Turning tragedy into politics. They can't help themselves.

My greatest fear right now is that this new Supreme Court Justice will ban abortion while at the same time, reverse all the gun laws.

Then there will be nothing but babies everywhere. And guns!!!

AND BABIES WITH GUNS!!!!!! :ack-1::shok::surprised1:

There is nothing more charming than the laughter of a child...

Until you remember that you're alone in the house.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Where the hell were you when one of your own turned the death of a 2 year old into a chance to score some points on this forum?

Where Are The Libs? 2yo Killed...no outcry / call to ban ownership....

Is this any less mentally ill than what you are whining about?

So you are comparing a member here to a Mayor of a major city making a statement to the nation?

Oh yes, that’s apples to apples.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I am comparing mental illnesses, which you claim is only on the left side. Just because one person has a larger platform does not make them more mentally ill.

You see, it it not liberalism that is a is a mental disease, it is partisanship that is a mental disease.

Ask yourself, what sort of a person reads a story about a two year old being killed in a horrible way and thinks "oh yeah, this is going to make a great thread on that forum". The answer is someone that is dangerously mentally ill.

But, he is on your "side", so you cannot say an ill word about it, hell maybe you approve of using the death of a 2 year old to score points on an internet forum

I don’t speak for anybody here but myself. I didn’t see the thread, didn’t read the thread, nor did I participate in the thread. So how can I criticize the thread or OP?

The point is, this is something the left does on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool. They don’t wait a day or two......a week, they respond almost immediately.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Where the hell were you when one of your own turned the death of a 2 year old into a chance to score some points on this forum?

Where Are The Libs? 2yo Killed...no outcry / call to ban ownership....

Is this any less mentally ill than what you are whining about?

So you are comparing a member here to a Mayor of a major city making a statement to the nation?

Oh yes, that’s apples to apples.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I am comparing mental illnesses, which you claim is only on the left side. Just because one person has a larger platform does not make them more mentally ill.

You see, it it not liberalism that is a is a mental disease, it is partisanship that is a mental disease.

Ask yourself, what sort of a person reads a story about a two year old being killed in a horrible way and thinks "oh yeah, this is going to make a great thread on that forum". The answer is someone that is dangerously mentally ill.

But, he is on your "side", so you cannot say an ill word about it, hell maybe you approve of using the death of a 2 year old to score points on an internet forum

I don’t speak for anybody here but myself. I didn’t see the thread, didn’t read the thread, nor did I participate in the thread. So how can I criticize the thread or OP?

The point is, this is something the left does on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool. They don’t wait a day or two......a week, they respond almost immediately.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The true point that you are missing is that both the left and the right do it on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool.

The fact that you cannot see it from your side just makes you part of the problem
Let’s see....as soon as the killer was id’d...politization began....yup...it’s the same old rightwing double standard eh? Thanks for providing such a stellar example.

No the polarization already existed, criminal aliens are wreaking havoc all over this country, he's just one of the latest killers. They just arrested 3 MS13 gang members here in Houston for murder. Hopefully those 3 will die an agonizing death in a TX prison, at the hands of other gang bangers, before they get the needle.


And to her point: how many Angel families have been used for the rights (as she calls it) political agenda? How many mass murders have been used by Democrats for the same?

The only two I can think of off hand is Mollie and Kate. Other than that, the dozens if not hundreds of other families and victims were never touched.
They all do it you know. That is why it is so ludicrous when you seem to think only one side does.

First off, I never considered protecting Americans as a political agenda. One would think that would be the agenda of any American regardless of political affiliation. Secondly, as I pointed out, the left does this all the time when any mass shooting happens; unless the shooter was a leftist himself.

Gun control on the other hand is more political because we on the right believe it would be a huge mistake and cost more lives, while you on the left simply want to remove control and power from the people. That's what I call political.
Gun control is also about protecting Americans.

I suppose how you view each of these depends on what side of the political spectrum you reside in.

Yes..... short term thinkers such as yourself want to take guns away from Americans in a time of political stability, never thinking of the future. You don't understand European history, where 12 million unarmed, innocent men, women and children were murdered by the socialists and in many cases with the complicity of their own governments.....but you think that can never happen again and it could never happen here.

Those of us on the 2nd Amendment side know better...we understand human nature and human history....we also understand that when you take guns away from normal people, the violent criminals will take control of the streets...as is happening in Britain.

Also, nothing you believe is supported by history, facts, or reality.....as I keep pointing out, as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate has dropped 49%....our gun crime rate dropped 75%, and our violent crime rate dropped 72%.......if what you believe is true, that more guns = more crime, that wouldn't be happening, the opposite should be happening, but it isn't. More guns in the hands of normal people does not increase the gun crime rate or the violent crime rate.....which destroys you entire argument against gun ownership.

We don't have criminal control...that is the problem. The people doing the gun murder are people who have long criminal records shooting other people with long criminal records....who democrats like you keep letting out of jail...that is our problem on the short term. Longer term? Single teenage girls raising young males without fathers....how do you plan on fixing that?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Where the hell were you when one of your own turned the death of a 2 year old into a chance to score some points on this forum?

Where Are The Libs? 2yo Killed...no outcry / call to ban ownership....

Is this any less mentally ill than what you are whining about?

So you are comparing a member here to a Mayor of a major city making a statement to the nation?

Oh yes, that’s apples to apples.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I am comparing mental illnesses, which you claim is only on the left side. Just because one person has a larger platform does not make them more mentally ill.

You see, it it not liberalism that is a is a mental disease, it is partisanship that is a mental disease.

Ask yourself, what sort of a person reads a story about a two year old being killed in a horrible way and thinks "oh yeah, this is going to make a great thread on that forum". The answer is someone that is dangerously mentally ill.

But, he is on your "side", so you cannot say an ill word about it, hell maybe you approve of using the death of a 2 year old to score points on an internet forum

I don’t speak for anybody here but myself. I didn’t see the thread, didn’t read the thread, nor did I participate in the thread. So how can I criticize the thread or OP?

The point is, this is something the left does on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool. They don’t wait a day or two......a week, they respond almost immediately.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The true point that you are missing is that both the left and the right do it on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool.

The fact that you cannot see it from your side just makes you part of the problem

No, that is not true because if the right did it as much as the left, nearly every Angel Family would be in the spotlight. As I said earlier, there are dozens if not hundreds of people who were murdered by illegals.

Secondly, the left does it to try and promote their political agenda in a way to create more laws against us. The right does it to remind people the laws that we have are not being followed.
Where the hell were you when one of your own turned the death of a 2 year old into a chance to score some points on this forum?

Where Are The Libs? 2yo Killed...no outcry / call to ban ownership....

Is this any less mentally ill than what you are whining about?

So you are comparing a member here to a Mayor of a major city making a statement to the nation?

Oh yes, that’s apples to apples.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I am comparing mental illnesses, which you claim is only on the left side. Just because one person has a larger platform does not make them more mentally ill.

You see, it it not liberalism that is a is a mental disease, it is partisanship that is a mental disease.

Ask yourself, what sort of a person reads a story about a two year old being killed in a horrible way and thinks "oh yeah, this is going to make a great thread on that forum". The answer is someone that is dangerously mentally ill.

But, he is on your "side", so you cannot say an ill word about it, hell maybe you approve of using the death of a 2 year old to score points on an internet forum

I don’t speak for anybody here but myself. I didn’t see the thread, didn’t read the thread, nor did I participate in the thread. So how can I criticize the thread or OP?

The point is, this is something the left does on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool. They don’t wait a day or two......a week, they respond almost immediately.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The true point that you are missing is that both the left and the right do it on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool.

The fact that you cannot see it from your side just makes you part of the problem

No, that is not true because if the right did it as much as the left, nearly every Angel Family would be in the spotlight. As I said earlier, there are dozens if not hundreds of people who were murdered by illegals.

Secondly, the left does it to try and promote their political agenda in a way to create more laws against us. The right does it to remind people the laws that we have are not being followed.

In other words when you and your side exploits a tragedy for political gain, it is different than when the other side does it...which of course is just what they say also.

you sir, are part of the problem
So you are comparing a member here to a Mayor of a major city making a statement to the nation?

Oh yes, that’s apples to apples.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I am comparing mental illnesses, which you claim is only on the left side. Just because one person has a larger platform does not make them more mentally ill.

You see, it it not liberalism that is a is a mental disease, it is partisanship that is a mental disease.

Ask yourself, what sort of a person reads a story about a two year old being killed in a horrible way and thinks "oh yeah, this is going to make a great thread on that forum". The answer is someone that is dangerously mentally ill.

But, he is on your "side", so you cannot say an ill word about it, hell maybe you approve of using the death of a 2 year old to score points on an internet forum

I don’t speak for anybody here but myself. I didn’t see the thread, didn’t read the thread, nor did I participate in the thread. So how can I criticize the thread or OP?

The point is, this is something the left does on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool. They don’t wait a day or two......a week, they respond almost immediately.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The true point that you are missing is that both the left and the right do it on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool.

The fact that you cannot see it from your side just makes you part of the problem

No, that is not true because if the right did it as much as the left, nearly every Angel Family would be in the spotlight. As I said earlier, there are dozens if not hundreds of people who were murdered by illegals.

Secondly, the left does it to try and promote their political agenda in a way to create more laws against us. The right does it to remind people the laws that we have are not being followed.

In other words when you and your side exploits a tragedy for political gain, it is different than when the other side does it...which of course is just what they say also.

you sir, are part of the problem

Well I guess you can't talk to a wall. A wall doesn't have any ears.

So go ahead and believe whatever it is you want.
I am comparing mental illnesses, which you claim is only on the left side. Just because one person has a larger platform does not make them more mentally ill.

You see, it it not liberalism that is a is a mental disease, it is partisanship that is a mental disease.

Ask yourself, what sort of a person reads a story about a two year old being killed in a horrible way and thinks "oh yeah, this is going to make a great thread on that forum". The answer is someone that is dangerously mentally ill.

But, he is on your "side", so you cannot say an ill word about it, hell maybe you approve of using the death of a 2 year old to score points on an internet forum

I don’t speak for anybody here but myself. I didn’t see the thread, didn’t read the thread, nor did I participate in the thread. So how can I criticize the thread or OP?

The point is, this is something the left does on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool. They don’t wait a day or two......a week, they respond almost immediately.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The true point that you are missing is that both the left and the right do it on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool.

The fact that you cannot see it from your side just makes you part of the problem

No, that is not true because if the right did it as much as the left, nearly every Angel Family would be in the spotlight. As I said earlier, there are dozens if not hundreds of people who were murdered by illegals.

Secondly, the left does it to try and promote their political agenda in a way to create more laws against us. The right does it to remind people the laws that we have are not being followed.

In other words when you and your side exploits a tragedy for political gain, it is different than when the other side does it...which of course is just what they say also.

you sir, are part of the problem

Well I guess you can't talk to a wall. A wall doesn't have any ears.

So go ahead and believe whatever it is you want.

I believe the truth, and the truth is that both sides are happy as hell using death as a political tool, like you did with this thread and like your fellow far right buddy did with the death of a 2 year old.

You read stories about people dying and you think..."hmmm, I wonder how I can use this story on the forum to make some jab at those evil leftys".

That is not a good way to live life
I don’t speak for anybody here but myself. I didn’t see the thread, didn’t read the thread, nor did I participate in the thread. So how can I criticize the thread or OP?

The point is, this is something the left does on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool. They don’t wait a day or two......a week, they respond almost immediately.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

The true point that you are missing is that both the left and the right do it on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool.

The fact that you cannot see it from your side just makes you part of the problem

No, that is not true because if the right did it as much as the left, nearly every Angel Family would be in the spotlight. As I said earlier, there are dozens if not hundreds of people who were murdered by illegals.

Secondly, the left does it to try and promote their political agenda in a way to create more laws against us. The right does it to remind people the laws that we have are not being followed.

In other words when you and your side exploits a tragedy for political gain, it is different than when the other side does it...which of course is just what they say also.

you sir, are part of the problem

Well I guess you can't talk to a wall. A wall doesn't have any ears.

So go ahead and believe whatever it is you want.

I believe the truth, and the truth is that both sides are happy as hell using death as a political tool, like you did with this thread and like your fellow far right buddy did with the death of a 2 year old.

You read stories about people dying and you think..."hmmm, I wonder how I can use this story on the forum to make some jab at those evil leftys".

That is not a good way to live life

Neither is being a liar. I didn't create the thread to use the lives of those poor people, I created it to show how this leftist Mayor did.
The true point that you are missing is that both the left and the right do it on a consistent basis: using death as a political tool.

The fact that you cannot see it from your side just makes you part of the problem

No, that is not true because if the right did it as much as the left, nearly every Angel Family would be in the spotlight. As I said earlier, there are dozens if not hundreds of people who were murdered by illegals.

Secondly, the left does it to try and promote their political agenda in a way to create more laws against us. The right does it to remind people the laws that we have are not being followed.

In other words when you and your side exploits a tragedy for political gain, it is different than when the other side does it...which of course is just what they say also.

you sir, are part of the problem

Well I guess you can't talk to a wall. A wall doesn't have any ears.

So go ahead and believe whatever it is you want.

I believe the truth, and the truth is that both sides are happy as hell using death as a political tool, like you did with this thread and like your fellow far right buddy did with the death of a 2 year old.

You read stories about people dying and you think..."hmmm, I wonder how I can use this story on the forum to make some jab at those evil leftys".

That is not a good way to live life

Neither is being a liar. I didn't create the thread to use the lives of those poor people, I created it to show how this leftist Mayor did.

You created the thread to use the lives of those poor people to show the poor behavior by the leftist mayor. you are truly no different than the mayor

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