

Trump can tweet what he wants, same as you; free speech and all that. I agree with Trump, Anonymous is a coward if he exists. If the America is truly in danger he needs to come forward for good of the country because this is a serious accusation. Then of course "We The People" can establish if he's telling the truth or if its sour grapes.

As far as "Anonymous" he comes forward with proof or it never happened.
Why do you need to know their identities in order to make that determination? Youā€™re going to dismiss the op/ed no matter who authored it.

It all comes down to Innocent until proven guilty. That's an American concept I'm sure you approve of. Without the direct testimony it's hearsay. We have zero knowledge of who is saying this. We don't know If the letter is even real and not a complete fabrication. This could be a disgruntled employee. Clearly this is just be one person's opinion but that doesn't make it true, it just makes it one person's perception of events. We have no evidence that what's being said is fact. The letter written could be from a saboteur in which case this may quite possibly border on treason if what's said isn't based on any facts and it's intention is to overthrow a duly elected President. How are you going to prove any of this if the accuser remain's anonymous? You can't. If you can't prove it, Trumps innocent and the letter because classified as unsubstantiated BS. Do you believe everything you are told? I don't because people lie and/or have flawed perceptions. That's why the identity is needed.
Ignorant nonsense and hyperbole.

No one is seeking to ā€˜overthrowā€™ anyone.

ā€˜Innocent until proven guiltyā€™ has nothing to do with this; the author of the Op Ed was documenting the fact that Trump is unfit to be president: that Trump is unprepared, ignorant, incompetent, and reckless and irresponsible ā€“ facts already known before Woodwardā€™s book and the Times article; indeed, both serve as confirmation rather than revelation.

And should Trump be removed from office via the impeachment process, the consequence of his being unfit to hold office, it will be done lawfully, consistent with Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!ā€

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?

Trump can tweet what he wants, same as you; free speech and all that. I agree with Trump, Anonymous is a coward if he exists. If the America is truly in danger he needs to come forward for good of the country because this is a serious accusation. Then of course "We The People" can establish if he's telling the truth or if its sour grapes.

As far as "Anonymous" he comes forward with proof or it never happened.
Why do you need to know their identities in order to make that determination? Youā€™re going to dismiss the op/ed no matter who authored it.

It all comes down to Innocent until proven guilty. That's an American concept I'm sure you approve of. Without the direct testimony it's hearsay. We have zero knowledge of who is saying this. We don't know If the letter is even real and not a complete fabrication. This could be a disgruntled employee. Clearly this is just be one person's opinion but that doesn't make it true, it just makes it one person's perception of events. We have no evidence that what's being said is fact. The letter written could be from a saboteur in which case this may quite possibly border on treason if what's said isn't based on any facts and it's intention is to overthrow a duly elected President. How are you going to prove any of this if the accuser remain's anonymous? You can't. If you can't prove it, Trumps innocent and the letter because classified as unsubstantiated BS. Do you believe everything you are told? I don't because people lie and/or have flawed perceptions. That's why the identity is needed.
Ignorant nonsense and hyperbole.

No one is seeking to ā€˜overthrowā€™ anyone.

ā€˜Innocent until proven guiltyā€™ has nothing to do with this; the author of the Op Ed was documenting the fact that Trump is unfit to be president: that Trump is unprepared, ignorant, incompetent, and reckless and irresponsible ā€“ facts already known before Woodwardā€™s book and the Times article; indeed, both serve as confirmation rather than revelation.

And should Trump be removed from office via the impeachment process, the consequence of his being unfit to hold office, it will be done lawfully, consistent with Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

1 The democrats and some republicans have been working overtime since the day Trump was elected to find a way to impeach him and hand the Presidency over to Pence who is easier to manipulate. That's fact

2. Innocent until proven guilty by a court of law has everything to do with it. People can talk smack all day but in the end if there's no evidence to prove Trump is mentally unbalanced or unfit you have squat. A judge would have to declare him unfit and that requires evidence. It's very hard in the USA to do that BTW. Just because some idiot writes a book doesn't make it true, it's hearsay, just one person's perception of another. If I wrote a book that says Barak Obama Is a closet muslim and was working with the Muslim Brotherhood by giving Iran frozen assets from the 1970's hostage crisis to further the Muslim Brotherhoods cause, would that make Obama unfit to be President? Many thought it did but Obama wasn't impeached or brought up on treason. As of yet I have not heard of any provable instance that was presented to a Judge that says Trump is unfit.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Nothing here about being unfit mentally. Now should they use this I suspect there will be quite a bit of backlash upon those who seek to over throw a duly elected President. Certainly the last 4 president's could be found guilty of the same and still tried for high crimes, bribery and treason. The two Bushes in the now famous wars with Iraq and a grab for oil, Clinton for that lovely talk on the tarmac about his grand kids. Lets not leave Clinton's wifey out now because that woman has a shitload of crap from being secretary of state and lets not forget those e-mails. You just know that China, Russia and North Korea have them and not irretrievable. Nothing in Cyberspace ever goes away. Then there's Obama. The money to Iran would be a good place to start. Actually Bribery,high crimes and misdemeanors is pretty much in every Washington elites closet. Yup this could get very messy. Will it happen? :dunno: You can't charge a President of the USA for the above just because you don't like them. The burden of proof for conviction will be at the highest level, so the evidence would have to be incontrovertible. That's a mighty big can of worms to open. Just saying.
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Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!ā€

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?
I'm for it. That represents sedition and loose lips in the highest circles of government.

Does that make me a bad man in someone's eyes? I don't give a fuck. It is what it is.

I say they should hang. How ya like me now?

(Not if it's just some NYT staff bullshitting) Then they deserve different penalties, Fed prison, etc..

But if it's actually someone in the government? They should fucking hang.
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I wonder what the Vegas odds are of Trump having a stroke/heart attack tonight are? Probably the best since he took office.

I am loving this...Trump must be freaking out.


We've all known from before Trump took office that Deep State assholes would be "resisting" his legal Administration.

This is not news to anyone. ANYONE.

If you read the editorial you would know it was written by a senior trump official. Which means that person was appointed to that position by trump.

Senior officials are either cabinet members or their staff.

The president appoints all cabinet members.

If there's a deep state, trump's own appointees are that deep state.

Which the "deep state" doesn't really exist. All it is, is anyone who doesn't march lockstep with trump. Including trump's own appointees.

Logic isn't one of your strengths is it?
I wonder what the Vegas odds are of Trump having a stroke/heart attack tonight are? Probably the best since he took office.

I am loving this...Trump must be freaking out.


We've all known from before Trump took office that Deep State assholes would be "resisting" his legal Administration.

This is not news to anyone. ANYONE.

If you read the editorial you would know it was written by a senior trump official. Which means that person was appointed to that position by trump.

Senior officials are either cabinet members or their staff.

The president appoints all cabinet members.

If there's a deep state, trump's own appointees are that deep state.

Which the "deep state" doesn't really exist. All it is, is anyone who doesn't march lockstep with trump. Including trump's own appointees.

Logic isn't one of your strengths is it?

Careful...this is like that old NOMAD scene in Star Trek TOS where Kirk logic'd it into exploding.

Too much logic for Trumpbots might bring on a roughly similar result.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!ā€

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?
I'm for it. That represents sedition and loose lips in the highest circles of government.

Does that make me a bad man in someone's eyes? I don't give a fuck. It is what it is.

I say they should hang. How ya like me now?

(Not if it's just some NYT staff bullshitting) Then they deserve different penalties, Fed prison, etc..

But if it's actually someone in the government? They should fucking hang.
If what's in the Op Ed is true, we probably wouldn't be sitting around talking about this right now--we would have already been vaporized in a nuclear war, and I'm NOT exaggerating. That's how uninformed and unwilling to get informed the old man is.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!ā€

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?
I'm for it. That represents sedition and loose lips in the highest circles of government.

Does that make me a bad man in someone's eyes? I don't give a fuck. It is what it is.

I say they should hang. How ya like me now?

(Not if it's just some NYT staff bullshitting) Then they deserve different penalties, Fed prison, etc..

But if it's actually someone in the government? They should fucking hang.
If what's in the Op Ed is true, we probably wouldn't be sitting around talking about this right now--we would have already been vaporized in a nuclear war, and I'm NOT exaggerating. That's how uninformed and unwilling to get informed the old man is.

Turn the seditious traitor over, or be exposed as a fraud. I'm leaning towards the side of "They're just frauds". :)

There is no seditious traitor, they made it all up.
Last edited:
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!ā€

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?
I'm for it. That represents sedition and loose lips in the highest circles of government.

Does that make me a bad man in someone's eyes? I don't give a fuck. It is what it is.

I say they should hang. How ya like me now?

(Not if it's just some NYT staff bullshitting) Then they deserve different penalties, Fed prison, etc..

But if it's actually someone in the government? They should fucking hang.
If what's in the Op Ed is true, we probably wouldn't be sitting around talking about this right now--we would have already been vaporized in a nuclear war, and I'm NOT exaggerating. That's how uninformed and unwilling to get informed the old man is.

Newflash OldLady The country doesn't need a young "hip" guy running it.

People may not like that, but the type of person running the US needs to always be an old Fuddy Duddy man from the old ways. In my personal preference, Trump isn't old or fuddy duddy enough, but he'll have to do because that's what we have.

Think Sessions-ish is what I'm talking about.
I wonder what the Vegas odds are of Trump having a stroke/heart attack tonight are? Probably the best since he took office.

I am loving this...Trump must be freaking out.


We've all known from before Trump took office that Deep State assholes would be "resisting" his legal Administration.

This is not news to anyone. ANYONE.

If you read the editorial you would know it was written by a senior trump official. Which means that person was appointed to that position by trump.

Senior officials are either cabinet members or their staff.

The president appoints all cabinet members.

If there's a deep state, trump's own appointees are that deep state.

Which the "deep state" doesn't really exist. All it is, is anyone who doesn't march lockstep with trump. Including trump's own appointees.

Logic isn't one of your strengths is it?
That ship has sailed.

Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Ohr, his wife, Brennan, DNC, Fusion GPS, and more, all disagree.
Holy crap. Holy shit.

Trump tweet: "...the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!ā€

Turn him over to the government???

Thoughts, Trump voters? Are you okay with this?
I'm for it. That represents sedition and loose lips in the highest circles of government.

Does that make me a bad man in someone's eyes? I don't give a fuck. It is what it is.

I say they should hang. How ya like me now?

(Not if it's just some NYT staff bullshitting) Then they deserve different penalties, Fed prison, etc..

But if it's actually someone in the government? They should fucking hang.
If what's in the Op Ed is true, we probably wouldn't be sitting around talking about this right now--we would have already been vaporized in a nuclear war, and I'm NOT exaggerating. That's how uninformed and unwilling to get informed the old man is.

Newflash OldLady The country doesn't need a young "hip" guy running it.

People may not like that, but the type of person running the US needs to always be an old Fuddy Duddy man from the old ways. In my personal preference, Trump isn't old or fuddy duddy enough, but he'll have to do because that's what we have.

Think Sessions-ish is what I'm talking about.

News Flash Guy-Whose-Idol-Appears-To-Be-A-Long-Dead-Actor...old farts who are for murdering people simply for posting Op Ed's and doing nothing apparently illegal would not know what the average, intelligent, young American wants if your life depended on it.

The only reason - IMO - that you want an 'old Fuddy Duddy man' (Fuddy Duddy? What are you...100?) as President is because you are a VERY old, misogynistic, probably uneducated, individual who closes his mind to almost everything that he does not understand.

Open your eyes pal...Trump is probably the last hoorah for your crowd ('white', bigoted, uneducated, mostly men who long for the 1950's)...enjoy it while it lasts.

Because it won't.
I wonder what the Vegas odds are of Trump having a stroke/heart attack tonight are? Probably the best since he took office.

I am loving this...Trump must be freaking out.


We've all known from before Trump took office that Deep State assholes would be "resisting" his legal Administration.

This is not news to anyone. ANYONE.

If you read the editorial you would know it was written by a senior trump official. Which means that person was appointed to that position by trump.

Senior officials are either cabinet members or their staff.

The president appoints all cabinet members.

If there's a deep state, trump's own appointees are that deep state.

Which the "deep state" doesn't really exist. All it is, is anyone who doesn't march lockstep with trump. Including trump's own appointees.

Logic isn't one of your strengths is it?
That ship has sailed.

Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Ohr, his wife, Brennan, DNC, Fusion GPS, and more, all disagree.
There is no "deep state". That's just a term you trumpkins started parroting after Steve Bannon told you to.
I wonder what the Vegas odds are of Trump having a stroke/heart attack tonight are? Probably the best since he took office.

I am loving this...Trump must be freaking out.


We've all known from before Trump took office that Deep State assholes would be "resisting" his legal Administration.

This is not news to anyone. ANYONE.

If you read the editorial you would know it was written by a senior trump official. Which means that person was appointed to that position by trump.

Senior officials are either cabinet members or their staff.

The president appoints all cabinet members.

If there's a deep state, trump's own appointees are that deep state.

Which the "deep state" doesn't really exist. All it is, is anyone who doesn't march lockstep with trump. Including trump's own appointees.

Logic isn't one of your strengths is it?
That ship has sailed.

Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Ohr, his wife, Brennan, DNC, Fusion GPS, and more, all disagree.
There is no "deep state". That's just a term you trumpkins started parroting after Steve Bannon told you to.
That ship has sailed.

Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Ohr, his wife, Brennan, DNC, Fusion GPS, and more, all disagree.
I wonder what the Vegas odds are of Trump having a stroke/heart attack tonight are? Probably the best since he took office.

I am loving this...Trump must be freaking out.


We've all known from before Trump took office that Deep State assholes would be "resisting" his legal Administration.

This is not news to anyone. ANYONE.

If you read the editorial you would know it was written by a senior trump official. Which means that person was appointed to that position by trump.

Senior officials are either cabinet members or their staff.

The president appoints all cabinet members.

If there's a deep state, trump's own appointees are that deep state.

Which the "deep state" doesn't really exist. All it is, is anyone who doesn't march lockstep with trump. Including trump's own appointees.

Logic isn't one of your strengths is it?
That ship has sailed.

Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Ohr, his wife, Brennan, DNC, Fusion GPS, and more, all disagree.
There is no "deep state". That's just a term you trumpkins started parroting after Steve Bannon told you to.
That ship has sailed.

Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Ohr, his wife, Brennan, DNC, Fusion GPS, and more, all disagree.
Like I said: "parrot"

Aba want a cracker?

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