Turning tragedy into politics. They can't help themselves.

Letā€™s see....as soon as the killer was idā€™d...politization began....yup...itā€™s the same old rightwing double standard eh? Thanks for providing such a stellar example.

No the polarization already existed, criminal aliens are wreaking havoc all over this country, he's just one of the latest killers. They just arrested 3 MS13 gang members here in Houston for murder. Hopefully those 3 will die an agonizing death in a TX prison, at the hands of other gang bangers, before they get the needle.


And to her point: how many Angel families have been used for the rights (as she calls it) political agenda? How many mass murders have been used by Democrats for the same?

The only two I can think of off hand is Mollie and Kate. Other than that, the dozens if not hundreds of other families and victims were never touched.
They all do it you know. That is why it is so ludicrous when you seem to think only one side does.

First off, I never considered protecting Americans as a political agenda. One would think that would be the agenda of any American regardless of political affiliation. Secondly, as I pointed out, the left does this all the time when any mass shooting happens; unless the shooter was a leftist himself.

Gun control on the other hand is more political because we on the right believe it would be a huge mistake and cost more lives, while you on the left simply want to remove control and power from the people. That's what I call political.
Gun control is also about protecting Americans.

I suppose how you view each of these depends on what side of the political spectrum you reside in.

And this is why it's political.

We on the right believe that when you disarm the good people and the bad people still have guns, you prohibit good people from protect themselves. You put us in more danger.

What is the counter argument from stopping illegals from getting into this country to kill Americans? Oh, our party wants them here to eliminate the white vote. That's not a counter argument to our goals, it's purely political.
Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

No, Republicans wanted that story out to push Trump's agenda.
Where's the Republicans ire about 300 Catholic priests molesting over 1000 kids?

The Republicans are the ones calling out the pope, it is left wingers who are defending this pope, you moron.

Wrong again, as usual.

Look up Josh Shapiro, idiot.

"""The 18-month investigation covered six of the stateā€™s dioceses ā€” Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton ā€” and follows other state grand jury reports that revealed abuse and coverups in two other dioceses. The grand jury reviewed more than 2 million documents, including from the ā€œsecret archivesā€ ā€” what church leaders referred to the reports of abuse they hid from public for decades, state Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at a news conference Tuesday."""


Here you go, moron....

Ben Shapiro: Why in the name of God is the media protecting Pope Francis? | Opinion

nstead, mainstream media outlets went out of their way to portray Vigano as a disgruntled conservative angry at Pope Francisā€™ progressive interpretation of Catholic doctrine. The New York Times headlined, ā€œVatican Power Struggle Bursts Into Open as Conservatives Pounce.ā€ Their print headline was even worse: ā€œFrancis Takes High Road As Conservatives Pounce, Taking Criticisms Public.ā€

Yes, according to the Times, the story wasnā€™t the sitting Pope being credibly accused of a sexual abuse cover-upā€”it was conservatives attacking him for it. The problem of child molestation and sexual abuse of clergy took a back seat to Francisā€™ leftist politics, as the Times piece made clear in its first paragraph: ā€œSince the start of his papacy, Francis has infuriated Catholic traditionalists as he tries to nurture a more welcoming church and shift it away from culture war issues, whether abortion or homosexuality. ā€˜Who am I to judge?ā€™ the pope famously said, when asked about gay priests. Just how angry his political and doctrinal enemies are became clear this weekendā€¦ā€

It wasnā€™t just the Times. On Wednesday, Reuters headlined, ā€œDefenders rally around pope, fear conservatives escalating war.ā€ On Thursday, Reuters doubled down with this headline: ā€œConservative media move to front line of battle to undermine Pope Francis.ā€ The Telegraph(U.K.) reported, ā€œVatican analysts say the attack appears to be part of a concerted effort by conservatives to oust Pope Francis, who they dislike for his relatively liberal viewsā€¦ā€

This thread is not about the Catholic church scandal. Please get back on topic

Turning tragedy into politics. They can't help themselves.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Wow, I was wrong.

I thought this thread was a reflection on the bush presidency after 911.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Wasn't done before the body was cold. But that's irrelevant to your propaganda, eh?


Letā€™s see....as soon as the killer was idā€™d...politization began....yup...itā€™s the same old rightwing double standard eh? Thanks for providing such a stellar example.

No the polarization already existed, criminal aliens are wreaking havoc all over this country, he's just one of the latest killers. They just arrested 3 MS13 gang members here in Houston for murder. Hopefully those 3 will die an agonizing death in a TX prison, at the hands of other gang bangers, before they get the needle.


And to her point: how many Angel families have been used for the rights (as she calls it) political agenda? How many mass murders have been used by Democrats for the same?

The only two I can think of off hand is Mollie and Kate. Other than that, the dozens if not hundreds of other families and victims were never touched.

She has no point, the asshole that killed Mollie was a felon before he decided to murder. Her false equivalence is BS.

No the polarization already existed, criminal aliens are wreaking havoc all over this country, he's just one of the latest killers. They just arrested 3 MS13 gang members here in Houston for murder. Hopefully those 3 will die an agonizing death in a TX prison, at the hands of other gang bangers, before they get the needle.


And to her point: how many Angel families have been used for the rights (as she calls it) political agenda? How many mass murders have been used by Democrats for the same?

The only two I can think of off hand is Mollie and Kate. Other than that, the dozens if not hundreds of other families and victims were never touched.
They all do it you know. That is why it is so ludicrous when you seem to think only one side does.

First off, I never considered protecting Americans as a political agenda. One would think that would be the agenda of any American regardless of political affiliation. Secondly, as I pointed out, the left does this all the time when any mass shooting happens; unless the shooter was a leftist himself.

Gun control on the other hand is more political because we on the right believe it would be a huge mistake and cost more lives, while you on the left simply want to remove control and power from the people. That's what I call political.
Gun control is also about protecting Americans.

I suppose how you view each of these depends on what side of the political spectrum you reside in.

And this is why it's political.

We on the right believe that when you disarm the good people and the bad people still have guns, you prohibit good people from protect themselves. You put us in more danger.

What is the counter argument from stopping illegals from getting into this country to kill Americans? Oh, our party wants them here to eliminate the white vote. That's not a counter argument to our goals, it's purely political.

Eliminate the white vote?

Never miss a chance to help whitey.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Wow, I was wrong.

I thought this thread was a reflection on the bush presidency after 911.

So you agree that 9/11/01 was a false flag event as well and was allowed to happen by rouge elements of the shadow government and their deep state operatives in order to create this open air gulag of surveillance?? Good for you! I 100 % totally agree.....
And to her point: how many Angel families have been used for the rights (as she calls it) political agenda? How many mass murders have been used by Democrats for the same?

The only two I can think of off hand is Mollie and Kate. Other than that, the dozens if not hundreds of other families and victims were never touched.
They all do it you know. That is why it is so ludicrous when you seem to think only one side does.

First off, I never considered protecting Americans as a political agenda. One would think that would be the agenda of any American regardless of political affiliation. Secondly, as I pointed out, the left does this all the time when any mass shooting happens; unless the shooter was a leftist himself.

Gun control on the other hand is more political because we on the right believe it would be a huge mistake and cost more lives, while you on the left simply want to remove control and power from the people. That's what I call political.
Gun control is also about protecting Americans.

I suppose how you view each of these depends on what side of the political spectrum you reside in.

And this is why it's political.

We on the right believe that when you disarm the good people and the bad people still have guns, you prohibit good people from protect themselves. You put us in more danger.

What is the counter argument from stopping illegals from getting into this country to kill Americans? Oh, our party wants them here to eliminate the white vote. That's not a counter argument to our goals, it's purely political.

Eliminate the white vote?

Never miss a chance to help whitey.

Why do you think the Commies are so hell bent on their sanctuary cities? Why do you think they threatened to shutdown the government over a wall that costs less than half of what we spend on food stamps in one year? Why do you think they want to eliminate ICE?

You have to look at the man behind the curtain to truly understand politics. If you don't, you are being snowballed like the rest.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Wow, I was wrong.

I thought this thread was a reflection on the bush presidency after 911.

So you agree that 9/11/01 was a false flag event as well and was allowed to happen by rouge elements of the shadow government and their deep state operatives in order to create this open air gulag of surveillance?? Good for you! I 100 % totally agree.....

Nope, 911 happened because another republic president failed to read national security briefings.

Then after 911 used the tragedy to pass tax cut legislation instead of focusing on the failure to defend America.

Your deep state bullshit is just that feral libertarians trying to justify personal greed without any social responsibility.
They all do it you know. That is why it is so ludicrous when you seem to think only one side does.

First off, I never considered protecting Americans as a political agenda. One would think that would be the agenda of any American regardless of political affiliation. Secondly, as I pointed out, the left does this all the time when any mass shooting happens; unless the shooter was a leftist himself.

Gun control on the other hand is more political because we on the right believe it would be a huge mistake and cost more lives, while you on the left simply want to remove control and power from the people. That's what I call political.
Gun control is also about protecting Americans.

I suppose how you view each of these depends on what side of the political spectrum you reside in.

And this is why it's political.

We on the right believe that when you disarm the good people and the bad people still have guns, you prohibit good people from protect themselves. You put us in more danger.

What is the counter argument from stopping illegals from getting into this country to kill Americans? Oh, our party wants them here to eliminate the white vote. That's not a counter argument to our goals, it's purely political.

Eliminate the white vote?

Never miss a chance to help whitey.

Why do you think the Commies are so hell bent on their sanctuary cities? Why do you think they threatened to shutdown the government over a wall that costs less than half of what we spend on food stamps in one year? Why do you think they want to eliminate ICE?

You have to look at the man behind the curtain to truly understand politics. If you don't, you are being snowballed like the rest.

Communist countries have sanctuary cities?

Can you post an example?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Wow, I was wrong.

I thought this thread was a reflection on the bush presidency after 911.

So you agree that 9/11/01 was a false flag event as well and was allowed to happen by rouge elements of the shadow government and their deep state operatives in order to create this open air gulag of surveillance?? Good for you! I 100 % totally agree.....

Nope, 911 happened because another republic president failed to read national security briefings.

Then after 911 used the tragedy to pass tax cut legislation instead of focusing on the failure to defend America.

Your deep state bullshit is just that feral libertarians trying to justify personal greed without any social responsibility.

ROTFLMAO!!!! THREE buildings...two planes all fall right inside of their "footprint" in downtown Manhattan and the one thing that survives the crashes is the passport of one of the alleged terrorists found blocks away that was found in alllll the confusion of the day and was passed on to "da gubermint".....HOLY shit!!!! Critical thinking skills isn't one of your strong points.....
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Wow, I was wrong.

I thought this thread was a reflection on the bush presidency after 911.

So you agree that 9/11/01 was a false flag event as well and was allowed to happen by rouge elements of the shadow government and their deep state operatives in order to create this open air gulag of surveillance?? Good for you! I 100 % totally agree.....

Nope, 911 happened because another republic president failed to read national security briefings.

Then after 911 used the tragedy to pass tax cut legislation instead of focusing on the failure to defend America.

Your deep state bullshit is just that feral libertarians trying to justify personal greed without any social responsibility.

ROTFLMAO!!!! THREE buildings...two planes all fall right inside of their "footprint" in downtown Manhattan and the one thing that survives the crashes is the passport of one of the alleged terrorists found blocks away that was found in alllll the confusion of the day and was passed on to "da gubermint".....HOLY shit!!!! Critical thinking skills isn't one of your strong points.....

The only thing critical seems to be your intelligence.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Wow, I was wrong.

I thought this thread was a reflection on the bush presidency after 911.

So you agree that 9/11/01 was a false flag event as well and was allowed to happen by rouge elements of the shadow government and their deep state operatives in order to create this open air gulag of surveillance?? Good for you! I 100 % totally agree.....

Nope, 911 happened because another republic president failed to read national security briefings.

Then after 911 used the tragedy to pass tax cut legislation instead of focusing on the failure to defend America.

Your deep state bullshit is just that feral libertarians trying to justify personal greed without any social responsibility.

ROTFLMAO!!!! THREE buildings...two planes all fall right inside of their "footprint" in downtown Manhattan and the one thing that survives the crashes is the passport of one of the alleged terrorists found blocks away that was found in alllll the confusion of the day and was passed on to "da gubermint".....HOLY shit!!!! Critical thinking skills isn't one of your strong points.....

The only thing critical seems to be your intelligence.

Move along, lil' man...you don't have the intellect nor the knowledge to take me on in a debate. You are a leftard shill and a closet commie.

Hope this helps!!!!!!!!
Wow, I was wrong.

I thought this thread was a reflection on the bush presidency after 911.

So you agree that 9/11/01 was a false flag event as well and was allowed to happen by rouge elements of the shadow government and their deep state operatives in order to create this open air gulag of surveillance?? Good for you! I 100 % totally agree.....

Nope, 911 happened because another republic president failed to read national security briefings.

Then after 911 used the tragedy to pass tax cut legislation instead of focusing on the failure to defend America.

Your deep state bullshit is just that feral libertarians trying to justify personal greed without any social responsibility.

ROTFLMAO!!!! THREE buildings...two planes all fall right inside of their "footprint" in downtown Manhattan and the one thing that survives the crashes is the passport of one of the alleged terrorists found blocks away that was found in alllll the confusion of the day and was passed on to "da gubermint".....HOLY shit!!!! Critical thinking skills isn't one of your strong points.....

The only thing critical seems to be your intelligence.

Move along, lil' man...you don't have the intellect nor the knowledge to take me on in a debate. You are a leftard shill and a closet commie.

Hope this helps!!!!!!!!

The only thing you help is a lack of understanding and occasionally oral diarrhea .
So you agree that 9/11/01 was a false flag event as well and was allowed to happen by rouge elements of the shadow government and their deep state operatives in order to create this open air gulag of surveillance?? Good for you! I 100 % totally agree.....

Nope, 911 happened because another republic president failed to read national security briefings.

Then after 911 used the tragedy to pass tax cut legislation instead of focusing on the failure to defend America.

Your deep state bullshit is just that feral libertarians trying to justify personal greed without any social responsibility.

ROTFLMAO!!!! THREE buildings...two planes all fall right inside of their "footprint" in downtown Manhattan and the one thing that survives the crashes is the passport of one of the alleged terrorists found blocks away that was found in alllll the confusion of the day and was passed on to "da gubermint".....HOLY shit!!!! Critical thinking skills isn't one of your strong points.....

The only thing critical seems to be your intelligence.

Move along, lil' man...you don't have the intellect nor the knowledge to take me on in a debate. You are a leftard shill and a closet commie.

Hope this helps!!!!!!!!

The only thing you help is a lack of understanding and occasionally oral diarrhea .

Do tell, Otto? Explain to me the virtues of being a leftard/ commie and the process that I would need to go through to be a good little un-thinking leftard like you....I am "all ears", dude.......school me in the ways of leftardism.

First off, I never considered protecting Americans as a political agenda. One would think that would be the agenda of any American regardless of political affiliation. Secondly, as I pointed out, the left does this all the time when any mass shooting happens; unless the shooter was a leftist himself.

Gun control on the other hand is more political because we on the right believe it would be a huge mistake and cost more lives, while you on the left simply want to remove control and power from the people. That's what I call political.
Gun control is also about protecting Americans.

I suppose how you view each of these depends on what side of the political spectrum you reside in.

And this is why it's political.

We on the right believe that when you disarm the good people and the bad people still have guns, you prohibit good people from protect themselves. You put us in more danger.

What is the counter argument from stopping illegals from getting into this country to kill Americans? Oh, our party wants them here to eliminate the white vote. That's not a counter argument to our goals, it's purely political.

Eliminate the white vote?

Never miss a chance to help whitey.

Why do you think the Commies are so hell bent on their sanctuary cities? Why do you think they threatened to shutdown the government over a wall that costs less than half of what we spend on food stamps in one year? Why do you think they want to eliminate ICE?

You have to look at the man behind the curtain to truly understand politics. If you don't, you are being snowballed like the rest.

Communist countries have sanctuary cities?

Can you post an example?

Very slow I see, or comprehension is not your skill set.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
And if this were Chicago, none of us would have known anything about it cuz it's a Dim utopia there.

Yea, I vote mental disorder.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Where the hell were you when one of your own turned the death of a 2 year old into a chance to score some points on this forum?

Where Are The Libs? 2yo Killed...no outcry / call to ban ownership....

Is this any less mentally ill than what you are whining about?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Where the hell were you when one of your own turned the death of a 2 year old into a chance to score some points on this forum?

Where Are The Libs? 2yo Killed...no outcry / call to ban ownership....

Is this any less mentally ill than what you are whining about?

So you are comparing a member here to a Mayor of a major city making a statement to the nation?

Oh yes, thatā€™s apples to apples.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"Itā€™s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldnā€™t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think thereā€™s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Where the hell were you when one of your own turned the death of a 2 year old into a chance to score some points on this forum?

Where Are The Libs? 2yo Killed...no outcry / call to ban ownership....

Is this any less mentally ill than what you are whining about?

So you are comparing a member here to a Mayor of a major city making a statement to the nation?

Oh yes, thatā€™s apples to apples.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I am comparing mental illnesses, which you claim is only on the left side. Just because one person has a larger platform does not make them more mentally ill.

You see, it it not liberalism that is a is a mental disease, it is partisanship that is a mental disease.

Ask yourself, what sort of a person reads a story about a two year old being killed in a horrible way and thinks "oh yeah, this is going to make a great thread on that forum". The answer is someone that is dangerously mentally ill.

But, he is on your "side", so you cannot say an ill word about it, hell maybe you approve of using the death of a 2 year old to score points on an internet forum

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