"Turn him/her over to the government at once! -- Thoughts, Trump voters?

Like most on the right Trump is an authoritarian, with contempt for the rights and protected liberties of the American people.

And Trump sycophants would gladly support subjecting political opponents to punitive measures by the government in an effort to silence that opposition while defending Trump’s desire to do so.
Liberals are the ones who are most opposed to the Bill of Rights.
What ‘plan’?

This country is fast becoming brown; whites will be a minority within the next 20 years, if that. Democratic Party policies are all geared toward advancing this demographic shift, not thwarting it. Since the majority of mothers on welfare are white, you can’t even point to some warped connection to that, either.

It’s the Republican Party that is openly racist; I can’t imagine what twisted logic you employ in your mind to justify some notion that Democratic Party support for safe affordable abortion access for ALL women has any racial component whatsoever.
Don’t try to twist numbers on welfare. It’s about percentages.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Actually , it's you who is trying to twist numbers.
More whites are on every form of government hand-out there is, there's no denying that fact; no matter how it undermines your racial bigotry.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
Actually your stupidity is quite astounding, by percentage, whites still receive the overwhelming percentage of governmental assistance.
So let's recap, numerically and per percentage, whites receive the majority of government hand outs.
I now see why you tried to steer clear of the raw numbers and veer into percentages, but even that argument shoots you in the foot.
Don’t try to twist numbers on welfare. It’s about percentages.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Actually , it's you who is trying to twist numbers.
More whites are on every form of government hand-out there is, there's no denying that fact; no matter how it undermines your racial bigotry.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
Actually your stupidity is quite astounding, by percentage, whites still receive the overwhelming percentage of governmental assistance.
So let's recap, numerically and per percentage, whites receive the majority of government hand outs.
I now see why you tried to steer clear of the raw numbers and veer into percentages, but even that argument shoots you in the foot.
You can’t read numbers can you?
Actually , it's you who is trying to twist numbers.
More whites are on every form of government hand-out there is, there's no denying that fact; no matter how it undermines your racial bigotry.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
Actually your stupidity is quite astounding, by percentage, whites still receive the overwhelming percentage of governmental assistance.
So let's recap, numerically and per percentage, whites receive the majority of government hand outs.
I now see why you tried to steer clear of the raw numbers and veer into percentages, but even that argument shoots you in the foot.
You can’t read numbers can you?
So you have no factual rebuttal...not surprising.
This character should be sacked in my opinion. However well intentioned they are you cant play for two teams.
But as far as crimes go good luck with that.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
Actually your stupidity is quite astounding, by percentage, whites still receive the overwhelming percentage of governmental assistance.
So let's recap, numerically and per percentage, whites receive the majority of government hand outs.
I now see why you tried to steer clear of the raw numbers and veer into percentages, but even that argument shoots you in the foot.
You can’t read numbers can you?
So you have no factual rebuttal...not surprising.
I posted the Census numbers. How much more factual do you need?
This character should be sacked in my opinion. However well intentioned they are you cant play for two teams.
But as far as crimes go good luck with that.
I agree...but if he/she was usurping policy...that can be an infraction of the law depending about how they go about it.
Cracks me up how trump’s reaction is to prove the content of that article correct.
And, bingo.

And, as predicted, his followers are just fine with it.

He couldn't have made a more authoritarian comment, and they support it.

This is incredible to watch. I've been trying to laugh, but we're turning a corner here.
The REPs are watching which "senior offficial/s" have moving vans parked in front of their apartment/s today.
The traitor/s name/s are already known to many in Washington.
Tucker Carlson et al knows the name/s.
By the end of today the world will know the name/s.
God help the traitor/s.
Nobody else will.
What ‘plan’?

This country is fast becoming brown; whites will be a minority within the next 20 years, if that. Democratic Party policies are all geared toward advancing this demographic shift, not thwarting it. Since the majority of mothers on welfare are white, you can’t even point to some warped connection to that, either.

It’s the Republican Party that is openly racist; I can’t imagine what twisted logic you employ in your mind to justify some notion that Democratic Party support for safe affordable abortion access for ALL women has any racial component whatsoever.
Don’t try to twist numbers on welfare. It’s about percentages.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Actually , it's you who is trying to twist numbers.
More whites are on every form of government hand-out there is, there's no denying that fact; no matter how it undermines your racial bigotry.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
This isn’t true, but for the sake of argument, let’s suppose it was. What say you about the hugely disproportionate incarceration of people of color in this country? Any injustice there, you think? Any responsibility for that from the law & order Republicans?
Whoever it is, root out the cell and prosecute them all for sedition.

Trump is not the State, Tipsy.
The crime is sedition.

It is sedition.
So? Sedition can be patriotic.
No it can't. This is what makes for rebellion and civil war. You are simply on the side of the seditious and against the legitimate government.
Don’t try to twist numbers on welfare. It’s about percentages.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Actually , it's you who is trying to twist numbers.
More whites are on every form of government hand-out there is, there's no denying that fact; no matter how it undermines your racial bigotry.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
This isn’t true, but for the sake of argument, let’s suppose it was. What say you about the hugely disproportionate incarceration of people of color in this country? Any injustice there, you think? Any responsibility for that from the law & order Republicans?
People of color can stop committing crimes. That would be a start.
Actually , it's you who is trying to twist numbers.
More whites are on every form of government hand-out there is, there's no denying that fact; no matter how it undermines your racial bigotry.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
This isn’t true, but for the sake of argument, let’s suppose it was. What say you about the hugely disproportionate incarceration of people of color in this country? Any injustice there, you think? Any responsibility for that from the law & order Republicans?
People of color can stop committing crimes. That would be a start.
You’re a real idiot, you know that?

I’ve worked in the system for years; it’s deeply corrupt and racist. Look at how many of the DNA exonerations have been people of color; they’re being incarcerated falsely by the thousands - in your name. If you don’t care about that, you’re scum.
Percentage? I just put up the fucking Census numbers. Now the Census is racist? What a delusional idiot.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
This isn’t true, but for the sake of argument, let’s suppose it was. What say you about the hugely disproportionate incarceration of people of color in this country? Any injustice there, you think? Any responsibility for that from the law & order Republicans?
People of color can stop committing crimes. That would be a start.
You’re a real idiot, you know that?

I’ve worked in the system for years; it’s deeply corrupt and racist. Look at how many of the DNA exonerations have been people of color; they’re being incarcerated falsely by the thousands - in your name. If you don’t care about that, you’re scum.
I've worked in the legal system for 35 years. The POC marks are seldom exonerated. When one is they make a lot of noise so it looks like a bigger issue than it is.

I will say that I have seen more innocent black men go to prison than innocent white men. That isn't the fault of a racist system. It's because black men are always looking to increase their cred and act out.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
This isn’t true, but for the sake of argument, let’s suppose it was. What say you about the hugely disproportionate incarceration of people of color in this country? Any injustice there, you think? Any responsibility for that from the law & order Republicans?
People of color can stop committing crimes. That would be a start.
You’re a real idiot, you know that?

I’ve worked in the system for years; it’s deeply corrupt and racist. Look at how many of the DNA exonerations have been people of color; they’re being incarcerated falsely by the thousands - in your name. If you don’t care about that, you’re scum.
I've worked in the legal system for 35 years. The POC marks are seldom exonerated. When one is they make a lot of noise so it looks like a bigger issue than it is.

I will say that I have seen more innocent black men go to prison than innocent white men. That isn't the fault of a racist system. It's because black men are always looking to increase their cred and act out.
Yup, you’re scum.
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
This isn’t true, but for the sake of argument, let’s suppose it was. What say you about the hugely disproportionate incarceration of people of color in this country? Any injustice there, you think? Any responsibility for that from the law & order Republicans?
People of color can stop committing crimes. That would be a start.
You’re a real idiot, you know that?

I’ve worked in the system for years; it’s deeply corrupt and racist. Look at how many of the DNA exonerations have been people of color; they’re being incarcerated falsely by the thousands - in your name. If you don’t care about that, you’re scum.
I've worked in the legal system for 35 years. The POC marks are seldom exonerated. When one is they make a lot of noise so it looks like a bigger issue than it is.

I will say that I have seen more innocent black men go to prison than innocent white men. That isn't the fault of a racist system. It's because black men are always looking to increase their cred and act out.
Yup, you’re scum.
You're a democrat.
Trump is not the State, Tipsy.
The crime is sedition.

It is sedition.
So? Sedition can be patriotic.
No it can't. This is what makes for rebellion and civil war. You are simply on the side of the seditious and against the legitimate government.
Dumbfuck... the colonists who rose up against the king of England, when we were just 13 colonies, were committing sedition.

When the leader is crazy, sedition can be patriotic.
So now you want to admit that more white people receive the most government assistance than any other group of people in the United States???
You want to admit that as a percentage based on race blacks get WAY more government assistance than whites?
This isn’t true, but for the sake of argument, let’s suppose it was. What say you about the hugely disproportionate incarceration of people of color in this country? Any injustice there, you think? Any responsibility for that from the law & order Republicans?
People of color can stop committing crimes. That would be a start.
You’re a real idiot, you know that?

I’ve worked in the system for years; it’s deeply corrupt and racist. Look at how many of the DNA exonerations have been people of color; they’re being incarcerated falsely by the thousands - in your name. If you don’t care about that, you’re scum.
I've worked in the legal system for 35 years. The POC marks are seldom exonerated. When one is they make a lot of noise so it looks like a bigger issue than it is.

I will say that I have seen more innocent black men go to prison than innocent white men. That isn't the fault of a racist system. It's because black men are always looking to increase their cred and act out.

Utter nonsense.

You have NO WAY of knowing what another human being is feeling about ANYTHING unless they say what they are thinking about that 'thing'.

And your statement is doubly nonsensical in that you could not possibly have even seen or heard about EVERY, SINGLE case in the ENTIRE nation of an 'innocent black' man going to prison....let alone what every, single one of those men thought about it.

There is nothing to debate about my statements as they are facts. So I will not waste my time doing so with you on this.

We are done here...have a less judgmental day.
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The crime is sedition.

It is sedition.
So? Sedition can be patriotic.
No it can't. This is what makes for rebellion and civil war. You are simply on the side of the seditious and against the legitimate government.
Dumbfuck... the colonists who rose up against the king of England, when we were just 13 colonies, were committing sedition.

When the leader is crazy, sedition can be patriotic.

Yeah....England was trying to tax us without representation.
Trump...not so much.

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